Shingles Post your experiences, what helps what doesn't what is the best medical field for help?

I had a message from a lady who has tried to get the shingles shot but they say she not old enough. I thought about it and I have determined what I would do If I could go back and correct my mistakes(one of thousands).

I think you have to temper the need for the shot with your medical history. If you had chicken pox, you have the virus in you. If you had kids and they had chicken pox you have gained some immunity from caring for them, If you have other relatives or friends who have had chicken pox and you helped care for them you have gained some immunity from that caring for them and being exposed to the active virus. Every time you get exposed to the virus and DONT get the pox you gain immunity. I guess what I am saying is if you cant get the shot now, getting exposed to the active chicken pox on a regular basis makes you less likely to develop shingles because your system has developed the immunity to deal with it and keep the virus within you from developing into shingles. If I
had known this 30 years ago (I am 70) I would have been doing exactly that, taking care of sick kids every chance I could to keep from getting this outbreak. I have been going through over a year of this and It would have been well worth the time spent babysitting sick kids to avoid it. This is an old school form of immunization but still works... when I was a kid ... under 10 if one of the local kids got measles or chicken pox and I had not gotten it yet, my mom would send me to play with the kid so i would get the measles or chicken pox when I was young and able to fight off the virus. While some of you will faint at the thought if that, if you have no other way of helping your child you do what you have to.
I hope you never get this crap but check with your doctor and see what they say about this action before you do it.
I just had my last nerve block treatment for the year and while it helped in some ways other nerves have been made worse. I now have a bad stabbing pain most of the day unless I take pain pills. The other trouble is that before the nerve block i could take 5 mg and the pain would be knocked down for about 5 or 6 hours. Now I have to take 10 mg to just make it bearable for a few hours then its back. Does anyone else have this problem, is there a cure for it? I appreciate any assistance.
I Still am hurting from the shingles. It is slightly better because i have forced myself to stand it and took a lot of tylnol. I am still hurting but I guess the main thing is you have to hold off taking pain pills till you cant stand it anymore then take only part of what you could...I say this because if you have a pain doctor that every milligram of pain medication is coming out of his personal supply. Your only defense is to save as much as possible for the time when it gets really bad. Sounds weird doesn't it? But if you are on pain meds you know Its true unless you have a better pain doc than I do.
Lucky 1's Avatar
Hi from Texas....

I'm going to tell you a possible cure....yes I said that the medical community doesn't recognize but does in fact work.

Shingles and chicken pox are in fact a herpes virus...Herpes of the face and mouth is hsv-1....if you get it on your genitals its hsv-2 but actually the same virus.....chicken pox and shingles is caused by a close cousin...herpes zoster.

In the 1960's Merck and Pfizer both spent a ton on researching the chemical profiles of olive leaf extract and found it to be a powerful anti-viral that killed a whole host of previously un-curable virus's like herpes....

They both attempted to patent the results of there research only to be denied by the FDA who told them you are not allowed to patent a naturally occurring compound....

So naturally they discontinued all research down this line because research is expensive and there was no money to be made....

The fact is that concentrated olive leaf extract will at the very least suppress all known forms of herpes virus's and prevent it from replicating by blocking how the virus propagates itself in human also prevents the cellular shedding that causes a person to be contagious to other people.

In many people it has over a period of months killed off the virus completely as in gone!!!

I knew a provider some years ago who was hsv-2 positive and because her health was not good she had frequent and painful outbreaks......6 months of daily olive leaf extract later.....she passed a blood test and her gyno declared her hsv free saying she'd never seen anyone cured before.

if you are symptomatic for any herpes related tablespoon full 3 times a should notice relief pretty fast.

For more info, google search things like
"olive leaf extract cures herpes" or Olive leaf extract for shingles"
You will find a ton of info here:

Also....a tablespoon a day does remarkable things for most peoples health.....I take it every morning and never get sick!

Here's the one I've found is the best!

