Should ECCIE allow "private" forums like London's Coven?

Is Charles really a girl? Originally Posted by Anita Lay
Are you really Anit of a lay, lol.
You need to find out ACP=AUTOMATIC COLT PISTOL... , hope you know how to use that....
Panama Grey's Avatar
As a relatively 'new kid on the block', the only thing I'm curious about is if anybody I "know" might be in that particular "closed room" - and if there was anything I'd be missing out on because the door was shut. But being kind of new, I probably wouldn't know anyway.

My take on it is: What's the difference if they pay ECCIE for a private board, or if they pay somebody else to host a private board? The fact that it is "here" instead of on a different server doesn't seem like it is worth all this concern. (Maybe I'm missing something - I just don't see where it makes any difference who owns the hosting platform.)

{aside} Anita - I've always kind of liked that part of his nickname - seems descriptive in very subtle way. While ACP "stands for" what you said, what it actually implies is:

"The hard round thing has to hammer precisely into the center before anything interesting happens."
grey-45 ACP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
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The .45 ACP (11.43×23mm) (Automatic Colt Pistol), also known as the .45 Auto by C.I.P., is a cartridge designed by John Browning in 1904, for use in his ...
So, complaining about exclusive areas on a board like this? Isn't that part of the point of this board, to have private forums? ECCIE has every right to create all of the private areas they want, it's their site, their rules and they don't need to disclose any of it to us.

Either you're at a tinfoil hatter level of paranoia or you're obsessed with London.
So, complaining about exclusive areas on a board like this? Isn't that part of the point of this board, to have private forums? ECCIE has every right to create all of the private areas they want, it's their site, their rules and they don't need to disclose any of it to us.

Either you're at a tinfoil hatter level of paranoia or you're obsessed with London. Originally Posted by Diomidis
Can't he be both??? ......just sayin'......
Naomi4u's Avatar

Either you're at a tinfoil hatter level of paranoia or you're obsessed with London. Originally Posted by Diomidis
Oh Charles and his crew are obsessed with US. Always have. Always been. It's that love to hate thing.
Wakeup's Avatar
Charles, of the Grey Poupon eating group, is just worried that someone is talking behind his back where he can't see it. We weren't before this thread started but I'm pretty sure we will be now...
London Rayne's Avatar

He's off looking for these:

Here's a hint: They are in the Coven sitting on London's mantle in a jar!! Originally Posted by novacain
London Rayne's Avatar
I find this entire thread a bit hypocritical being this is the very thing that his friends tried to do in another forum...alienate those they felt were not like them. Hmm, and it was a free forum and part of Eccie at that, so NONE of them were bringing any money to this site! Talk about irony!
I find this entire thread a bit hypocritical being this is the very thing that his friends tried to do in another forum...alienate those they felt were not like them. Hmm, and it was a free forum and part of Eccie at that, so NONE of them were bringing any money to this site! Talk about irony! Originally Posted by London Rayne
They just can`t handle criticism or being beaten at their own game, that is ..... Everyone finds their master at some point.
As far as i know - we have traffic :-) unlike some of the others. It is certainly not a coincidence that some even reactivated their accounts on here again. .. just saying...

And - i am sorry to say, but its way more peaceful on here since the big leave ;-). So, i am happy ;-)
London Rayne's Avatar
They just can`t handle criticism or being beaten at their own game, that is ..... Everyone finds their master at some point.
As far as i know - we have traffic :-) unlike some of the others. It is certainly not a coincidence that some even reactivated their accounts on here again. .. just saying... Originally Posted by ninasastri

There it is right there!
sixxbach's Avatar
I can only hope to have a few threads like this when the Scorpion's Nest comes to fruition....

London Rayne's Avatar
I'll be there!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 11-13-2011, 08:33 PM
Since this site already allows such things I would think that the question is moot.