1st phase of the "BIG UGLY"...

bamscram's Avatar


How come the only ones he defends are republican?

How come the only ones he defends are republican? Originally Posted by bamscram

Why don't you call OJ Simpson and ask him? eehbbbbburr?
<-- eehbbbbburr

bamscram's Avatar
Why don't you call OJ Simpson and ask him? eehbbbbburr?
<-- eehbbbbburrt;s pet monkey iffy.

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
A full time Trump ass licker like you should have the answer ekim.

Byron York is Misinformed – IG Horowitz Has Very Wide Investigative Net…

Posted on February 17, 2018 by sundance
Sometimes people who assemble information make wrong assertions; this is one such time. Unfortunately, Byron York’s assertion needs a quick deconstruction.

In a twitter reply today Mr. York makes a mistake in spreading false information that DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz is not investigating the DOJ/FBI corruption surrounding the “Trump/Russia Case”.

The fact is – the origination statement from the Office of Inspector General specifically says the review of DOJ/FBI politicization of their investigative authority is not restrained from following “other issues that may arise.” There’s a years-worth of evidence that IG Horowitz is running an investigation on two-tracks, here’s how:

On December 2nd, 2017 (not accidentally or coincidentally ONE DAY after Mike Flynn’s guilty plea was announced), the intelligence community –namely sources inside the investigative unit– outlined specific examples of FBI political corruption. The revelations around Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and Bruce Ohr later brought to light everything within the larger storyline of the FISA application and DOJ/FBI spying on the Trump campaign.

The FBI responded and the DOJ responded to the revelations. However, the DOJ response to initial media inquiries (December 3rd release) specifically pointed attention to the Office of the Inspector General and Michael Horowitz (emphasis mine):

The January 2017 statement issued by the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (OIG) announcing its review of allegations regarding various actions of the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation in advance of the 2016 election stated that the OIG review would, among other things, consider whether certain underlying investigative decisions were based on improper considerations and that we also would include issues that might arise during the course of the review.

The OIG has been reviewing allegations involving communications between certain individuals, and will report its findings regarding those allegations promptly upon completion of the review of them.”

~ Justice Department Office of the Inspector General (link)

Just to emphasize the Black Hat -vs- White Hat dynamic for a moment; we must all remember:

♦The Friday December 1st, 2017, announcement of the Flynn plea was the Friday media narrative maneuver by Muellers hate-scheme (small group of black-hat bastards).

Team White-Hat was pissed. They responded immediately.

♦The Saturday December 2nd, 2017, announcement of Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and the bold outline of the conspiracy was an immediate Saturday morning response by the white-hats.

♦Sunday December 3rd, 2017, a full-court-press against the evildoers included the white-hats referring back to the OIG investigation. No-one, repeat *NO-ONE*, was talking about that year-long OIG investigation until December 2nd, and 3rd, when the good guys decided enough was enough…. and they began to lay down the atomic sledgehammer against Mueller’s corrupt team with daily stories, congressional notes and massive ammunition for Chairman Nunes (House Intel), Chairman Grassley (Senate Judiciary), and Chairman Goodlatte (House Judiciary).

Notice none of the investigative ammunition was ever given to the Senate Intelligence Committee, Richard Burr (chairman) and Mark Warner (vice-chair), because Team White Hat knew the Senate Intelligence Committee was corrupt, complicit and willfully blind.

The larger public audience didn’t know the scope of the Senate Intel Committee corruption until recently – when Senator Warner’s secret collusion with Christopher Steele was outed and the entire Senate committee was shown to have been hiding their knowledge therein.

Yeah, there’s a fight going on inside the intelligence apparatus and that fight has been waged for years. However, throughout 2017 the good-guys had been laying low, gathering intel, conducting an investigation and playing their cards close to the vest.

No-one in media knew a thing about what Horowitz and his team were doing until Horowitz and his team decided to let them know. No-one was talking about the IG investigation until immediately AFTER Flynn took a plea deal -under false pretense- and the good-guys came forward with a continuous stream of day-in and day-out information.

Bringing us to where we are today… and there’s still so much more to come.

Ignore misinformation from people, in this example Byron York, who have not been paying VERY CLOSE granular attention to the nuance and detail. There is zero sunlight between the politicization investigation (the origin), and the weaponization investigation (the parallel investigative outcome).

As soon as IG Horowitz discovered unlawful activity within the DOJ and FBI, he had an ethical and legal responsibility to take action. He was obligated to inform his DOJ boss.

We all know when that moment was reached, but we can only see it in hindsight.

In June/July 2017 when Horowitz informed Special Counsel Robert Mueller of the Page-Strzok text messages, that was the moment when the IG investigation shifted from looking at internal wrongful conduct to discovering an unlawful conspiracy.

From that moment of unlawful discovery, the IG had a responsibility to report the illegal activity he and his team discovered. From that very moment DOJ leadership then initiated a parallel legal and prosecutorial authority to work hand-in-glove with Horowitz.

