The New ECCIE "Power Couple"... Mata Leon & Slave Guinevere...

SL I have no problem letting a lot of this go but I do think I need to clarify a few things

SL, why you wanna drag me into this bullshit.? Please don't do it again.Thank you.

Skittlechump, you want to stir the shitpot? Fine.
You get to lick the spoon.

So let me see if I got this tall tale of yours correct....

Jizzledrip, is entrusted to watch over Slave's house while she goes away with the Lion Killer, and instead of being a friend and maintaining that trust, he rents her house to some sleazeball so he can produce a porn-video with two unattractive, undesirable, cosmetically enhanced gals....AND, as his bonus, he's been granted the privilege of running the camera....(lmmfbo!), his bonus, (in his own words), is that he gets to film some OTHER dude fucking these two fugly, fake tittied, fake assed, non-makeup wearing-disgusting gals.

Does that about sum it up, chubbnubber? That is an epic story.

I know this tale is supposed to be fiction, but, that's really not much different from how you sell-out in real life and in real time, is it backboobs?
It was Fiction and very funny I thought (others thought so to). I guess you are not a fan of Satire...but wait weren't you the one who took all that time in editing that video of the Hitler movie making Whispers Hitler and such a few years ago not gonna lie that was some funny shit back then. If anybody still has the link they should post it because it's hilarious. SKF I thought you had a much thicker skin than this this hmmmm.... maybe it's the girls in the story that don't and they are using you to defend them. who knows

It's really comical how you're all on Alpha's nuts singing her praises, telling just how hot she is, on one hand....

a10bomb said;

(I could post more, but trust me, they're all just as syrupy and gooey while singing her each and every post regarding The Alpha.)

...yet, on the other, you completely contradict yourself with the not-so-passive/extremely-aggressive attacking bullshit you're trying to spin in this tale of yours.

So which is it? Were you lying then, or are you lying now?

Ahh yes that review (BTW thanks for posting the link it prbably bumped the view count on it a little ). At the time that review was written almost 3 YEARS AGO I am not going to lie Alpha looked great she had great expressive eyes I am sure she still does she had great DSL's probably still does and at the time she was very lean and svelt looking and her body looked great this is from her twitter in 2015 it was well after I saw her but it is a good representation of the lady I saw in 2014 which is how I remember her

and then she went on this bodybuilder look which I don't really care for as it is not my thing. So I didn't request to see her again Well then recently I saw a review of her in Houston with Kendal and lets just say she has gone with a much fuller look:

Very different from the girl I saw 3 YEARS AGO. IJS But hey whatever floats your boat go for it

Or maybe, you're just riding the fence and basing your post for a pat on the head? (ding! ding!! ding!!!...I'll get back to this..).

As for Kendal and her being so hideous. Well, if she's so vile and disgusting, Shittletwit, why on earth were you trying to book an appointment with her when she visited a couple of weeks ago?

Yes, this appointment request coming well after the start of all of this nonsense.

There is no truth in this at all and there is no real proof that I ever did request to see her. I do think I once said on her twitter long time ago that she should maybe visit San Antonio but that was back before her and SG did their double with bangbang...but then she never came down so I moved on. Plus after seeing more and more pics of her and one that was not photoshopped I really lost interest I could send it to you if you like but you probably don't want it. And I don't want to post it here as I don't want a bunch of PM's from guys complaining that they broke their phone because of it So whatever she told you is a complete lie.

Let me guess, you were going to meet with her and talk shit about Slave Guinevere like you did with Candi Staxx and with ThatGirlBailey?

Wow did you pull out the time machine on this one from 2013 before I even really even knew SG that well hell when I saw Candi I had seen SG a whole 2 times and I was talking shit please I gurantee you her name did not even come up once I was to busy buried between those great legs of hers. As for Bailey I think we all know how she went BSC when certain things about her personal life came out on the board that I won't repeat since she is no longer a provider here as she is retired. So again you are using the word of someone who has no real credibility. And I assure I never talked shit about SG. But nice try in trying to make me look like a bad guy I think me reputation here is pretty solid.

I don't even know how your sorry ass got into those conversations but on two completely different and isolated occasions, and with two different gals and with neither having any knowledge of the other, or of my meeting with the other or ANY of that... your name came into the conversation and I couldn't help but chuckle because their stories mirrored the other, and each gal was describing, in great detail, your antics and it showed just how big of a backstabbing twat you really are because you'd get on the board and defend Slave, (like any real friend should), yet, when you were visiting with these providers, you'd talk all sorts of shit about your supposed friend, Slave, behind her back.

