What phrase do you like to say when announcing you're about to cum?

superstud11's Avatar
i suck...i just become really really quiet.........I SUCK INDEED...im still shy lol Originally Posted by rubyred

You and shy?

You and shy? Originally Posted by superstud11

HEY THERE....I AM SHY...dont lie to everybody. its not a shocker superstud..........
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
Yup Mojo that's the one,lol
Mojojo's Avatar
Yup Mojo that's the one,lol Originally Posted by caramelqtee mila

Thanks for verifying babe! I was busy putting in work! lol
We'll have another meet just to ummmm. . . . check for tone.
boardman's Avatar
Hunny I don't need to use one of those...dicks work better. Originally Posted by rubyred

anothercreep's Avatar
I'm the quiet type... unless she's good enough to give reason to be loud of course. But usually 'Wow, that was a lot!' or 'Nnnnngh oh shit...'
I usually go into Sam Jackson mode and recite this:

Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."

Always thought that was some cold blooded sh$t to say right before you blast one or two.........LMAO
I feel awkward saying "I'm cumming" or "I'm about to cum" to warn providers while getting bbbj. Been in trouble before for shooting in their mouth unannounced. Lately, this phrase has been working for me.

"Oh yeah, ok, ooh, here we go"


Lets hear some of your announcement phrases?

Ladies, what have yall heard? Originally Posted by Holysheepshit

omfg!! i almost died laughing where the hell did you get that video clip from?
Pop goes the weasel! Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I know better! i
oooooooooh yeah
Holysheepshit's Avatar
omfg!! i almost died laughing where the hell did you get that video clip from? Originally Posted by sexialexis86
Grandma's Boy....
I usually raise my hands, scream out "Let my people go" and watch her legs part as my "sea"men flows.
Breaku321's Avatar
That has got to be one of the funniest movies! I love the part where he's screaming " IT FEELS SOOO GOOD!!!" now I'm gonna have to watch that movie.
TheDogger's Avatar
"Watch me baby...watch me cum in that (fill in the blank) of yours!!
I have to control mine, it is like a werewovles growl before he attacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL