Big difference between a Hobbyist (my type of guy) and an Impulsivist (bp quickie type)

Goddess Athena's Avatar
I kinda got lost in reading this thread. Did it get off track a little bit? Anyway, being in the adult industry for many years I have seen it change in many ways. If the young lady feels she is worth $400H and she get's it that is her business. I have seen beautiful girls that are charging $100H and average girls who charge 300-400H. I believe a lot of it is what the provider believes she is worth. I also believe a higher rate attracts a certain caliber of a buyer. Most wealthy men feel that more money is better/quality service. Sometimes it is true and sometimes not. I see many girls on BP and other places charge 50-60 bucks for quickies and I am not a judge or jury. They need to do what they need to do. I even saw a young lady charging $25 today on BP for a quickie. Personally, I would not consider seeing anyone for even close to these rates. The lower rates usually attract a lower quality client. A client that may rob you, want to go bareback or want to overstay their welcome. Again I cannot judge other people. I am just going by my own experience. Where I am based out of the market rate is around $200H. Most guys here understand this. I would love to charge more but I would probably have to travel to NYC or Philly. Perception is key in this business.
As far as hobbyist vs. quickie client I do not see clients that want quickies. I tried offering half hours one time and it was a disaster. The guys wanted more services/no extra money, wanted to overstay and the whole situation was negative. I was not able to focus on him and get him thoroughly relaxed. I really don't feel that a GFE session can be effective without at least an hours time but that's just me.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Old-T, why on earth would I read what you post? Doing so would take me the better part of 6 months. My postings are music to my ears??? Almost 4k postings to 6 reviews suggests a gentleman much accustomed to the joy of hearing himself talk and impressing his opinion on the public here.

As for generalizations on my part there weren't any. My argument was lengthy indeed but succinct. As for you, you made the sweeping assumption that we were both from Houston and were accustomed to sparring: it seems the one making generalizations is you sir.

People can react to her ridiculous posts in any manner they wish. And they did, but thank you for telling me I was the only one who did it the "wrong" way. It this, I have to laugh.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-01-2014, 11:07 AM
Old-T, why on earth would I read what you post?
Why? Because you made a very all encompassing comment about the kind of ladies I am attracted to, and if you are going to do that you should first do your research. But you did not.

My postings are music to my ears??? Almost 4k postings to 6 reviews suggests a gentleman much accustomed to the joy of hearing himself talk and impressing his opinion on the public here.
As you pointed out, this is a blog--a tool intended to exchange opinions--and so yes, guilty as charged, I express mine. I neither hold a gun to anyone's head to agree with me, nor do I lose sleep if they do not.

The number of reviews I have should not impact whether my posts make sense or not, should it? But since you asked I will give you the short version:
--I have 50+ reviews that extend well before the creation of Eccie.
--In the past few years--i.e. since Eccie--I tend to see ladies I have known for many years, or ladies who have requested no reviews

As for generalizations on my part there weren't any. My argument was lengthy indeed but succinct. As for you, you made the sweeping assumption that we were both from Houston and were accustomed to sparring: it seems the one making generalizations is you sir.
I apologize for thinking you are in/from/visited Houston. I though I had seen that somewhere. I was wrong--acknowledged. But that has little to do with the substance of the thread.

As to sparring, my comment was focused in the length and "forcefulness" of your posts in this thread. They seemed unusual for a sparring that had no previous history, but I could be wrong.

People can react to her ridiculous posts in any manner they wish. And they did, but thank you for telling me I was the only one who did it the "wrong" way. It this, I have to laugh. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
I pointed out yours because it was the longest, most vehement one. Glad it made you laugh--laughing is good for your health.
AmishGangster's Avatar
We do realize this thread was started by a provider who offers necrophilia roleplay right? Because pretending to fuck dead people is totally upscale and elite right...ijs
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I do not haggle with ladies who have posted rates I cannot afford. I hate haggling, but I have come to accept there isn't much of a choice in our society; if you don't haggle this world will take you down. But when I read anyone say that haggling is disrespectful, I wonder if that person pays sticker price on every product or service they buy.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I do not haggle with ladies who have posted rates I cannot afford. I hate haggling, but I have come to accept there isn't much of a choice in our society; if you don't haggle this world will take you down. But when I read anyone say that haggling is disrespectful, I wonder if that person pays sticker price on every product or service they buy. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Women are the biggest hagglers walking the Earth. Wearing a short ass skirt to a mechanic shop, hoping to get a great reduction in price of a service IS haggling. Not just that, but any other service where you don't want to pay full price for and you use whatever you can to get out of paying full price IS HAGGLING.

The minute a guy tries to get a favorable situation with one of them, he's a piece of shit.
Howdy. I haven’t been active in this forum. I was active in the High Dollar Hotties forum on ASPD. I think I recognize a few names from there. (Hi, Old-T.) I miss some others: hippoman, the casual observer, ….