Again nice try at trying to make me out to be a bad guy but SG knows the truth about me and that's all that really matters...

Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
SL you are right he should have done some research. If you want some more stuff about these amazing providers I am sure I can dig up some more stuff that has been posted on the boards in the past about these two "lovely" but recently banned ladies. I am sure I can go from writing what I (and others) found to be a humorous fictional tale to one that has a few more facts.

But I have a busy weekend ahead of me so we shall see what next week brings until then..stay tuned.

Sorry SL for hijacking your story thread but I thought a few things needed to be cleared up.
My bad double post...stupid computer
Still Looking's Avatar
Clarity is ALWAYS a good thing!
slickrick281's Avatar
This here is for Slave Guinevere. I rarely ever get on these kinds of threads, but felt the need to at least chime in...since I'm witnessing history repeat itself again like with luvly and Winter Ice in Houston. No disrespect to anyone, you're obviously a well recommended and highly reputable provider that been here for a long time (just like Clarkson and Alpha). Some of my closest friends that I looked up to here on this board have seen you before and spoken highly of you to where they referred me of visiting you myself. Which is so oddly strange in the first place and brings me why I'm here. What are you actually gaining from starting such unnecessary drama? Over a Title..a imaginary, fictional title of a opinion that Clarkson posted in a thread. Which is the root of the issue that ultimately manifested itself and led to them getting banned. I don't know... I've seen this happened before over something more serious. Anyways you all use the same booker Nina providing great scheduling and TCB for us gents and supposedly leading by example of being high end. From the twitter bashing and the uncharacteristic unprofessional behavior... from every positive thing I always hear about you, I expected more from you.

SofaKingFun's Avatar
SL I have no problem letting a lot of this go but I do think I need to clarify a few things Originally Posted by a10bomb
Well, if you're going to clarify, at least be honest.
But, okay....let's roll.
It was Fiction and very funny I thought (others thought so to). I guess you are not a fan of Satire...but wait weren't you the one who took all that time in editing that video of the Hitler movie making Whispers Hitler and such a few years ago not gonna lie that was some funny shit back then. If anybody still has the link they should post it because it's hilarious. SKF I thought you had a much thicker skin than this this hmmmm.... maybe it's the girls in the story that don't and they are using you to defend them. who knows

My thickness is fine, thank you for your concern.
As far as me appreciating satire, I do.
I absolutely love humor and am a huge fan of comedy.
I'll joke along with anyone. I recognize it and I appreciate it

But that's not what your post was about.

Let's just say, for the sake of argument, that it was an attempt to be funny;
any attempt at comedy was
completely overshadowed by your agenda.

Yes, agenda.

Ahh yes that review (BTW thanks for posting the link it prbably bumped the view count on it a little ). At the time that review was written almost 3 YEARS AGO I am not going to lie Alpha looked great she had great expressive eyes I am sure she still does she had great DSL's probably still does and at the time she was very lean and svelt looking and her body looked great this is from her twitter in 2015 it was well after I saw her but it is a good representation of the lady I saw in 2014 which is how I remember her

and then she went on this bodybuilder look which I don't really care for as it is not my thing. So I didn't request to see her again Well then recently I saw a review of her in Houston with Kendal and lets just say she has gone with a much fuller look:

Very different from the girl I saw 3 YEARS AGO. IJS But hey whatever floats your boat go for it


Okay, so you're saying that her body, specifically, the "fullness" of Alpha's body currently, compared to when you saw her, is the reason that she's so unappealing; her size and shape.

Cool. We each have our own likes and dislikes.

But, let's just say that her "fullness", is the reason you find her so unappealing.

Yet you never once mentioned, nor made any reference to anything related to that; not a single thing about this "fullness", in your "funny story".

No, you instead chose to attack her and her implants.
Implants, mind you, that she had even back when you visited with her and back when you
were singing her praises....and now, all of the sudden, they're an issue to you?

That's what I find funny in all of this. (so I guess there is some funny in it).
Your retort claims fullness and you post says implants.

Same thing with Kendal.
There is no truth in this at all and there is no real proof that I ever did request to see her. I do think I once said on her twitter long time ago that she should maybe visit San Antonio but that was back before her and SG did their double with bangbang...but then she never came down so I moved on. Plus after seeing more and more pics of her and one that was not photoshopped I really lost interest I could send it to you if you like but you probably don't want it. And I don't want to post it here as I don't want a bunch of PM's from guys complaining that they broke their phone because of it So whatever she told you is a complete lie.

