new details on JFK assassination

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
One belief that i find very plausible is the one that the secret service killed jfk! Been a long time but something like the men had just been issued new weapons they were unfamiliar with. And, well, one went off and...
Too lazy to look for link while football is on Originally Posted by winn dixie

that accidental discharge theory has been mentioned. i think theDaliLama posted that a few years back and it has been mentioned in this thread too. i had not heard of that possibility before then when this subject was last discussed a few years ago. the M-16 was a new weapon at the time, but you'd also think that the secret service were trained on the weapon and that they had extensive weapons expertise. also what would their policy be? you'd think they would have the safety on rather than not, a loaded weapon without the safety on is unwise. even in combat you keep the safety on until you are on patrol in combat zone. could that agent have taken off the safety after the first shot was fired, a clear danger sign and accidentally discharged a round?. yeah it could have happened.

Review the film again. His head goes forward and then violently backwards. He was hit twice. Now, some theorists have said the backwards motion was a spasm from the first shot! Sure it was! Look at the “grassy knoll”. There’s a hill there with a wall. High enough to aim above the windshield or the the side windows which were down

Was there another POTUS after that sitting in a convertible with all the windows down? How does that happen? Even in 1962? Originally Posted by bambino
someone should get around to posting the many zapruder film that are certainly on YouBoob! plus any of the CGI recreations based directly on the Zapruder film that have been made.

from what i recall Hoover himself did pass on to the White House agents that an attempt was possible in Dallas. and Hoover wasn't exactly a fan of the Kennedys, certainly not RFK as Attorney General! that also lines up with what was posted about the encrypted message that two different crypto tech's supposedly intercepted.

there was light rain in the area that day too, it was lightly raining earlier in Fort Worth when Kennedy made an appearance and gave a short speech. as i recall the weather cleared by the time the motorcade got to Dallas. if Hoover did relay intel about a possible attempt then you'd think the secret service would have insisted the bullet proof glass top be put on the limo, and perhaps they did but JKF himself overruled it? what would the agents do? tell JFK himself no?

if it had been raining heavy in Dallas it would have been a moot point. that glass top was in part designed for that, along with being bullet proof of course.

the actual limo JFK was in still exists to this day. it's in a museum, it was also re-used for several years before being retired then later it became part of a display about the assassination.

here it is is today .. at the Henry Ford museum in Detroit.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Review the film again. His head goes forward and then violently backwards. He was hit twice. Now, some theorists have said the backwards motion was a spasm from the first shot! Sure it was! Look at the “grassy knoll”. There’s a hill there with a wall. High enough to aim above the windshield or the the side windows which were down Originally Posted by bambino

after the head shot, you had a good chunk of JFK's back skull landing on the trunk. a shot like that can only come from the front.

it was kind of weird to see his head snap forward then backwards when he reacted to 2 bullets on a different trajectory.
Levianon17's Avatar
Trust me, he’s world renowned for his work. Very bright. Has done more forensic analysis on this than anyone. Bulosi isn’t a pathologist. Originally Posted by bambino
Ok, I finished listening to the debate between Bugliosi and Wecht. It was quite interesting not so much the content but the way each presented their opinions. The main feature of the debate was the single bullet that hit Kennedy and Connolly. That's a ballistics issue with that being said Bugliosi didn't convince me of much. He's not a man of science and therefore just rehashed what we always have heard from the Warren Commission. Wecht on the other hand presented a more scientific approach. I wish they would have touched base on the third shot which ultimately killed Kennedy. I am curious about how Wecht would explain that. I think Wecht's arguments in the debate makes the most sense. It also appears Bugliosi couldn't wait to get the hell out of there, lol.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Oswald acted alone, and WTC 7 fell due to damage it received from debris and fires started by debris falling from the other two towers.

Levianon17's Avatar
Oswald acted alone, and WTC 7 fell due to damage it received from debris and fires started by debris falling from the other two towers.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Well if Oswald acted alone he was one hell of a shot. He's also dam quick for one of his shots came from the front.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well if Oswald acted alone he was one hell of a shot. He's also dam quick for one of his shots came from the front. Originally Posted by Levianon17
"Ockham's Razor" Lex parsimoniae (Ockham’s Razor) – Oswald acted alone

Oswald was a Marine. He was taught how to shoot.

In addition to Posner's book there is:

"Beyond Conspiracy - Kennedy Assassination" by ABC, and ...

"Unsolved History: JFK - Beyond the Magic Bullet" by Discovery Channel.


World Trade Center 7 Report Puts 9/11 Conspiracy Theory to Rest

(Popular Mechanics)
Levianon17's Avatar
"Ockham's Razor" Lex parsimoniae (Ockham’s Razor) – Oswald acted alone

Oswald was a Marine. He was taught how to shoot.

