Guns don't kill people ... Colleges in Oregon do

True but that also may explain why there have been no mass shootings there. Originally Posted by dirty dog
The point was, just because there is a sign on the door does not mean there isn't a gun inside.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It must be wonderful to be a liberal when it comes to credibility. Anyone you disagree with has no credibility and according to the liberal verse, they have been refuted. Anyone you agree with, even with a hat made of tin foil, is completely credible.

John Lott, statistician, is not credible but Mother Jones is credible. Sounds more like Bizarro world to me. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The reason I did not quote anything from Mother Jones on my last post is for that very reason. I google articles to support my position. I honestly did not realize that Mother Jones had such a negative reaction among certain individuals and is considered a very biased source.

In a very few minutes of research I completely destroyed John Lott's statement that James Holmes selected the site of his killings because it was a gun free zone. In this case, Lott has no proof to support his statements other than his opinion. I can certainly go back and find the articles in which others have criticized Lott's research.
Here is what I found in a matter of minutes to support my opinion.


Lott held prestigious positions at Yale and the University of Chicago, where he published his groundbreaking book, “More Guns, Less Crime.” In the early 2000s, his work fell into controversy for employing what some academic critics termed “junk science” and for various apparently fatal methodological flaws. Later, he was unable to prove the existence of a study central to his thesis. He was also caught using a fake “sockpuppet” persona to defend his work and attack his critics online. “In most circles, this goes down as fraud,” Donald Kennedy, the then-editor of the prestigious journal Science wrote in an editorial. Even Michelle Malkin said Lott had shown an “extensive willingness to deceive to protect and promote his work.”

And from the same article:

Stanford Law Review: Lott's Central Hypothesis Is "Without Credible Statistical Support." In a Stanford Law Review report titled "The Latest Misfires in Support of the 'More Guns, Less Crime' Hypothesis," Ian Ayres and John J. Donohue III studied how coding errors in data undermine Lott's "More Guns, Less Crime" hypothesis. The authors explain:

PW [Lott's co-authors Florenz Plassmann and John Whitley] seriously miscoded their new county dataset in ways that irretrievably undermine every original regression result that they present in their response. As a result, the new PW regressions must simply be disregarded. Correcting PW's empirical mistakes once again shows that the more guns, less crime hypothesis is without credible statistical support. [Stanford Law Review, accessed 12/3/12 via Deltoid]

Computer Scientist Tim Lambert On Lott's Data Errors: "If Anything, Concealed Carry Laws Lead To More Crime." In an April 2003 blog post on, computer scientist Tim Lambert discussed Ayres and Donohue's Stanford Law Review findings, noting "Ian Ayres and John Donohue wrote a paper that found that, if anything, concealed carry laws lead to more crime." Noting that "Lott, (along with Florenz Plassmann and John Whitley) wrote a reply where they argued that using data up to 2000 confirmed the "more guns, less crime" hypothesis," Lambert summarized Ayres' and Donohue's response to Lott's defense of the data:

In Ayres and Donohue's response to that paper, they found that Lott's data contained numerous coding errors that, when corrected, reversed the results. Furthermore, this was the second time these sorts of errors had been found in Lott's data. Lott had presented to the NAS [National Academy of Science] panel figures showing sharp declines in crime following carry laws. Declines which disappeared when the coding errors were corrected. Finally, when Lott saw Ayres and Donohue's response he had his name removed from the final paper. [Deltoid, 4/25/03]
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
When you have countries with the same population densities to compare to let me know.

US 318 million
England 53 million
Australia 23 million Originally Posted by dirty dog
Do you understand the term PER CAPITA?????
the US has about ten times the number of gun homicides per capita compared to other western democracies, England and Australia. Originally Posted by southtown4488
When you have countries with the same population densities to compare to let me know.

US 318 million
England 53 million
Australia 23 million Originally Posted by dirty dog
Do you understand the term PER CAPITA????? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Apparently not!

DD is yet another dim bulb who seems to blend in well!