It is NOT ACCIDENTAL at that very specific time back in 2017, Attorney Jeff Sessions, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats held a press conference initiating a new joint task-force inside the DOJ and FBI to look at these issues. However, at the time we didn’t know what that joint-task force was specifically about.

We can see it now.

It wasn’t until December, January and February when a full review of all historic activity could be possible; and a timeline review is clear. That timeline includes Asst Attorney General Rod Rosenstein telling Chris Wallace (August 2017) he was assembling the team as instructed by AG Sessions and DNI Coats.

Again, the IG discovery of specific illegal activity is what has transparently initiated a prosecutor within the DOJ to parallel track with Horowitz, which we see visibly with cooperation by: Bill Priestap (FBI), Bruce Ohr (DOJ), Peter Strzok (FBI), Lisa Page (DOJ) and James Baker (FBI Legal Counsel). Each of these individuals remains inside their respective unit, yet each of these individual has been completely removed from their authority. In essence, they are holding down empty chairs:

“They are sat down, told to not do anything, say anything or discuss anything UNTIL they get an attorney. At which time, the attorney is handed a letter from the investigating unit. That letter says in essence, this is how screwed you are. If you want to be less screwed you will sign this letter of cooperation and assist us. When we don’t need you, you sit there. When we do we will call you and you will provide what we need. Any deviation from this agreement lands you in jail for the full term.”

Any questions?

Hi Jim!

and eeehbuhhrrrr!


Behind The Sanctimonious Tweets James Comey Has a Very Serious Book Problem…

Posted on February 17, 2018 by sundance
For over three months there’s been an 800lb gorilla in the corner of the discussion desperately being avoided by an incurious corporate media.

In the fall of 2017 Fusion-GPS founder Glenn Simpson and Clinton-Steele Dossier author Christopher Steele were in frequent media stories. However, on December 2nd 2017 the first outline of previously invisible FBI Agent Peter Strzok and FBI Attorney Lisa Page hit the headlines.

Pete and Lisa were soon joined by other previous DOJ/FBI invisibles like Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, Jim Rybicki, James Baker and ‘he-who-shall-not-be-named’. Eventually the ripple effect expanded to include David Laufman (DOJ) and Mike Kortan (FBI).

However, one thing has been brutally missing throughout the three months…. there’s been no media interviews or statements by anyone.

Additionally, in a rather odd dynamic there’s no appetite by any media to get any of the names on record,… for anything…. not.a.word. Not a single satellite truck outside any house. No-media knocking on doors for comment(s). No TV pundits seeking ‘exclusive’ interviews to set the record straight, etc. It’s as if everyone in the DOJ/FBI ‘small group’ is carrying has an Ebola virus that destroys healthy narrative cells.




Not a single Washington beat journalist writing a sentence about any of the crew to include any actual statement or inquisitive question of them. Nothing. Pete, Lisa, Bruce, Nellie, Jim, James, Bill, David, Mike, Andy… nothing. All of them collectively create the silence of an 800lb gorilla sitting ‘over there’ while the incurious media look away.

Think carefully about this. There’s not even a comment to say “no comment”.

Reverse the politics and ask yourself if the media would intentionally avoid questioning the White House staff if Adam Schiff was speaking their names and executive office staff was demoted, removed, reassigned, investigated, forcibly-retired or quit without notice. Do you think media would just as similarly avoid trying to interview them?

….And along comes the political sanctimony of James Comey. With a book to sell… and an incurious media.

Oh sure, Comey has his defenders. However, there’s a battalion of people inside the DOJ and FBI who would love nothing more than a few moments of uninterrupted interrogation time with the lying liar who lies.

How’s the need to ignore the 800lb gorilla going to work with a simultaneous book tour?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
so out of all the media, fox is the only one covering it?
bamscram's Avatar
Here is where iffylube gets his news.

cptjohnstone's Avatar
Here is where iffylube gets his news.

Originally Posted by bamscram
and you get your news from here

bamscram's Avatar
and you get your news from here

Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Prove it.
Prove it. Originally Posted by bamscram
You are such a SISSY, eeehbuhrrrrrr!

Hotrod511's Avatar
and you get your news from here

Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Buttscramble gets his news here

Here is where iffylube gets his news.

Originally Posted by bamscram

Put on your PINK PUSSY HAT, eeehhbhhuurrrrrr! http://www.moonofalabama.org/2018/02...ng-scheme.html

bamscram's Avatar
You are such a SISSY, eeehbuhrrrrrr!
] Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
They are coming to take you away.

bamscram's Avatar
Buttscramble gets his news here

Originally Posted by Hotrod511

Tell us again handsome.
bamscram's Avatar
Put on your PINK PUSSY HAT, eeehhbhhuurrrrrr! http://www.moonofalabama.org/2018/02...ng-scheme.html

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Where barflies get together.....Perfect