New CNN Presidential Poll

LexusLover's Avatar
People interchange casually the concepts of "global warming" and "man-made climate changes" .... when in reality the "existence" of "global warming" in Earth's history disproves that the current increases in the Earth's temperature is caused by Man.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-07-2016, 04:39 PM
People interchange casually the concepts of "global warming" and "man-made climate changes" .... when in reality the "existence" of "global warming" in Earth's history disproves that the current increases in the Earth's temperature is caused by Man. Originally Posted by LexusLover
A totally false statement. The existence of historical warming cycles neither proves nor disproves whether THIS set of climactic changes are human caused or not.
bambino's Avatar
A totally false statement. The existence of historical warming cycles neither proves nor disproves whether THIS set of climactic changes are human caused or not. Originally Posted by Old-T
What caused the Ice Age? I can tell you this, it wasn't humans.
bambino's Avatar Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You just made my case. Although some "experts" think it was a slight change in the earths rotation around the sun. Humans won't destroy the earth. It will be something else out of our control. Google the San Andreas fault. There's a Biggen coming.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-07-2016, 08:34 PM
What caused the Ice Age? I can tell you this, it wasn't humans. Originally Posted by bambino
Who claimed humans caused the ice age, and what does that have to do with the current topic?

By your demented "logic", since humans didn't cause the destruction of Pompeii, then humans didn't cause the destruction of the WTC. That has as much logic as your post.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Who claimed humans caused the ice age, and what does that have to do with the current topic?

By your demented "logic", since humans didn't cause the destruction of Pompeii, then humans didn't cause the destruction of the WTC. That has as much logic as your post.
Originally Posted by Old-T
dude. make sense would you? i mean, you ramble more than assup. if that's possible?

no one claimed humans caused the ice age. no one claimed humans caused the eruption of Pompeii. and WTF would that have to do with the destruction of the WTC??

just for you Old-Tard. Live at Pompeii! Enjoy!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
So my skepticism about you voting for Trump was correct. You really had no desire to vote for him. You were employing "negative partisanship". Voting against a candidate instead of for a candidate. Which is fine. Gary Johnson is an interesting guy. He got 1% of the vote last time. I'm guessing the Never Trump forces will get behind Johnson this time. He will suck votes away from Trump. Pretty much handing the election to Hillary. Johnson has no chance of winning this time around either. So there's your conundrum, the candidate you like the least will win if you vote for Johnson. Originally Posted by bambino
Yes, I look at Trump as the lesser of 2 evils at the present time. Johnson has no chance but neither Trump nor Clinton has done enough at this point in time to earn my vote.

There is about 6 months until the election. Trump must tell the public how he will accomplish what he wants to do. In detail. We all fairly well know how Clinton will be politically as President. She will be Obama leaning a little bit more to the left from what I can tell. Clinton will probably not fare well in debates with Trump. Historically she follows a script when debating. Trump is much more unpredictable, sometimes good for him, sometimes bad. So, IMHO, assuming Clinton overcomes any legal problems, Trump must really beat up Clinton in those debates in order to win the election.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
lol that list is so long, how do you prioritize it? ahahaha

yet assup thinks she's the Queen Bee. go figure.

ol' "feel the Bern" Sanders should be running as an independent anyway, why do the Dems consider him a democratic party candidate?

if bet you if HildeWhore thought for one second ol' bernie would mount a serious challenge she would have pulled some strings to block him from running as a Dem.

he probably can't catch the HildeWhore at this point, but there's a few ways he might. that pesky little FBI thing ..

as i've said, i predict the FBI will file a motion to prosecute, Obama will order Lynch not to, the FBI will release what it knows and good-bye Hildy! but she will refuse to quit the race. no matter. Bernie will seize his moment and run as an Independent, and only blind fools like assup will ignore the fact she knowingly broke security protocols. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Bernie is a Democratic Socialist.

With regards to Hillary C., she won't be prosecuted, but I think she will be probated like General Petraeous was.

basically, a fine & an a slap on the wrist.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Bernie is a Democratic Socialist.

With regards to Hillary C., she won't be prosecuted, but I think she will be probated like General Petraeous was.

basically, a fine & an a slap on the wrist. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
and that cost Petraeous his job as CIA director. what will it cost Hillary?
Trump will rake her over the coals no matter what happens at the end of the investigation.
Yes, I look at Trump as the lesser of 2 evils at the present time. Johnson has no chance but neither Trump nor Clinton has done enough at this point in time to earn my vote.

There is about 6 months until the election. Trump must tell the public how he will accomplish what he wants to do. In detail. We all fairly well know how Clinton will be politically as President. She will be Obama leaning a little bit more to the left from what I can tell. Clinton will probably not fare well in debates with Trump. Historically she follows a script when debating. Trump is much more unpredictable, sometimes good for him, sometimes bad. So, IMHO, assuming Clinton overcomes any legal problems, Trump must really beat up Clinton in those debates in order to win the election. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Speedy you ain't 1/2 bad... as a matter of fact, you all right!

Welcome to the American party!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Most of Trump's advisors are Establishment types. Don't expect much difference between him and Hillary. Hell, they both even have a penis.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Who claimed humans caused the ice age, and what does that have to do with the current topic?

By your demented "logic", since humans didn't cause the destruction of Pompeii, then humans didn't cause the destruction of the WTC. That has as much logic as your post.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Oops! Like Obama, I'm going to have to call that an "air ball". Didn't even hit the rim.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
A totally false statement. The existence of historical warming cycles neither proves nor disproves whether THIS set of climactic changes are human caused or not. Originally Posted by Old-T
What caused the Ice Age? I can tell you this, it wasn't humans. Originally Posted by bambino
Who claimed humans caused the ice age, and what does that have to do with the current topic?

By your demented "logic", since humans didn't cause the destruction of Pompeii, then humans didn't cause the destruction of the WTC. That has as much logic as your post.
Originally Posted by Old-T
your statement on destruction doesn't make sense.

Pompeii? - No
WTC? - Yes
What caused the Ice Age? I can tell you this, it wasn't humans. Originally Posted by bambino