So you're saying that you absolutely, did not, try to schedule with Kendal a couple of weeks ago when she came to visit?

That's what you're saying, correct?

And I'm pretty almost positive that Slave and Kendal never did a bang-bang double....come on, don't you thinck there'd be a review? Seriously? it's bang-bang... Duhh! Lmmfao!

Photoshopped. Sure, she photoshopped some pics. She's not perfect. I don't believe she's ever made that claim.

Here's a review with some hi-res vid-clips. (Can't photoshop videos, can you? Not easily, I wouldn't thinck)

Let's let the peeps be the judge.

Perfection? No.
BCD? On Fucking Point!
Disgusting? Please. You're Out Yo' Got Damned Mind!

SL you are right he should have done some research. If you want some more stuff about these amazing providers I am sure I can dig up some more stuff that has been posted on the boards in the past about these two "lovely" but recently banned ladies. I am sure I can go from writing what I (and others) found to be a humorous fictional tale to one that has a few more facts.

But I have a busy weekend ahead of me so we shall see what next week brings until then..stay tuned.

Sorry SL for hijacking your story thread but I thought a few things needed to be cleared up.

There's no reason to do any fucking research. Your agenda is clear. It's all right in front of our eyes. You're trying to spin it as some sort of attempt at humor, but it's merely a guise to attack these two gals.

It's fucking obvious.

If you don't like The Alpha or Kendal, that's fine.

If they don't appeal to you, that's fine too.

We all like different things.

But your agenda was to belittle, disparage, and malign these two gals that you once so praised
( one that you did NOT try booking a couple of weeks ago. ), that much is blatantly obvious.

Why? one might ask.

Because Kendal made some comment in some post calling Alpha The Queen of San Antonio
and Slave taking offense to that and flipping-out because of it and then deciding to wage war
with them through her tweets...(and you know because you're involved with it)

..and then getting SL to post that other slave thread, and that spun into this one....

(phone still blowing up with messages, SL?)

THAT is precisely what all of this bullshit is about and that's precisely why you're taking shots at
them....because you're slave's fan. Save your, "it's a funny story",
bullshit for someone who believes the word, "gullible", isn't in the dictionary because I ain't buying it.

I have absolutely no doubt that you'll post more about them. You're all ate-up with them.
Check the Tweets and follow the time lines and then take a step back and see how fucking stupid this shit is. and yes, it IS fucking stupid. All of this is.

It's beyond ridiculous that this shit even started and it's even beyond that
why we're even having this conversation.

I suggested to focus all of this energy on something more productive,
and I'm suggesting it again. These things never end well, but whatevs.



Still Looking's Avatar
Foot Note: No One asked me to post anything. Miss Slave G or the other ladies I don't know. I posted in SA because For the same reason I posted in the KCM forum. Let "everyone" know " I'm back...

MsSlave G doesn't need me. I posted about her because I knew it would puss off all the other look at me, look at me bitches. Who am I talking about? Well if your a BBW, Old and posting ThreADS in Coed...we'll just say it's you! Why? Simple the guidelines spell out sig line sizes and AD limits. That's not good enough for you! Oh no... you bitches don't think the rules apply to you! And we all know based on this attitude your just simply ducking desperate! So Carry on Bitches... post your ThreADS and I'll share with you how much I enjoy them.

On a different note it sure is fun to be back. Not much has changed has it? If I could change anything around here it would be to have fun and laugh your asses off! Life's to short to take all this bull shit to seriously!

So come on all you Fat Bitches give me the old one two! I deserve it! And stay out of it Flindi!
Precious_b's Avatar
I don't hate you, but I would unplug your life support to charge my phone.
... Originally Posted by SofaKingFun

Glad to see drama is alive and well on a John-N-H-Hooker board.
Still Looking's Avatar
Being a WHITE KNIGHT doesn't make you a bad guy but it does make you a WHITE KNIGHT!
I'm so confused. What did Slave do to Alpha on twitter? Why are these guys arguing about hookers like they are defending their wife's honor? All of those women look pretty hot and they are a sure thing.. You guys are arguing like they fuck you for free.. If that's the case, defend the hell out of them. And I understand that you think they are your friends, but try telling them that you're broke and you just want to talk or hang out. My guess is they will drop you like a sack of shit. Just my opinion
italia's Avatar
Now I remember why I adore you sir

Always so fucking straight forward and that's why you're my friend

This bs makes one STRONGER to steer away from the forums because of this nonsense and now learn how to slowly pull away from Eccie.

