Do you have any idea how stupid you sound? It's obvious that your reading comprehension is on par with your spelling, grammar and intellect.Because some obscure gun you wanted fell into a ban list that proves something? You should be more worried about your kids exposure to guns in your home and thank me for warning you of the dangers. There is no doubt that a child is more likely to be shot inside of a home with guns because it’s impossible to be shot by a gun inside of a home without guns. You should keep your guns away from your kids, keep them out of your home locked in a gun box with no ammo. You should also let any parents of friends of your kids that might come to your home know that you have multiple guns in your home.
My kids will be just fine thank you. Now get back to responding to your assertion how Democrats don't want to ban guns when I've given a clear example of a target pistol falling under the banned list for NY State. Originally Posted by SeekingFun69
Be a more responsible parent now so your not sorry later !