The "Race Factor" from a Provider's perspective

If it's not true you've got nothin' to worry about. Even if it was true... Still not much to worry about lol. Having a fake name in the hooker world?! Shocking... Seriously, just laugh and move on.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Hahaha I just realize how stupid that was. It's all good!
Until I see some proof, it's all just bs anyways. I'll let this thread be yet another screen tool for the ladies. See you in Vegas, Shayla. At least then you'll know that I am "real" haaa!
Hahaha I just realize how stupid that was. It's all good!
Until I see some proof, it's all just bs anyways. I'll let this thread be yet another screen tool for the ladies. See you in Vegas, Shayla. At least then you'll know that I am "real" haaa! Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
I never doubted your identity lol. See you then, love!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Ahhhh soo sooner pm's me the link of who he has been told my other personality is.
You just can't make this stuff up.
Ashley banks. Anyone with eyes knows that we are nothing alike. First of all, the lips. Her body type. She has implants, I do not. She is also MUCH older than I am. Smh. This was just a big fail! I was upset for no reason.

Just show's how perceptive men are...
Soonerman12's Avatar
I apologize and retract my previous comments about Zarrah's identity. Though I still disagree with her positions on everything, she offered conclusive proof that she is not the person who I (and others) suspected as her. Let's move on..

I honestly don't feel like fighting with Zarrah every night. We've established our positions and it is time to be adults.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I apologize and retract my previous comments about Zarrah's identity. Though I still disagree with her positions on everything, she offered conclusive proof that she is not the person who I (and others) suspected as her. Let's move on..

I honestly don't feel like fighting with Zarrah every night. We've established our positions and it is time to be adults. Originally Posted by Soonerman12
Thank you. Apology accepted. My goodness I love a happy ending.
Please if you do see her in January, tell her to use a different photographer for her pictures or a different style of photography. That is probably what is getting people confused. SMh! I will be taking new pictures with an out of state photographer soon so we are not mixed up.

And please feel free to argue with me, anytime.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-10-2011, 10:21 PM
I don't read this thread for a few hours and there are PAGES of replies! Wow.

I do want to revisit one comment made many posts ago, yet only a few hours back: I forget who said it now, but I agree the financial distribution of men here is likely wide, and probably reflects society as a whole. I heve personal knowledge that there are indeed some exceedingly wealthy gentlemen (8-figure a year kind of guys)who are long standing members--but between the three of them they have exactly 1 post, and it was a short one-liner that never drew a lot of attention.

There are many quite active men who never post.
Zarah, I am ready to become one of your minions... Rotflmao. Personally, I think you are in a very good position to offer advice. But, that's my opinion.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Zarah, I am ready to become one of your minions... Rotflmao. Personally, I think you are in a very good position to offer advice. But, that's my opinion. Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01
Hello love,

I've sent you my number via pm.
Feel free to call later on today and we can chat.

Still Looking's Avatar
I posted a thread on another board asking experienced providers/hobbyists for advice/suggestions as far as my website and advertising were concerned. In return, I got a LOT of helpful advice and feedback that has definitely made a difference. But, what really surprised me was the fact that quite a few dicks (and NOT the good kind), had the nerve to openly say that I was too high priced for a BLACK GIRL... Now, what the HELL does race have to do with my rate structure? If you don't see black girls because of WHATEVER your personal preference, that's one thing. But, to openly express that you think I'm too high priced for a BLACK GIRL... IMHO, that is a CLEAR example of racism in it's purest, lowest form.

Another concern of mine (sorry I tend to be a bit long winded when I DO post, lol) is the fact that some gentlemen have expressed that the reason they don't see black providers because they tend to be "ghetto" and aren't good public companions. Is it really fair to categorize ALL AA providers? Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01
Perhaps you should take your concern to the original board where you acquired the comments and address the board members? Or perhaps you could just ignore it, because as you well know, their ass holes! So what’s the point in this post? What are you trying to accomplish by starting yet ANOTHER race thread? What if they said you were too high because you are butt ugly? How about that you have shitty looking B cups? Perhaps your ankles look too big? Maybe your ears look funny? Would you have started the thread here pointing out this type of criticism? I'm getting pretty sick and tired of these race threads. Moving forward I'm going to NOT post in these threads. Perhaps others might do the same.
I mean no disrespect, and you certainly have every right to post as you wish like we all do. But I mean really, again?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Fuck, can we have one thread here that doesnt get hijacked all over the damn place?
