If the forum for all posters or just a few?

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  • WTF
  • 03-13-2011, 09:03 PM
WTF started this thread with the query: "If the forum for all posters or just a few?"Being WTF, he misspelled "is", but most of us got the jist of the question anyway. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I misspelled 'is'?

Hot Damn, thats pretty bad even for me!

Waiting for WTF to answer the question. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Sorry was off getting my weiner waxed.

Ya'll start the party without me!

Has anyone seen atlcomedy? He was last seen talking to SROnly.
You both ought to be cannonized, heh Originally Posted by discreetgent
I think we have both done enough to get disqualified.
Sorry was off getting my weiner waxed. Originally Posted by WTF
I hope they didn't use hot wax.
Wayward's Avatar
As a Buddhist -


So saying karma = antisemitism by definition is a logical fallacy. You're making that mistake because you're mapping the western concepts of fate and predetermination onto the eastern concept of karma. There's actually no direct connection between those concepts. Karma is just one of things that affects your current existence. It's not the all-powerful controlling force as westerns often see it.

My teacher has a nice way of talking about karma. He says: "You sit in the shade of your own tree. Karma is the seed that grew the tree. Grow a good tree and you'll have shade to rest in each day. Grow a poor tree and you'll just sit in the sun."

Mazo. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
As a very poor Buddhist, we have a really hard time getting past the not killing part, that was a beautifully eloquent post Mazo. I've heard a slightly different version of the karma tree from one of my teachers, it has always been my favorite. While trying to stay away from jealousy lately it is really hard not to wish that I could have written something that good.

Would only add this minor pebble, it seems to me that NS is thincking of karma as a group thing when applying it to anti-semitism. It is a personal journey, that you quite correctly applied that way. Good or positive acts do not ensure an easy path, just one that the traveler might be more able to endure. For some Starbucks being out of coffee is the end of the world as we know it, for others it's funny. While I hate going Mother Theresa this early in any discussion, the conditions that she was able to flourish in astound me. That was her nature and while she may have had doubts at times. She was able to do what she needed to do even carrying those doubts with her. I believe the highest form of human achievement is grace under pressure, she was grace.

I hate off limits topics, even though we can completely understand why they are needed for any healthy group dynamic. What I've always loved about this forum is the level at which people here can disagree with out it becoming a personal blood feud.
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  • WTF
  • 03-13-2011, 09:08 PM
Sure, tell us about your travels. That would be more interesting than your damn links!

. Originally Posted by pjorourke
You would not believe me and I am not one to kiss and tell.
well we are all here to get laid, right? One way or the other...he he.... Originally Posted by ninasastri
Thats my understanding. How is it workin for you? Gettin any from here?
You would not believe me and I am not one to kiss and tell. Originally Posted by WTF
Yeah right!
Wayward's Avatar
You would not believe me and I am not one to kiss and tell. Originally Posted by WTF
Wait a minute I would believe you and the hell you aren't

Translating into WTF is much easier with this board software, it almost doesn't annoy me to do it.

I hate off limits topics, even though we can completely understand why they are needed for any healthy group dynamic. What I've always loved about this forum is the level at which people here can disagree with out it becoming a personal blood feud. Originally Posted by Wayward
Karma per se doesn't appear to be off limits -- just extending it into antisemitism. Thats where things went south. Recently, this crowd has had more trouble keeping it civil. We think its all Chuck's fault.
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  • WTF
  • 03-13-2011, 09:17 PM
You both ought to be cannonized, heh Originally Posted by discreetgent
It is my understanding that only our weiners for now.
Wayward's Avatar
Karma per se doesn't appear to be off limits -- just extending it into antisemitism. Thats where things went south. Recently, this crowd has had more trouble keeping it civil. We think its all Chuck's fault. Originally Posted by pjorourke
That everything is Chuck's fault is a given.

That I never really follow the rules, even more so.

The concept of karma in the Buddhist tradition is typically understood by westerners as the equivalent of "fate". Westerners see the concept of karma as controlling everything that happens to you in life. It's just not that way in the eyes of a Buddhist.
Originally Posted by Mazomaniac

Although i agree with you on the western perceptions of eastern traditions which happens all the time (Tantra is one other big example) i have to state plain and simple that Dalai Lama is not western.

To see everything eastern as good and the solution to our western problem is like stepping from one shoe that hurts at different parts into another shoe that hurts at other parts.

In westernized eastern philosophies it seems to be shortcut that also eastern traditions have their fallacies and Karma is one of them. I don`t believe that philosophers arguing that point are all "misinterpreting" Karma.
If you look at hinduistic traditions and how life is treated you will find pretty hierarchical approaches that stigmatizes people. The system of the casts in India is one of them.

Its just pretty fashionable to be all eastern and whatnot. But the problems are not different in these philosophies either. SO - although the point of misinterpretation of eastern philosophies in western thoughts is a right one - i do not consider it as appropriate for the Karma discussion.
There are people who certainly have the full grasp of that philosophical approach and still find it problematic.
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PJ if we both pick on WTF at the same time, we just might get a little SHMB gold...
That everything is Chuck's fault is a given.

That I never really follow the rules, even more so. Originally Posted by Wayward
By Jove! The boy is a natural for this forum!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-13-2011, 09:26 PM
PJ if we both pick on WTF at the same time, we just might get a little SHMB gold... Originally Posted by Wayward
You two pick on me while I head over to nina's place and give her some well deserved K K Karma