In case you haven't noticed, Obama is about to lose Iraq

You're the cock sucker with jism in your eyes and ears, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. It's obvious you, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, are too illiterate to read and therefore missed this key segment in the article cited:

] Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Don't try to pass off your cocksucking ways on me dick breath. The main reason for no agreement was no legal protection for our troops. Period..... Plus neither side really wanted us there. You and JD seem to be the only ones wanting our troops to be there fighting and dying for those ass holes who are running away.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Another shining example of the right wing mantra of it is always someone else's fault. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Sorta like how Iraq was all Bush's fault, but Obama's "success" for ending the war, even though it was the Bush administration that handed Obama the signed treaty ending the war?

So tell us again EVA.. who's fault is the current situation in Iraq? Bush's? And Obama, having been in office and making all the decisions for the last 5+ years, has NOTHING to do with it? Talk about "always someone else's fault".. ROFL.
LexusLover's Avatar
The main reason for no agreement was no legal protection for our troops. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
As for being wrong ... (Obaminable wanted parliamentary approval only)...

It's helpful to read a broader base of articles and read beyond headlines.

Do you think there will be no U.S. personnel "on the ground" during air strikes?

And where is the "legal protection" for our pilots and "collateral damages"?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-15-2014, 05:47 AM
As for being wrong ... (Obaminable wanted parliamentary approval only)...

It's helpful to read a broader base of articles and read beyond headlines.

Do you think there will be no U.S. personnel "on the ground" during air strikes?

And where is the "legal protection" for our pilots and "collateral damages"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
The premise of the thread was misguided. The Iraq war was lost the minute we invaded. Bush Cheney and the war supporters never thought there would be sectarian violence. You were wrong LL. We found that out at a cost of four thousand plus American soldiers lives plus a long term cost of four TRILLION dollars.

What Bush accomplished was strengthening Iran, weakening this country and now you idiots want to blame Obama.

If you want to blame Obama for something blame him for not getting out of Afghanistan sooner.
The premise of the thread was misguided. The Iraq war was lost the minute we invaded. Bush Cheney and the war supporters never thought there would be sectarian violence. You were wrong LL. We found that out at a cost of four thousand plus American soldiers lives plus a long term cost of four TRILLION dollars.

What Bush accomplished was strengthening Iran, weakening this country and now you idiots want to blame Obama.

If you want to blame Obama for something blame him for not getting out of Afghanistan sooner. Originally Posted by WTF
Sorta like how Iraq was all Bush's fault, but Obama's "success" for ending the war, even though it was the Bush administration that handed Obama the signed treaty ending the war?

So tell us again EVA.. who's fault is the current situation in Iraq? Bush's? And Obama, having been in office and making all the decisions for the last 5+ years, has NOTHING to do with it? Talk about "always someone else's fault".. ROFL. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Pussy man the reason for the situation in Iraq is the corrupt government which excluded the other two parties from the government. (Sunnie and Kurd's) In case you would not know who the other two are.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Tampon, why are you giving a shout out to incorrect information. Slow day for you. Bush won the war in Iraq. People were voting (we saw the pictures), more people were getting killed in Chicago than in Baghdad (we saw the headlines) and no one was getting their heads cut off. Obama had one thing to do to make it complete; get out following the Bush time tabel along with the status of forces agreement. He fucked that up because he didn't want it to happen.

By the way, do you want to cite that 4 trillion dollar price tag? The only real number I've see was 1.1 trillion for both Iraq and Afghanistan during the Bush years. If you want to insist on 4 then that is on your master the infallible one.

Of course, it is imperative to point out that losing Iraq now would be wasing those lives and money that you're talking about. That is completely on the infallible one. I read that the Secretary of Defense sent a carrier group to the Persian Gulf. Not the infallible one but Hagel. You see the infallibe one is off in the Dakotas and California spreading the good word and picking up checks. He is not going to let a crisis get in the way of his job which is a bag man.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-15-2014, 07:48 AM

By the way, do you want to cite that 4 trillion dollar price tag? The only real number I've see was 1.1 trillion for both Iraq and Afghanistan during the Bush years. If you want to insist on 4 then that is on your master the infallible one.

. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You dumb fucking school teacher, let me put it in terms you can understand....if say you shot your homosexual lover in the leg and he had to cut it off and then you broke up with him and the state had to care for your former do not blame the cost of the care for you former gay lover on the state. We charge it to you you dumb fuck. You shot him. Not the state. We are just paying for your mistake.

