Very well stated Angelina...and good perspective. Molly posted this in the National Forum as well...only, in there, she states it wasn't just an NBA policy it was something else, so I'm not sure what the *real* issue is.

Either way, sometimes, giving someone a *chance* could surprise you. It's one thing if a hobbyist is cocky, rude or treats you with disrespect...but, if it's just the color of his skin, etc. they may just become one of your best clients.

Remember, we (providers) aren't always 100% perfect all the time. We have our little flaws here and there...and hobbyists still give us a chance.
Mojojo's Avatar
Say you book an appointment with a provider.
You show up, and the provider invites you in,
but politely decides to cancel with something like
"I'm sorry, something came up" " I don't feel well" but the real reason of the cancelation is due to personal preferences (and you as a smart adult can pretty much sense this)

Would you prefer her to
A. Look through the window/peephole and not open the door?
B. Tell you, "I'm not interested due to personal preferences".
C. Or just keep it clean "im' sorry something came up" like I did to one gentleman?

If she cancels, are you gonna text her later asking "I'm not your type right"? knowing that was the issue?

Just want some opinions... Originally Posted by Miss Molly

Im going to go with B! As far as your follow up message i wouldn't do it. If a lady decides not to see me for whatever reason then im not going to dwell on it.

Yes it has happened to me in the past, I've shown up and they became uncomfortable with my age. A heavy amount of questions and comments regarding my age and experience made it obvious to me that they had an issue with it.

I believe in keeping it real, if your not interested just tell me we arent connecting and we shall part ways peacefuly. I absolutely hate it when people in general are fake, I find it to be very insulting. Every provider I meet I ask one thing of them, and that's to be themselves and to this date I thank most of them for going through with my request. These women are stellar in my book and shall remain that way.
WTF, now you're saying your stomach did hurt? Originally Posted by JSmith2010

I had a small tummy ache. "If he was my type" I could have sucked it up, but instead I used this as my escape.

Molly posted this in the National Forum as well...only, in there, she states it wasn't just an NBA policy it was something else too Originally Posted by Likinikki
Yes NBA & I don't wanna be rude but it the gentleman didn't seem to be up to par with hygene. I think the correct word for it is kind of slobish maybe.

YAAAA GOD FORGIVE ME but thats what I saw
Well thank everyone for you're honest and well stated opinions, this was learning experience and well plan for better communication in the future!
the gentleman didn't seem to be up to par with hygene. I think the correct word for it is kind of slobish maybe. Originally Posted by Miss Molly
His shirt was untucked??

... or was he a loafer
Chuck12's Avatar
Ah the madness that happens in Co-ed, it's great when you have an hour to kill.

I agree with Karla way back in page 4 or so, just state your restrictions out in the open. If you see the guy and you like his look, be upfront and say you have to cancel because of his ethnicity or whatever.

You can't avoid all situations in which you may have to cancel, but if it's a race preference thing just post it out in the open and be honest during screening.
Never took Sonya for the type to see slobish guys, but I don't know much about it.

Interesting thread though, the reasons or excuses for the cancellation seem to kind of change from time to time.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
gentleman didn't seem to be up to par with hygene. I think the correct word for it is kind of slobish maybe.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]

Slobish (hummmm)... Na, here what I can describe of him he his nice, clean well repected gent. How where you able tell his hygene if you didn't even get in BCD with him. Si Molly, It's a learning experience for everyone we all make mistakes at times.....
Too bad she blew you off. Ive seen you many times and you are too cool. You look like A-Rod and are definitely my type (because you are a sweet and generous person who happens to look like A-Rod). I dig you Crispy. You need to be sandwiched between me and Pepper very soon.
I'm mixed as well & a Provider Blew Me Off because of it. But I didn't get all Booty Hurt I got Smarter than the Game & once she met me she Loves me to Death now lol. But the Providers have the Final Say so just Move On Plenty other Women to see. No need for all the Drama just Brush yourself off & Move Around! Originally Posted by Crispy1969
Crispy1969's Avatar
LMAO @ AA. Molly didn't Blow me off your Sandwich Partner did back in the day. But Look @ Me Now!! Lol & Thanks Angelina Your the Best!!
LMAO @ AA. Molly didn't Blow me off your Sandwich Partner did back in the day. But Look @ Me Now!! Lol & Thanks Angelina Your the Best!! Originally Posted by Crispy1969
What? You mean she doesn't like crispy cream? You should ask for some salt with that pepper next time. I still say she's hawt.

Very well stated Angelina...and good perspective. Molly posted this in the National Forum as well...only, in there, she states it wasn't just an NBA policy it was something else, so I'm not sure what the *real* issue is.

Either way, sometimes, giving someone a *chance* could surprise you. It's one thing if a hobbyist is cocky, rude or treats you with disrespect...but, if it's just the color of his skin, etc. they may just become one of your best clients.

Remember, we (providers) aren't always 100% perfect all the time. We have our little flaws here and there...and hobbyists still give us a chance.
I totally agree Likinikki!!! I have met some totally great guys by just giving them a chance its been rare that a client smells but seriously theres no color to who is.....Have them freshen up before and have wipes handy....They are all paying clients theres no color to that.....just green lol

Damn imagine what us as providers go through when a client wont see us because of some asshole placing a mean comment in color to that either

Angelina WOW your so hott yum im under you
I don't understand why people won't see latino or AA. I've met a few and they were wonderful. But to each their own. Personally, I judge the character not the race. I don't want to make this a race topic, but in my experience I feel Irish & Asian men are the cheapskates/hagglers/freebie seekers, and clients with Italian sounding names always turn out to ask for the dirtiest requests. Just my experience. Again, it best to go by a case by case basis.
Mojojo's Avatar
be sandwiched between me and Pepper very soon. Originally Posted by Angelina Adams

Thank you AngelinaAdams, I know what our next meet in SA will consist of!
Crispy1969's Avatar
CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!! Lol
Randall Creed's Avatar
Oh, don't mind me.

Just walking by.