On the HDH forum, Anne Marie, Holly and Allstar established a tradition of welcoming and honoring everyone. Ladies from every stratum joined the forum. Often, they started nervously and out-of-sync. Old-timers expected that and were patient. (I can see some of that in this thread.) Once the newbies realized that the forum was a friendly place, they relaxed and sparkled. I remember it fondly. It was where I found my ATF. (She started out as a taxi dancer.)
I just came across this post while trying to amuse my boredom.. I see this post a lot in varying forms across multiple mediums.. In fact, I recently addressed a similar issue on my blog and thought I would share my two cents..

I am always interested how people get on various boards giving a hard time to some who may wish to go for a little more in the way of stimulation. Something that goes past just the physical aspects.

Some people just want a good time, some people want an experience, and some people want something that goes above and beyond just "getting there". If you like something that does not appeal to another..The beauty of boards and many sites like them, is that their is something for everyone. That is a good thing, it's called freedom of choice.

Nobody would say a Kia and a BMW are the same because they are cars, by this same principle it stands to reason "best" has become a relative term. You man's "best" is another man's "mediocre". The only providers that are immune to downward pricing pressure are ones that are truly one of a kind and offer something very unique and special, and/or have a loyal client base who are not effected by the economy.

Women: If your business is drying up, you are not one of these, and you should adjust. Economics 101. Men: If you don't want money to be a factor you shouldn't be looking for a companion. What your looking for is called an SO.

Bottom line everyone is entitled to a preference. A preference on what to charge, what to pay what to accept and what to offer. If someone doesn't fall into "your" idea of what they should be that's your problem.... Adjust and live accordingly..

In the words of Abraham Joshua Heschel:

"The problem to be faced is: how to combine loyalty to one's own tradition with reverence for different traditions."
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Don't you love it when someone says they're going to tell you something cool and then they don't? Or do you hate it?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-03-2014, 05:41 PM
Howdy. I haven’t been active in this forum. I was active in the High Dollar Hotties forum on ASPD. I think I recognize a few names from there. (Hi, Old-T.) I miss some others: hippoman, the casual observer, ….

On the HDH forum, Anne Marie, Holly and Allstar established a tradition of welcoming and honoring everyone. Ladies from every stratum joined the forum. Often, they started nervously and out-of-sync. Old-timers expected that and were patient. (I can see some of that in this thread.) Once the newbies realized that the forum was a friendly place, they relaxed and sparkled. I remember it fondly. It was where I found my ATF. (She started out as a taxi dancer.) Originally Posted by johnnytx39

Welcome, nice to see you. Yes, a few familiar handles from the Old Days, but a lot who are missing in action, retired, or just drifted away.
Not as active as HDH was, but still some occasional good conversations. Hope all has been well with you.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-03-2014, 05:47 PM
OK Johnny Y, somewhere I missed that jump in logic. No clue what you are referring to. Sorry.
Women are the biggest hagglers walking the Earth. Wearing a short ass skirt to a mechanic shop, hoping to get a great reduction in price of a service IS haggling. Not just that, but any other service where you don't want to pay full price for and you use whatever you can to get out of paying full price IS HAGGLING.

The minute a guy tries to get a favorable situation with one of them, he's a piece of shit. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
I'm sorry but what sort of ladies are you socializing with? What woman really does things like that? I'm uncomfortable accepting a drink from someone who I know has no chance...let alone flirting to save on a mechanic's job. For me using your feminine wiles for personal gain with no intention of any kind of follow through is outright dishonest.

Women in this industry take low ball offers a bit more personally because they are selling themselves. When a hobbyist offers less than what they have posted as their rate they take that to mean "I don't think you are worth as much as you say you are" versus "Hey, I think you are pretty hot but I shop the clearance racks at Wal-Mart".
Nice to see you too, Old T. Me? Copasetic.

Not as active as HDH was, but still some occasional good conversations. Hope all has been well with you. Originally Posted by Old-T
I wonder why. I'll try to cause a little trouble.

Hi Bella. Lots of good advice on this thread. Here's my two cents:

You learned good values at XULA. Stay true to them. Save your money.
AmishGangster's Avatar
I do not haggle with ladies who have posted rates I cannot afford. I hate haggling, but I have come to accept there isn't much of a choice in our society; if you don't haggle this world will take you down. But when I read anyone say that haggling is disrespectful, I wonder if that person pays sticker price on every product or service they buy. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
To quote myself from a post on another site...

"Providers that complain about things being slow and other ladies rates being too low are hagglers. Nothing more. They are just haggling up as opposed to the guy hagglers who try to haggle down. Still just a haggler tho "
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Lol whaaaattt?