Up yours USMC!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
What's not to love, fagboy? Originally Posted by lustylad
You're an asshole, Junior.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm an asshole, Junior.

i'm on my Period. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
There. Now it makes sense. Glad to help, mr. Dipshit!

lustylad's Avatar
I'm an asshole, Junior.

i'm on my Period. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Lol. If you think assup is annoying now, wait until she hits menopause.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Goddamn, Whiny! You fixed ANOTHER one!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're welcome, Assup!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-27-2014, 09:57 AM
Laffer "Curb"?? Did you get kicked to the Curb? Ronnie won the Cold War and presided over 8 years of peace and prosperity. Plus he licked your sweet spot and made it ok for a POTUS to salute the military. What's not to love, fagboy? Originally Posted by lustylad

Won the Cold War....so Russia is defeated?

Great news , I wish somebody would tell Putin.

You ignorant Tea'billies never will understand that Reagan spent like a liberal but unlike a liberal he cut taxes on the rich and raised them on the middle class with his so called SS/Medicare fix.

He cut and ran in Beirut, he sold Arms to Iran, I could go on and on but why pick on a President that finished up with dementia. The last two years of his Presidency were like 'Weekend At Bernie's' with Reagan playing the title character. .

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-27-2014, 10:00 AM
Let me repeat....Reagan acted like he served overseas but never left this country! Yet you assholes jumped all over Kerry's war record.

The reason the chicken shit did not serve overseas was because he was chicken shit. The fucking guy claimed he served overseas and hardly left Hollywood! The SOB repeated the lie so often he now has you parrots repeating the lie.

His growing success also won him a series of deferments from military service (at the request of Warner Brothers) once the United States entered World War II, and then—after he was called up and commissioned an officer in the cavalry—an assignment with an army film unit. He spent the war in California making army training movies at a military base in Los Angeles, with time off to make feature films at Warner Brothers (among them the successful 1943 tribute to the military, This Is the Army ).Much of the time, he lived at home with his family. Despite his later claims to the contrary, he never left the country and never saw combat. But he cooperated with studio public relations efforts to portray him as a soldier, who, like other soldiers, left his family to go "off to war." Feature stories described Wyman bravely carrying on, raising the children and maintaining the household while her man was away. Newsreels and magazine photos depicted Reagan "coming home" for leaves and visits. Reagan later sometimes seemed actually to have believed the ruse. Even decades later, he liked to talk about "coming back from the war," like other veterans, eager to take up family life again (a life that in his case had hardly been interrupted).

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Here is how a real fucking man navigates the system and gets put on the front lines.

Much to his chagrin, due to his celebrity status and extensive flight expertise (having tallied over 400 flight hours before even joining the military), Stewart was initially assigned to various “behind the lines” type duties such as training pilots and making promotional videos in the states. Eventually, when he realized they were not going to ever put him in the front line, he appealed to his commanding officer and managed to get himself assigned to a unit overseas.

http://www.todayifoundout.com/index....-u-s-military/ Originally Posted by WTF
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The hypocrisy is only surpassed by the dull ignorance.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-27-2014, 11:09 AM
John Kerry in in combat in Vietnam and they Swift Boat him....Reagan makes movies about him going off to war, never actually goes and all they talk about is how Reagan started this silly ass salute.

lustylad's Avatar
The reason the chicken shit did not serve overseas was because he was chicken shit. The fucking guy claimed he served overseas and hardly left Hollywood! The SOB repeated the lie so often he now has you parrots repeating the lie.

His growing success also won him a series of deferments from military service (at the request of Warner Brothers) once the United States entered World War II, and then—after he was called up and commissioned an officer in the cavalry—an assignment with an army film unit. He spent the war in California making army training movies at a military base in Los Angeles, with time off to make feature films at Warner Brothers (among them the successful 1943 tribute to the military, This Is the Army ).Much of the time, he lived at home with his family. Despite his later claims to the contrary, he never left the country and never saw combat. But he cooperated with studio public relations efforts to portray him as a soldier, who, like other soldiers, left his family to go "off to war." Feature stories described Wyman bravely carrying on, raising the children and maintaining the household while her man was away. Newsreels and magazine photos depicted Reagan "coming home" for leaves and visits. Reagan later sometimes seemed actually to have believed the ruse. Even decades later, he liked to talk about "coming back from the war," like other veterans, eager to take up family life again (a life that in his case had hardly been interrupted).

Read more:

Here is how a real fucking man navigates the system and gets put on the front lines.

Much to his chagrin, due to his celebrity status and extensive flight expertise (having tallied over 400 flight hours before even joining the military), Stewart was initially assigned to various “behind the lines” type duties such as training pilots and making promotional videos in the states. Eventually, when he realized they were not going to ever put him in the front line, he appealed to his commanding officer and managed to get himself assigned to a unit overseas.

http://www.todayifoundout.com/index....-u-s-military/ Originally Posted by WTF

Ok fagboy, I'll call your bullshit. First, the reason Ronnie (your hero) did not see combat in WWII is not because "he was chickenshit". It's because he flunked the eyesight exam. That's a more serious and less correctable disability than Pennsylvania's Jimmy Stewart being 5 pounds under the weight guidelines. The only thing worse than being stuck in a foxhole with someone who is half-blind is being stuck in a foxhole with YOU, fagboy.

Second, no one on this board has parroted or repeated any claim that Ronnie (your hero) served overseas and saw combat in WWII. In this thread, JD mentioned (#65) that Reagan served in the US Army prior to and during the war, albeit not in an active combat role. Can you point to any previous eccie thread where someone claims Ronnie (your hero) saw combat? If not, then admit you are making shit up again.

Third, I challenge you to find an actual speech, interview, quote or video where Ronnie (your hero) actually claims to have served overseas and seen combat in WWII. I'm not talking about patriotic newsreels or Warner Brothers movies (like "This Is The Army") where he PORTRAYED a soldier going off to war. I'm talking about an actual first-person statement where he says I, Ronald Reagan, went overseas and saw combat. I don't think it exists.

lustylad's Avatar
By the way, here's an asshole who lied publicly and brazenly about serving in the US military - and was still elected to the US Senate, where he sits and votes today! Why don't you complain about him, fagboy?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I guess Bill Clinton is a chickenshit, too. At least Hillary faced hostile fire on the tarmac at least once.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I was in CT when Blumenthal ran for office. I remember when the news came out that not only was he not in the army but he was not in the special forces and he was never a POW which are some of the things he claimed. I figured that he was toast after that but I guess I spent too much time around military people because they elected him anyway to Congress.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-27-2014, 03:48 PM
I guess Bill Clinton is a chickenshit, too. At least Hillary faced hostile fire on the tarmac at least once.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Bill Clinton lied about a blowjob....something every one of us on eccie has done....not his military service or lack there of. Hillary lied about getting shot at. Stupid bitch. Neither are near as bad as trying to fool folks about serving overseas in WWII. You seem to be comparing Lightening to a Lightening Bug.

LexusLover's Avatar
...jumped all over Kerry's war record. Originally Posted by WTF
Which one?