Strangest place you ever had sex on.

sjohnlewis's Avatar
Did he let you off for "good behavior"? Originally Posted by Bush Pilot
My GF and I drove the car onto a baseball field and got in the back seat. As we were in the middle of our encounter a cop signed a light in on us and got a full view of the show.

He let us off, and told us to get out of there fast because the judge lived just across the street.
In HS...during play practice, in the folds of the open stage curtain. In HS in the band instrument storage room on a caught by band director. He laughed and told us to get out. In college, in the student union during overnight newspaper production...up against the door to the BASIC office ( Brothers and Sisters in Christ). They were a bunch of arrogant pricks...left a nice puddle for them :-P
On top of my exes car in the middle of a dirt road just outside Abilene, Texas. Fields all around us and I pulled out to finish on her bumper.
200K's Avatar
  • 200K
  • 08-02-2018, 07:42 PM
In the mens room of a local bar...good head, but her husband came into the bar later. Her freind quickly pretended to be my girlfriend. Fucked the girlfriend weeks later. Fun, but lots of drama.
oralee's Avatar
Rear seat of a Charter stretch 727, July 1970. Troop flight....returning from Southeast Asia Over the Pacific. Last empty seat on the plane was next to a flight attendant. Lights were out while troops caught up on much needed sleep. Conversation turned to touchy feely under the blanket we had.Deep kissing led to her mounting me under the blanket. I was a hard dick 24 yr old...she a 40's very hot Milf. I popped twice, then later a BJ. A great happy ending of 12 months in Hell.
jobj254's Avatar
Behind the dollar store in town lmaooo
lizardking's Avatar
My ex, once, and future GF was quite adventuresome and game for almost anything wild. Our favorite spot to fuck was the conference room in my old penthouse office. We'd go up there late at night to enjoy the view, drink, and fuck (not necessarily in that order). We fucked smack dab in the middle of a huge round granite conference table that seats 30 people. Something about that cold stone is highly erotic (but, honestly, a little hard on the knees). She also liked me to press her up against the window and pound away. Likewise, there's something about looking down 75 floors while fucking that's quite stimulating. I remember being in a meeting on a Monday morning following one of our late night forays to the pleasure palace in the sky. As I sat there listening to some asshole drone on about some boring nonsense, I looked over and noted the very clear "prints" of her big titties and hands on a window panel. Very nice!

Runner ups would be (a) the foyer in a very nice downtown restaurant while waiting for the valet to return with my car, (b) the top row (i.e., third row) at the former Verizon Theater just as Marilyn Manson hit the stage, and (c) restaurant and bar bathrooms all over town and too numerous to mention (we joked about starting a blog to review food, service, and fuckability). Quite a few parking garage rooftops, too. They're great when the weather's nice. There's one in EaDo that yields a nice view down into the Juice Box. It's nice to round third just as one of the 'Stros does. It always made me feel like part of the team.

She's a wild girl and we had a shit-load of fun together!
Meatman69's Avatar
I had a girlfriend who seemed to like getting caught.
My moms best friend caught me getting a bj in the YMCA parking lot.
Caught fucking by a bulldozer operator in the riverbed. She wanted to fuck on the open ground at noon in a busy park where le often cruised. I said no to that.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
on a cruise ship with a worker in a office on the desk !
okcbreeze's Avatar
In the cockpit of a DC-9 aircraft, sitting on the airport ramp overnight.
Jada.Nasty's Avatar
Downtown Dallas in the bottom of the green building atrium with security watching and masturbating.
pmdelites's Avatar
Downtown Dallas in the bottom of the green building atrium with security watching and masturbating. Originally Posted by Jada.Nasty
security was masturbating while you got it on?

or you were masturbating while they watched?

watching from a distance or on security cam tv??
The end zone of my college’s football practice field.

A wigwam in a snow storm.

A small single engine plane, but it was parked.
Long story but, on the old semi outdoor stage at Emos on 6th street in Austin
I fucked a Canadian nurse on the San Antonio Riverwalk, after getting caught, we took it to the elevator in the Marriot hotel until done.