Gabriel Giffords open to gun confiscation

Yssup Rider's Avatar
If you were really paying attention instead of listening to all of the Main Stream media's bullshit you would know the only thing Giffords has gone through is a good acting gig.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
you're a fucking idiot, Jeeyum!

Three years ago, there was no DSK.

What are you trying to say now, JL? That you're the biggest fraud and welsher in ECCIE history?
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Jl is on my ignore list because I got tired of his PM'S outing me, the ekim008 handle was changed in 2011 so fuck the lying prick.
Jl is on my ignore list because I got tired of his PM'S outing me, the ekim008 handle was changed in 2011 so fuck the lying prick. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
" outing " YOU ! ? As a swishy walker ! You didn't want to be out and proud, as you trannies and swishy walkers say ? ! Hell, YOU could even get married now, EKIM ! IF YOUR one true love, woomby, hadn't left with Big Sir like a thief in the night after his landslide DOTY win, YOU coulda married HIM / HER !!! Is that why YOU are so heart broken about his departure after all this time EKIM ? YOU were left standing at the gloryhole alter !
  • DSK
  • 05-18-2016, 06:44 PM
Trumpian hyperbole - I was estimating on the time frame.

Go up to the desk and ask for Mr. J. W. Boothe - they will get me the message.
you're a fucking idiot, Jeeyum!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I don't know who is in that picture, but it's not Gabrielle Giffords. The women in the video below depicting Giffords two years after the shooting is not her either. Nobody, and I've seen many medical accounts of shootings to the head where there was extensive brain injury recover and perform in the manner she does. Ninety five percent of head shot victims die. The other five percent who actually live show signs of Posturing to the limbs on the side of the brain that is affected and Hemi Neglect. She doesn't display any of these marked signs of brain damage. The speech is clearly not indicative of a brain injury.

" outing " YOU ! ? As a swishy walker ! You didn't want to be out and proud, as you trannies and swishy walkers say ? ! Hell, YOU could even get married now, EKIM ! IF YOUR one true love, woomby, hadn't left with Big Sir like a thief in the night after his landslide DOTY win, YOU coulda married HIM / HER !!! Is that why YOU are so heart broken about his departure after all this time EKIM ? YOU were left standing at the gloryhole alter ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Here is my little bitch puppy gay rey, following me around again. Can you do tricks bitch? Like sit up beg roll over? Is yapping all you can do?

Here is my little bitch puppy gay rey, following me around again. Can you do tricks bitch? Like sit up beg roll over? Is yapping all you can do?

Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Still crying over being jilted by woomby, huh EKIM ! Mebbe YOUR new butt buddy assup will take pity on YOU and pack your fudge !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Holy shit, Jim.

I suppose you believe the moon landing also was a hoax.

How about gravity?
Holy shit, Jim.

I suppose you believe the moon landing also was a hoax.

How about gravity? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Holy Shit you're so gullible MSM can tell you anything and you would believe it. I bet you get your Health tips from Dr. Oz, lol. Do your own research. You might find not everything is as it seems. As far as the Moon Landings if Stanley Kubrick was telling the truth they were faked because he claims he filmed them.


LexusLover's Avatar
Holy Shit you're so gullible MSM can tell you anything and you would believe it. Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Don't forget he's still "scouting" for salamanders under rocks in Barton Creek!

It's a new species of Creek Salamanders .... called the Snipe Salamander.
Still crying over being jilted by woomby, huh EKIM ! Mebbe YOUR new butt buddy assup will take pity on YOU and pack your fudge ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Since I started the OP I think I know what it was about. It was about an opinion maker putting it out there that she would a class of from owning weapons. A class of people who have broken no law and have done no wrong. She wants to set the precedent that government can make these determinations. That was the point of the OP. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

The point of the OP was that she wanted to set a precedent? The article said the bill was like one in CA. So much for your precedent story. How many times are you are you gong to back peddle on this?

