The NRA, REPUBLICANS, DEPLORABLES, TRUMP, all have Florida blood on their hands!

StandinStraight's Avatar
Do you have any idea how stupid you sound? It's obvious that your reading comprehension is on par with your spelling, grammar and intellect.

My kids will be just fine thank you. Now get back to responding to your assertion how Democrats don't want to ban guns when I've given a clear example of a target pistol falling under the banned list for NY State. Originally Posted by SeekingFun69
Because some obscure gun you wanted fell into a ban list that proves something? You should be more worried about your kids exposure to guns in your home and thank me for warning you of the dangers. There is no doubt that a child is more likely to be shot inside of a home with guns because it’s impossible to be shot by a gun inside of a home without guns. You should keep your guns away from your kids, keep them out of your home locked in a gun box with no ammo. You should also let any parents of friends of your kids that might come to your home know that you have multiple guns in your home.

Be a more responsible parent now so your not sorry later !
LexusLover's Avatar
Do you have any idea how stupid you sound? Originally Posted by SeekingFun69
Actually, he DOES!

Early on he blamed it on an automated, voice recognition program in his computer that was incorrectly "typing" the words he spoke.

Then recently he recanted and said it was intentional!

So, he purposefully wants to appear and "sound" stupid!
Because some obscure gun you wanted fell into a ban list that proves something? You should be more worried about your kids exposure to guns in your home and thank me for warning you of the dangers. There is no doubt that a child is more likely to be shot inside of a home with guns because it’s impossible to be shot by a gun inside of a home without guns. You should keep your guns away from your kids, keep them out of your home locked in a gun box with no ammo. You should also let any parents of friends of your kids that might come to your home know that you have multiple guns in your home.

Be a more responsible parent now so your not sorry later ! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
This isn't an "obsure" gun. The Ruger Mark series is a very popular and well-known brand and can be purchased in most states outside of NY, CA and MA. There are many other handguns that because they have a feature similar to an "assault rifle" they get lumped into the ban. But thanks for proving your ignorance on the topic.

As far as my kids and their exposure to guns go you couldn't be more wrong. I suppose in your delusional view, I have guns and ammos just lying around in every room of my house. You probably also believe that one room has so much ammo in it that my kids can swim through it like Scrooge McDuck in his money vault.

You would be wrong as usual.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I can remember when one had to be 21 to drink alcoholic beverages. I don't recall 18.

Now, it's 18 to serve. But in Texas we get to start earlier, because we have to put up with Snow Birds, Carpetbaggers, and other Liberals who want to come here and tell us how to live "better," even though they left a shit hole and want to stay.

It depended on where we were when we were younger. I recall in the mid-teens going into bars with a bottle (we didn't have by the drink, except in private clubs!). As long as we "behaved" and didn't cause any trouble it was ok. But that was a "honky-tonk" out on the Weatherford Highway West of Fort Worth in "Westland" ... called "Jimmy's Corral"! They had an "on ramp" and "off ramp" for the dance floor. Mostly truckers bringing cattle to the stockyards. All serious, but gentlemen. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Until shortly after Vietnam, the Army still allowed beer vending machines in barracks dayrooms and issued cigarettes with the C-Rats.
gfejunkie's Avatar
So, he purposefully wants to appear and "sound" stupid! Originally Posted by LexusLover
And, being quite successful at it too!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hey a hole if you didn’t give your kids guns you wouldn’t need to teach them gun safety. All your doing is making it more likely that you will shoot them or they will shoot themselves or someone else. Do your kids a favor and get rid of your guns , unless of course you love your guns more than your kids, in that case keep them and teach them safety! Originally Posted by StandinStraight

who is this a hole you speak of? bahhaaaaaa or are you talking to yourself again?

so, a hole, you want to ban assault rifles? GO AHEAD U IDIOT.

let's ban something that's ALREADY ILLEGAL.


The U.S. Army defines assault rifles as "short, compact, selective-fire weapons that fire a cartridge intermediate in power between submachine gun and rifle cartridges."[16] In a strict definition, a firearm must have at least the following characteristics to be considered an assault rifle:[2][3][4]
Rifles that meet most of these criteria, but not all, are technically not assault rifles, despite frequently being called such.
For example:
  • Select-fire M2 Carbines are not assault rifles; their effective range is only 200 yards.[17]
  • Select-fire rifles such as the FN FAL battle rifle are not assault rifles; they fire full-powered rifle cartridges.
  • Semi-automatic-only rifles like the Colt AR-15 are not assault rifles; they do not have select-fire capabilities.
  • Semi-automatic-only rifles with fixed magazines like the SKS are not assault rifles; they do not have detachable box magazines and are not capable of automatic fire.

