Ladies and Gents --> How Many Love to Exercise?

bushmasterM4's Avatar
Been doing hot yoga for about 2 weeks now. I like doing p90x and insanity too
sajay's Avatar
  • sajay
  • 04-23-2011, 03:56 PM
I walk twice a day monday through friday (some days i use the exercise bike) and hit the gym with full workouts sat and or sunday... been working out for over 20 years... If i go more than a week without it I get sick (seriously)

...and I'm still fat ...

full work out consists of:

bench 3 sets of 10 (or standing curls 3 sets of 10)
30 situps on the bench thing
3 sets 10 calf machine (the free weight one)
3 sets of 10 leg machine
3 sets of 10 back machine
30 minutes on the elliptical machine

keep up the good workouts Sonya (and HELLO!)
i hope you p90xers are not paying the insane 200 for the program. It is very easily downloadable for free. I was doing p90 3 days a week and lost 10 pounds then other things in my job kept me busy from Xmas until this week, I will probably get back to it next week. I hate working out usually my workout consists of me walking my neighborhood, about 2 miles. I cant run due to my back, but I can play bball for hours straight it makes no sense. I will be back to ballin on sundays starting next week also. I played in a couple leagues the past few years winning the championship, mostly thanks to my 6'9" and 6'8" friends haha
Guest010619's Avatar
Those of you with an iPhone/iPad can load the 'bodybuilders' app and inthere you will find a variety of exercises including the one the actors did for the movie '300'.
Those of you with an iPhone/iPad can load the 'bodybuilders' app and inthere you will find a variety of exercises including the one the actors did for the movie '300'. Originally Posted by ugotme10
Thanks. I'll look for it.