Nationwide Walk for Choice this Sat 2/26 Turns Worldwide

atlcomedy's Avatar
Agreed, but - assuming a pro-choice position - shouldn't the man have a say in whether or not the woman keeps the child? Originally Posted by discreetgent
Camille makes a fair point but what DG said is the current reality. As it stands right now the woman holds all the cards.

The only thing a guy can do (assuming he even knows) is declare his willingness to support the child financially and otherwise.
That would certainly take the wind out of his sail. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Yes I agree PJ, but so would telling someone that abortion is murder...after the fact. If people have feelings one way or another that are THAT strong, they need to talk about it beforehand. Unfortunately, I would think the likelihood of that happening is about as realistic as abstaining from sex. Perfection is an ideal, reality is what we live in. This thread has made clear that no-one wishes to see a child suffer, we all just deal with that differently depending on what we see as the cause of the suffering. Also, just because private adoption exists in the US does mean women will always find new parents for their child. Most women (not sure about men, it was a tudy of females I read a couple of years ago) have great fears about putting a child into the state adoption system, regardless of the country and some women ARE turned down for private adoption. Considering adoption is actually part of the pre-counselling (at least in England)that you have before being allowed to terminate a pregnancy. It's rarely a throw away option that women don't consider.

Just to clarify, I do think women are part of the equation too when it comes to communicating their thoughts on pregnancy and the circumstances surounding it....and I don't think they are blameless. My opinion was just focused around what was happening on this thread. Good to see civility has come back around in this thread. Not easy on highly charged subjects...

Its a lot less painful to get fixed.
discreetgent's Avatar

If you are asking if he has the right to say, "Ok, you don't want the child and I do not/cannot be a single parent so let's talk about adoption" then yes I believe he does. That's what I was asking, if these anti-abortion men are willing to have the conversation pre-sex. Like I said, its pointless after the fact. If you are asking if he has the right to request she be a single parent, no, but that works both ways.

C Originally Posted by Camille
ATL got my point: if the woman wants the child and the man does not, the man really has nothing he can do other than to state his objection.
ATL got my point: if the woman wants the child and the man does not, the man really has nothing he can do other than to state his objection. Originally Posted by discreetgent
Or not have sex with her...
Or not have sex with her. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I don't understand this sentence. Not do what?
Naomi4u's Avatar
SR, Is that a typo I see? I'll give you time to fix it. lol
I don't understand this sentence. Not do what? Originally Posted by SR Only
If he doesn't want a child, he doesn't need to state an objection. All he has to do is NOT have sex with her...then he won't have a child.
SR, Is that a typo I see? I'll give you time to fix it. lol Originally Posted by Naomi4u
If he doesn't want a child, he doesn't need to state an objection. All he has to do is NOT have sex with her...then he won't have a child. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
It's the "not have sex" thingie. I don't comprehend that concept.

It's a joke, that's all, trying to make a funny. Trust me, PJ will confirm that "me" and "funny" cannot co-exist in the same sentence.
Naomi4u's Avatar
It's a joke, that's all, trying to make a funny. Trust me, PJ will confirm that "me" and "funny" cannot co-exist in the same sentence. Originally Posted by SR Only
Okay, that part you got right.
Okay, that part you got right. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Are you shilling for SR b/c he's a mod now?
dearhunter's Avatar
You assume incorrectly.
atlcomedy's Avatar
legislature busy in Ohio..

and Charles the link is to the AP so I'll count it as one of your sources....

so how many of you looking at a baby on a sonogram want to kill it????
legislature busy in Ohio..

and Charles the link is to the AP so I'll count it as one of your sources....

so how many of you looking at a baby on a sonogram want to kill it???? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Interesting. That would put a crimp in any woman's pro-choice elbow room.

I've never paid much attention to the abortion debate since I believe it's the woman's right to choose and I don't fall into that category. However, I think current law defines the issue as "viability," and this bill doesn't seem to address that issue.