You want fucking cost they are. Now go off to another Tea Rally and bitch about the deficit you created.

The U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq will cost taxpayers $4 trillion to $6 trillion, taking into account the medical care of wounded veterans and expensive repairs to a force depleted by more than a decade of fighting, according to a new study by a Harvard researcher.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-15-2014, 07:57 AM
Of course, it is imperative to point out that losing Iraq now would be wasing those lives and money that you're talking about. . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You hypocritical dumb Tea long and how much money did you want to spent in Iraq. First you bitch about the deficit and then you want to stay in a country that did not want us there. We were always going to lose Iraq...We could have split it up like Biden wanted to do. I was a early supporter of that plan. Bush lost any chance of a peaceful transition when he dumped the Sunnies...the ones that knew how to run the fucking country and gave it the Iranian backed Shites. The Kurds are the only ones with their shit together.
WTF just knocked JD down for the Mandatory 8 Count.

At this point in time, JDIdiot is sitting on his corner stool, spitting up blood into the Trainer's bucket.

It remains to be seen whether JDIdiot will answer the bell for the next round!
herfacechair's Avatar
Out of curiosity, how many people, that have posted on this thread, have combat deployed to Iraq? It's blatantly obvious that WTF, bigtext, and others haven't set foot on Iraqi soil, and if they did, they rarely crossed the wire.

The withdrawal from Iraq was in two main phases, and was based on conditions on the ground. The first part of the withdrawal involved the combat troops leaving by the summer of 2010. I was among those combat troops. As others have pointed out here, the Iraq War was won.

In fact, from my beyond the wire boots on the ground experience, I could say for a fact that we won the Iraq War with a straight cut victory. We won the moment the first US troops crossed into Iraq in 2003. When the combat troops left, we had the combat support and combat service support troops who remained behind until the end of the following year.

When I was there, the Iraqis were all over it security wise. In fact, the Iraqis that my unit worked with when I was there kicked ass, and prevented the terrorists from taking over their AO during the current crises.

Bush and his allies in DC helped us win the war by holding the line in DC... Remember, the Democrats in Congress tried to do for Iraq what they successfully did with Vietnam.

The US military won the war in Iraq, just as the US military took out Osama Bin Laden.

YES, Obama and his allies dropped the ball on this one, just like the Democratic Congress dropped the ball with Vietnam. Back then, the US Military had won the war in Vietnam, and pulled out in '73. The Democrats did back then what Obama et al are doing now with regards to Iraq... Leave it to the democrats to lose our victories because of their political antics and beliefs.

Consequently, like our Vietnam War veteran brothers and sisters before us, we're looking at dismay at how the lack of political will in DC is undoing our accomplishments in Iraq.

I will be back later this day, or week, to carpet bomb this thread. There is so much nonsense being spread here that I have to step in.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Don't try to pass off your cocksucking ways on me dick breath. The main reason for no agreement was no legal protection for our troops. Period..... Plus neither side really wanted us there. You and JD seem to be the only ones wanting our troops to be there fighting and dying for those ass holes who are running away. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You're so un-fucking-believably stupid, Ekim the Inbred Chimp:

As recently as August [2011], Maliki's office was discussing allowing 8,000 to 20,000 U.S. troops to remain until next year, Iraqi Ambassador Samir Sumaida'ie said in an interview with The Cable. He told us that there was widespread support in Iraq for such an extension, but the Odumbo administration was demanding that immunity for U.S. troops be endorsed by the Iraqi Council of Representatives, which was never really possible.
lustylad's Avatar
We were always going to lose Iraq...We could have split it up like Biden wanted to do. I was a early supporter of that plan. Originally Posted by WTF

But, but, but - Didn't Crazy Uncle Joe say that keeping Iraq intact and stable and peaceful was one of the "great achievements of this administration"? Did I miss something, tranny boy?

Just an update on JDIdiot's condition. He was dazed but answered the bell. He lost by a unanimous decision.

Fortunately, WTF's right hook didn't knock out JD's only remaining tooth!
You're so un-fucking-believably stupid, Ekim the Inbred Chimp: Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Sorry cocksucker you can whine all you want, but I am glad we are out of there. If you want our men and women there dying for those pricks reup or just volunteer to go fight. If you want our people accountable to the Iraq's you are stupid.