Good luck!
Lucky 1's Avatar
By the way...Olive leaf extract will also control blood pressure about as well as a number of blood pressure medications do.
It has been a long time since I posted last. I bought some of the olive leaf pills, I will let y'all know if they work. I have had another nerve block, i guess it was different than the last one so I didn't have to stop taking my warfarin. Anyway, I still hurt. Now it seems to be worse than before. It starts pounding(jabbing, stabbing) and I just cant stand it so I take a half a pill(10mg oxycodone). A half hour later it is still pounding so I take another half. The damm thing just goes from a number 10 pain to about mabe an 8 at best. What the hell do I have to do to get some relief? I also have a .25mg fentenyl patch and take lyrica(wihch does NO damm good). Aparently I have to take the lyrica or I dont get the Oxycodone. I don't understand the logic in forcing you to take a pill that does no damm good and just makes you sleep when the oxy and the patch are the only thing that helps and then not enough help. Well I go see the pain doctor monday. If I dont get some help with feeling better I am going to see about another pain doctor. I don't want to get high, I just would like to have a day without being in pain most of the time. HMFICDICK
Well November 2016, One year and 5 months of Pain. No end in site. If you have not gotten the shingles shot. get it. Dont do this to yourself. Anyway, I am no longer on the lyrica, and now the doctor has put me on Gabapentin which is a close cousin to lyrica, but a little different. It doesnt work either. The only Semi Bright side is, I have found a more effective pain reducer. I take two tylnol with my oxycodone. I know yall are saying Huh, thats percoset, and you are right. I looked up the side effects and found out that both tylnol and oxycodone have adverse side effects with the kidney and liver and SURPRISE together they are even worse than seperately. That figures. something works and its a Dammed if you do and Dammed if you dont. I think I will just insist on more oxy. Im 72 years old, at least more oxy wont kill me as fast as percocet. What the hell can I do? I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas (yes I did not PC my greeting) I would tell you all what I think of the PC groupthink and the people behind it but I am trying to keep this as an informative thing to help others with the ravages of this illness.mabe this would work!
tia travels's Avatar
I feel bad that you're still bothered by it since all this time.
feetnstuff187's Avatar
Careful with that silver. Taking colloidal silver internally will eventually turn you silvery blue. Not sure how long it takes but be careful.
If the silver would take away the pain of the shingles nerve damage I would gladly turn blue. After a year and a half of pain I would take purple with pink polkadots. A person can stand only so much pain. If you can guarantee that it will work I would gladly turn blue. HMFICDICK
ok Just had my latest nerve block. it is working fairly well, about half the pain blocked. Still need the oxy.....Dammit. I will be looking into the medical mj to reduce pain. I am not going to my doctor but I do have a FRIEND. If it does any good I will report it. The thing is it does work for some but not others. I Hope it does as good as well as reported in some of the blogs say. I have read that up to 50 percent reduction in pain meds needed. If that is true I am interested. I do not smoke, so it will have to be candy. I will let you know. HMFICDICK
I hate shots, however the Vaccination was not painful
Although not as good as a good shot of Jack Daniels, It will keep you from more pain than a case of Jack could relieve
In my endless research to find a cure for my nerve damage from shingles, I came across something new. It is a leaf from a tree in the tropical area of Asia. The leaf is dried and used in a tea or powdered and used in a capsule(at your own risk of course). It provides a considerable pain relief (for me). as well as a good deal of spiritual uplift. (not a high) I have not had a high other than from alcohol since I got this pain. I have gotten sick to my stomach but not a high. It also seems to reduce appetite, which if you are fat like me, is a plus. I do not want to put out a name of this stuff till I test it further. It is legal in most states, but since it actually helps you may not be much longer. It also has benefits to assist in getting off of hard drugs, like oxy, coke, and others. I have replaced most of my oxy with it. I will let you know more as I experiment with it to see if it is worthwhile. HMFICDICK
Not giving medical advice but I take this anytime I have sore throat, feeling under weather. It comes in cream, liquid or capsule form. It is the strongest antibiotic know to man besides oregano oil. It is by far the best from any pharmaceutical drugs.
The pros and cons are listed below.
I swear by it from rashes, flu, wasp bites, allergic reactions etc.
Just my .02, but it works for me. I haven't been sick for at least 25 years.