In addition to Posner's book there is:

"Beyond Conspiracy - Kennedy Assassination" by ABC, and ...

"Unsolved History: JFK - Beyond the Magic Bullet" by Discovery Channel.

WTC 7 Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I hear the same explanations from all these researchers about this second bullet that hit Kennedy and Connolly. If another bullet hadn't hit Kennedy, Kennedy would have most likely had lived. But Kennedy was struck with a third bullet to the head that had devastating affects. It doesn't seem that was the same type of Bullet and slow motion footage doesn't make it very clear it came from the rear and I seriously doubt it came from the "Grassy Knoll" either. The second shot is actually feasible the third and final shot is a whole different story.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
finally someone .. IB! gets around to posting video of the event. i'm aware of Poser's work, haven't watched in some time but as i recall he did an excellent in-depth CGI based work using the actual Zapruder film. of course Poser concludes Oswald was the only shooter.

there is an Australian (i think) forensic pathologist with an interest in ballistics who some years back did a scientific re-creation of the "magic bullet" shot down to exacting detail. he used a mock-up of the Limo and the seating of JFK and Connally including that Connally was sitting in a jump seat which is lower than the rear seat that JFK was sitting in, meaning that Connally was to that right and below JFK. yes, that's important. He also used ballistic gelatin with pig bones to simulate the bone structure of both JFK and Connally. he then used a bucket lift to duplicate the exact height and angle of the shot and finally used the exact Italian army rifle and ammo for the shot. he successfully proved the one bullet could hit JFK and pass through into Connally and out to his wrist.

i found an ABC news video where he discussed it but what i want is the video of his re-creation and shot. i'll see if i can dig it up. i can't recall what tv series produced it .. discovery, history .. something like that.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I think it was history channel JFK program. saw that one. really interesting program. they proved the magic bullet it wasn't so magic. LOL!
I B Hankering's Avatar
finally someone .. IB! gets around to posting video of the event. i'm aware of Poser's work, haven't watched in some time but as i recall he did an excellent in-depth CGI based work using the actual Zapruder film. of course Poser concludes Oswald was the only shooter.

there is an Australian (i think) forensic pathologist with an interest in ballistics who some years back did a scientific re-creation of the "magic bullet" shot down to exacting detail. he used a mock-up of the Limo and the seating of JFK and Connally including that Connally was sitting in a jump seat which is lower than the rear seat that JFK was sitting in, meaning that Connally was to that right and below JFK. yes, that's important. He also used ballistic gelatin with pig bones to simulate the bone structure of both JFK and Connally. he then used a bucket lift to duplicate the exact height and angle of the shot and finally used the exact Italian army rifle and ammo for the shot. he successfully proved the one bullet could hit JFK and pass through into Connally and out to his wrist.

i found an ABC news video where he discussed it but what i want is the video of his re-creation and shot. i'll see if i can dig it up. i can't recall what tv series produced it .. discovery, history .. something like that. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The ABC and Discovery Channel (@ 54:00 for ballistic gelatin recreation) videos are linked above.
bambino's Avatar
I’ll always defer to Wecht and McCllelland.. The back of JFKs head was blown off and the autopsy was bogus.

There’s another coup going on before our eyes now. Only no bullets have been fired. Not yet anyways.
Levianon17's Avatar
I’ll always defer to Wecht and McCllelland.. The back of JFKs head was blown off and the autopsy was bogus.

There’s another coup going on before our eyes now. Only no bullets have been fired. Not yet anyways. Originally Posted by bambino
I don't think there will be any bullets fired at Trump. With all the accusations imposed on him from the Left if Trump does happen to catch a fatal shot the entire Democratic Party will be prime suspects.
LexusLover's Avatar
Has WTF given up on the "Russian Conspiracy" theory?
themystic's Avatar
I hear the same explanations from all these researchers about this second bullet that hit Kennedy and Connolly. If another bullet hadn't hit Kennedy, Kennedy would have most likely had lived. But Kennedy was struck with a third bullet to the head that had devastating affects. It doesn't seem that was the same type of Bullet and slow motion footage doesn't make it very clear it came from the rear and I seriously doubt it came from the "Grassy Knoll" either. The second shot is actually feasible the third and final shot is a whole different story. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Levi do not refute IB in any way. He is ALWAYS right. Here is the order of whos always right and never wrong

1. IB Hankering
2. Lexus Lover
3. The Lama-(1st on Climate Control)
bambino's Avatar
I don't think there will be any bullets fired at Trump. With all the accusations imposed on him from the Left if Trump does happen to catch a fatal shot the entire Democratic Party will be prime suspects. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I said that jokingly. But it shows there are dark forces in our government. As Schumer said, “The IC can get you six ways till Sunday.” One of the more factual things he’s ever said.