You guys should be out getting your knob slobbed or pounding some cake , go find a woman and make a fantasy come true instead of bs stories.

As for the ladies, I agree with Sofakingfun.

Praying everything clears and these ridiculous threads die OUT

SL, why you wanna drag me into this bullshit.? Please don't do it again.Thank you.

Skittlechump, you want to stir the shitpot? Fine.
You get to lick the spoon.

So let me see if I got this tall tale of yours correct....

Jizzledrip, is entrusted to watch over Slave's house while she goes away with the Lion Killer, and instead of being a friend and maintaining that trust, he rents her house to some sleazeball so he can produce a porn-video with two unattractive, undesirable, cosmetically enhanced gals....AND, as his bonus, he's been granted the privilege of running the camera....(lmmfbo!), his bonus, (in his own words), is that he gets to film some OTHER dude fucking these two fugly, fake tittied, fake assed, non-makeup wearing-disgusting gals.

Does that about sum it up, chubbnubber? That is an epic story.

I know this tale is supposed to be fiction, but, that's really not much different from how you sell-out in real life and in real time, is it backboobs?

It's really comical how you're all on Alpha's nuts singing her praises, telling just how hot she is, on one hand....

a10bomb said;

(I could post more, but trust me, they're all just as syrupy and gooey while singing her each and every post regarding The Alpha.)

...yet, on the other, you completely contradict yourself with the not-so-passive/extremely-aggressive attacking bullshit you're trying to spin in this tale of yours.

So which is it? Were you lying then, or are you lying now?

Or maybe, you're just riding the fence and basing your post for a pat on the head? (ding! ding!! ding!!!...I'll get back to this..).

As for Kendal and her being so hideous. Well, if she's so vile and disgusting, Shittletwit, why on earth were you trying to book an appointment with her when she visited a couple of weeks ago?

Yes, this appointment request coming well after the start of all of this nonsense.

Why would you want to book with her if she's so rancid?

It makes no sense....

Let me guess, you were going to meet with her and talk shit about Slave Guinevere like you did with Candi Staxx and with ThatGirlBailey?

I don't even know how your sorry ass got into those conversations but on two completely different and isolated occasions, and with two different gals and with neither having any knowledge of the other, or of my meeting with the other or ANY of that... your name came into the conversation and I couldn't help but chuckle because their stories mirrored the other, and each gal was describing, in great detail, your antics and it showed just how big of a backstabbing twat you really are because you'd get on the board and defend Slave, (like any real friend should), yet, when you were visiting with these providers, you'd talk all sorts of shit about your supposed friend, Slave, behind her back.

You did it with Candi and also with Bailey. They
freely volunteered this information in casual conversation and did so without me asking or saying a fucking thing about you...who knows how many more you've done that with..?... and this shit you're flinging with Alpha and Kendal only goes to reinforce just how two-faced you truly are.

Friends don't do that sort of shit. Backstabbing, two-faced, suck-ups do.
You're more fake and more phony than those implants you're sorry ass is trying to use in your weak attempt to degrade two outstanding providers, (one who you sang praises about over and over; the other who you just recently tried booking with).

I don't hate you, but I would unplug your life support to charge my phone.

Now Skittletwat,
row, row, row,
your boat,
the fuck,
away from me.

We can drop it here, or we can roll some more...your call.

with a fuck, fuck here,
and a fuck, fuck there,
here a fuck, there a fuck
I don't give a fuck, fuck

Slave, I have always shot straight with you. We've had our differences but I have never lied to you or about you. What I've stated above is no different.

All of this shit that's going on between you three gals is ridiculous.
You're all hot. Anyone can see that. But this shit is beyond petty and it's not painting anyone in a good light. Might I suggest using all of this energy on something productive?

Just a suggestion....

Kum bah yah and shit...or whatever.

Over and out.




Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
italia's Avatar
Dammit I fucking love you , not LOVE LOVE but the LOVE that makes MY PUSSY WET

You always speak the FUCKING TRUTH


Well, if you're going to clarify, at least be honest.
But, okay....let's roll.