You're wrong. Nowhere does it say anything about preventing or terminating your ownership rights. Just a temporary confiscation. It's just like the other restraining orders you have against you. Since you live in Kansas, you get to continue to intimidate those you love most.
The bill says,
"inasmuch as they would allow “family or household members” to petition a judge to order the temporary confiscation of firearms from another family member or person living in the household"

This "class" you're so worried about is clearly defined, not banned from ownership, and would need a judge's signature to get the order in place. A judge who determined that it was better to be safe than sorry. And if you found the gun of your dreams ( didn't see anything specifically against it) it looks like you could buy it as long as you turned it in.

btw, for every person who wants all guns banned, there is a person who thinks there should be no restrictions on gun ownership.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The point of the OP was that she wanted to set a precedent? The article said the bill was like one in CA. So much for your precedent story. How many times are you are you gong to back peddle on this?

You're wrong. Nowhere does it say anything about preventing or terminating your ownership rights. Just a temporary confiscation. It's just like the other restraining orders you have against you. Since you live in Kansas, you get to continue to intimidate those you love most.
The bill says,
"inasmuch as they would allow “family or household members” to petition a judge to order the temporary confiscation of firearms from another family member or person living in the household"

This "class" you're so worried about is clearly defined, not banned from ownership, and would need a judge's signature to get the order in place. A judge who determined that it was better to be safe than sorry. And if you found the gun of your dreams ( didn't see anything specifically against it) it looks like you could buy it as long as you turned it in.

btw, for every person who wants all guns banned, there is a person who thinks there should be no restrictions on gun ownership. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

does your dumb ass know what the word "prelude" means? idiot.

let me help you out here idiot


[prel-yood, preyl-, prey-lood, pree-]

See more synonyms on
noun 1. a preliminary to an action, event, condition, or work of broader scope and higher importance.

2. any action, event, comment, etc. that precedes something else.

3. Music.
  1. a relatively short, independent instrumental composition, free in form and resembling an improvisation.
  2. a piece that precedes a more important movement.
  3. the overture to an opera.
  4. an independent piece, of moderate length, sometimes used as an introduction to a fugue.
  5. music opening a church service; an introductory voluntary.

verb (used with object), preluded, preluding. 4. to serve as a prelude or introduction to.

5. to introduce by a prelude.

6. to play as a prelude.

verb (used without object), preluded, preluding. 7. to serve as a prelude.

8. to give a prelude.

9. to play a prelude.

Origin of prelude

Medieval Latin


1555-65; (noun) < Medieval Latin praelūdium, equivalent to prae- pre- + -lūdium play; compare Latin lūdus play; (v.) < Latin praelūdere to play beforehand

Related forms

preluder, noun
[pri-loo-dee-uh l] (Show IPA), preludious, adjective
preludiously, adverb
unpreluded, adjective
The point of the OP was that she wanted to set a precedent? The article said the bill was like one in CA. So much for your precedent story. How many times are you are you gong to back peddle on this?

You're wrong. Nowhere does it say anything about preventing or terminating your ownership rights. Just a temporary confiscation. It's just like the other restraining orders you have against you. Since you live in Kansas, you get to continue to intimidate those you love most.
The bill says,
"inasmuch as they would allow “family or household members” to petition a judge to order the temporary confiscation of firearms from another family member or person living in the household"

This "class" you're so worried about is clearly defined, not banned from ownership, and would need a judge's signature to get the order in place. A judge who determined that it was better to be safe than sorry. And if you found the gun of your dreams ( didn't see anything specifically against it) it looks like you could buy it as long as you turned it in.

btw, for every person who wants all guns banned, there is a person who thinks there should be no restrictions on gun ownership. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
It's a grab anyway you look at it. It is once again ignoring the reason you would want, or have a need for confiscating a gun, instead of confiscating the person you are afraid that's going to use it.
If you took the Mexican backed gangs, muslim terrorists, and all the people the neighbors would say was crazy as fuck after they kill someone off the street, you would virtually eliminate shootings.
Yssup Rider's Avatar