DD, the definition of per capita follows: capita
Full Definition of PER CAPITA. 1: equally to each individual . 2: per unit of population : by or for each person <the highest income per capita of any state in the union>
I B Hankering's Avatar
Does anybody understand that the U.K. doesn't add "unsolved" gun crimes into its statistics? Hence, any comparison with the U.K. is meaningless.

Likewise, you lib-retards always want to cherry pick the countries for comparison. How many illegal MS-13 gangsters from El Salvadore or illegal Mexican drug cartel gangsters do you ignorant and lying, lib-retarded SOBs think help contribute to the crime statistics in the U.K. or Australia?

The populations in the U.K. and Australia are more homogeneous than that of the U.S. Yet, you lying and mendacious SOBs don't want to compare the numbers of those countries which are the home of origin for many of the legal immigrants and illegals in this country.

Nobody gives a shit, you inbred fucktard. Now go back to Chicago and suck Obama's dick some more, you fallacious turd burglar.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Nobody gives a shit, you inbred fucktard. Now go back to Chicago and suck Obama's dick some more, you fallacious turd burglar. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Only liars and deceivers like you lib-retards don't care about the facts, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.
Only liars and deceivers like you lib-retards don't care about the facts, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
When you show up with some facts, let me know, dumbass.
Only liars and deceivers like you lib-retards don't care about the facts, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And when the facts of woomby being a flaming fag are presented to him, he deflects, denies and tries transference to avoid the TRUTH ! How many times have his OWN words in HIS OWN posts been shown to him and he STILL denies his faggotry ! Deny,deny,deny...just like the Clinton's do when cornered on their transgressions of the law. No wonder woomby loves those pillars of the lying liberal dumbascrap party so much. That, and they're "homies" from Arkansas !
I B Hankering's Avatar
When you show up with some facts, let me know, dumbass. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You saw the "facts", you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, and your response was that you didn't "give a shit"; which means you are a liar and a deceiver, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.
And when the facts of woomby being a flaming fag are presented to him, he deflects, denies and tries transference to avoid the TRUTH ! How many times have his OWN words in HIS OWN posts been shown to him and he STILL denies his faggotry ! Deny,deny,deny...just like the Clinton's do when cornered on their transgressions of the law. No wonder woomby loves those pillars of the lying liberal dumbascrap party so much. That, and they're "homies" from Arkansas ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
They aren't facts... have you ever stopped to consider why you don't believe anything I say but the fag jokes? Nothing I say is a fact, except the shit I say to shock you fucking idiots. Is it maybe because you want me to be gay, like you? You need explore your innermost feelings and find that scared little faggot inside who is dying to get out with every post you make. It's ok, we won't judge you.
You saw the "facts", you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, and your response was that you didn't "give a shit"; which means you are a liar and a deceiver, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You don't know what facts are then.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You don't know what facts are then. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You are a liar and a deceiver, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, and that's a fact.
dirty dog's Avatar
The point was, just because there is a sign on the door does not mean there isn't a gun inside. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I understood what your point was,.
dirty dog's Avatar
Apparently not!

DD is yet another dim bulb who seems to blend in well!

DD, the definition of per capita follows: capita
Full Definition of PER CAPITA. 1: equally to each individual . 2: per unit of population : by or for each person <the highest income per capita of any state in the union> Originally Posted by bigtex
Of course I understand per capita, but the reality is this is all bullshit from both side of the fence. Nothing can be legislated that will stop mass shootings. If you think Background checks will show me how. I don't understand why you on the left don't just own up to what it is your want BANS. At least then you would be being honest about your goals, anything short of that is just more lying.

As for that fat faggot Big Tex. Your act is stale Your bullshit about wagers and all your other retarded crap is just old. But what can you expect from someone who jacks off to Clinton posters and then licks them dry. Your worship of that lying piece of crap shows your credibility to be lower than that of JD's, So just want is the definition of is. By the way you fat fuck, your kids aren't yours, your wife has been screwing the neighbor for years, off the subject though, dude your daughter is one ugly ass bitch.