Note that the AR-15 IS NOT classified as an assault rifle. so go ahead and yell like an idiot to ban something that's already illegal. BRILLIANT!
SeekingFun has it right. In New York state there are numerous areas where kids want to hunt once they get to legal age. Teaching gun safety before they get to that age makes them less likely to have an accident not more. I personally don't hunt (not my thing) but I have several friends whose of age children enjoy hunting with them. None of them have shot each other. Wo would have thought teaching gun safety works?
Note that the AR-15 IS NOT classified as an assault rifle. so go ahead and yell like an idiot to ban something that's already illegal. BRILLIANT! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Problem is that these idiots have been brain-washed to believe the AR stands for "Assault Rifle" instead of "ArmaLite Rifle".
I B Hankering's Avatar
Are smoke grenades illegal? Originally Posted by grean
UPDATE: this guy had neither grenades nor a gas mask.

Suspect the answer to your original question would relate to whether an area has laws against fireworks and ultimately how the device is used. They are a fire risk (these devices burn as hot as a CS grenade -- ask the SLA about that), they're toxic to inhale and they pose a risk as an explosive device. These devices contain detonators that can be used and/or modified to initiate larger explosions.
StandinStraight's Avatar
who is this a hole you speak of? bahhaaaaaa or are you talking to yourself again?

so, a hole, you want to ban assault rifles? GO AHEAD U IDIOT.

let's ban something that's ALREADY ILLEGAL.


The U.S. Army defines assault rifles as "short, compact, selective-fire weapons that fire a cartridge intermediate in power between submachine gun and rifle cartridges."[16] In a strict definition, a firearm must have at least the following characteristics to be considered an assault rifle:[2][3][4]
Rifles that meet most of these criteria, but not all, are technically not assault rifles, despite frequently being called such.
For example:
  • Select-fire M2 Carbines are not assault rifles; their effective range is only 200 yards.[17]
  • Select-fire rifles such as the FN FAL battle rifle are not assault rifles; they fire full-powered rifle cartridges.
  • Semi-automatic-only rifles like the Colt AR-15 are not assault rifles; they do not have select-fire capabilities.
  • Semi-automatic-only rifles with fixed magazines like the SKS are not assault rifles; they do not have detachable box magazines and are not capable of automatic fire.

Note that the AR-15 IS NOT classified as an assault rifle. so go ahead and yell like an idiot to ban something that's already illegal. BRILLIANT! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Tell the parents of the dead kids in Florida whose bodies were riddled with bullets that the AR15 isn’t a assult rifle.
StandinStraight's Avatar
SeekingFun has it right. In New York state there are numerous areas where kids want to hunt once they get to legal age. Teaching gun safety before they get to that age makes them less likely to have an accident not more. I personally don't hunt (not my thing) but I have several friends whose of age children enjoy hunting with them. None of them have shot each other. Wo would have thought teaching gun safety works? Originally Posted by Lantern2814
No he doesn’t have it right Standinstraight has it right, if you have guns in the home your kids are more likely to die from a gun accident than if you don’t have guns, end of story!

Also, just because kids want to hunt doesn’t mean it’s safe or that you should let them hunt. Every parent whose kid was killed either hunting or because of a gun in the home always claim they were so careful but it happened anyway!

If you love your kids don’t expose them to guns. Guns Kill!

Try fishing!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Tell the parents of the dead kids in Florida whose bodies were riddled with bullets that the AR15 isn’t a assault rifle. Originally Posted by StandinStraight

Ok. you wouldn't happen to have all of their addresses would ya?

once again you can't prove your rhetoric so you deflect in the typical radical liberal way. i find you DEPLORABLE for using this tragedy to spread your pernicious LIES!

Professor Sparky Rabbit FAG IS A DEPLORABLE!!!!!!!!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Liberal gun owner here. No one is trying to take away youre guns if you are responsible Originally Posted by themystic

Perhaps someone needs to come by and take your gun away from you.
When in a hole, smart people tend to STOP digging. Sitsinshit just keeps digging deeper.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No he doesn’t have it right Standinstraight has it right, if you have guns in the home your kids are more likely to die from a gun accident than if you don’t have guns, end of story!

Also, just because kids want to hunt doesn’t mean it’s safe or that you should let them hunt. Every parent whose kid was killed either hunting or because of a gun in the home always claim they were so careful but it happened anyway!

If you love your kids don’t expose them to guns. Guns Kill!

Try fishing! Originally Posted by StandinStraight

HAHHAAA .. remember .. you asked for this!!

CNN Host Don Lemon's Sister Drowns in Fishing Accident

Father, Son Accidentally Drowned During Texas Fishing Trip