My thickness is fine, thank you for your concern.
As far as me appreciating satire, I do.
I absolutely love humor and am a huge fan of comedy.
I'll joke along with anyone. I recognize it and I appreciate it

But that's not what your post was about.

Let's just say, for the sake of argument, that it was an attempt to be funny;
any attempt at comedy was
completely overshadowed by your agenda.

Yes, agenda.

Ahh yes that review (BTW thanks for posting the link it prbably bumped the view count on it a little ). At the time that review was written almost 3 YEARS AGO I am not going to lie Alpha looked great she had great expressive eyes I am sure she still does she had great DSL's probably still does and at the time she was very lean and svelt looking and her body looked great this is from her twitter in 2015 it was well after I saw her but it is a good representation of the lady I saw in 2014 which is how I remember her

and then she went on this bodybuilder look which I don't really care for as it is not my thing. So I didn't request to see her again Well then recently I saw a review of her in Houston with Kendal and lets just say she has gone with a much fuller look:

Very different from the girl I saw 3 YEARS AGO. IJS But hey whatever floats your boat go for it

Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
Okay, so you're saying that her body, specifically, the "fullness" of Alpha's body currently, compared to when you saw her, is the reason that she's so unappealing; her size and shape.

Cool. We each have our own likes and dislikes.

But, let's just say that her "fullness", is the reason you find her so unappealing.

Yet you never once mentioned, nor made any reference to anything related to that; not a single thing about this "fullness", in your "funny story".

No, you instead chose to attack her and her implants.
Implants, mind you, that she had even back when you visited with her and back when you
were singing her praises....and now, all of the sudden, they're an issue to you?

That's what I find funny in all of this. (so I guess there is some funny in it).
Your retort claims fullness and you post says implants.

Same thing with Kendal.

So you're saying that you absolutely, did not, try to schedule with Kendal a couple of weeks ago when she came to visit?

That's what you're saying, correct?

And I'm pretty almost positive that Slave and Kendal never did a bang-bang double....come on, don't you thinck there'd be a review? Seriously? it's bang-bang... Duhh! Lmmfao!

Photoshopped. Sure, she photoshopped some pics. She's not perfect. I don't believe she's ever made that claim.

Here's a review with some hi-res vid-clips. (Can't photoshop videos, can you? Not easily, I wouldn't thinck)

Let's let the peeps be the judge.

Perfection? No.
BCD? On Fucking Point!
Disgusting? Please. You're Out Yo' Got Damned Mind!

There's no reason to do any fucking research. Your agenda is clear. It's all right in front of our eyes. You're trying to spin it as some sort of attempt at humor, but it's merely a guise to attack these two gals.

It's fucking obvious.

If you don't like The Alpha or Kendal, that's fine.

If they don't appeal to you, that's fine too.

We all like different things.

But your agenda was to belittle, disparage, and malign these two gals that you once so praised
( one that you did NOT try booking a couple of weeks ago. ), that much is blatantly obvious.

Why? one might ask.

Because Kendal made some comment in some post calling Alpha The Queen of San Antonio
and Slave taking offense to that and flipping-out because of it and then deciding to wage war
with them through her tweets...(and you know because you're involved with it)

..and then getting SL to post that other slave thread, and that spun into this one....

(phone still blowing up with messages, SL?)

THAT is precisely what all of this bullshit is about and that's precisely why you're taking shots at
them....because you're slave's fan. Save your, "it's a funny story",
bullshit for someone who believes the word, "gullible", isn't in the dictionary because I ain't buying it.

I have absolutely no doubt that you'll post more about them. You're all ate-up with them.
Check the Tweets and follow the time lines and then take a step back and see how fucking stupid this shit is. and yes, it IS fucking stupid. All of this is.

It's beyond ridiculous that this shit even started and it's even beyond that
why we're even having this conversation.

I suggested to focus all of this energy on something more productive,
and I'm suggesting it again. These things never end well, but whatevs.



All I can say is that this is really fantasy land, felt like I was reading Garcia Marquez's "Cien Aņos de Soledad," some people have tooooo much time on their hands, lol
Dr Grey's Avatar
I posted it's a trap in SLs first thread, 2nd post. Yup, someone walked right in and caused a shit storm. Thanks Still Looking.
Still Looking's Avatar
I posted it's a trap in SLs first thread, 2nd post. Yup, someone walked right in and caused a shit storm. Thanks Still Looking. Originally Posted by RogueOne
Always happy to be of service
Damn SKF, way to kill that illusion.