Sugar Daddy/ Sugar Baby Dating

Savannah Moon's Avatar
Where do I sign up... MUAH ... JK
sometimes I think if I just have one good SD I could eliminate all of the excess newbies Exedra. but.I am easily distracted and I get bored just as quick
Gotyour6's Avatar
If course you do.
Maybe Richard Greer will come along and save you.
That is a hooker on retainer.

I have one, I call him my lawyer and he fucks me every time I see him. Originally Posted by Gotyour6
Or telephone him. Or think about him. Or think about telephoning him...

We can spot a gold digger as soon as they walk in the bar. Originally Posted by Gotyour6
Savannah Moon's Avatar
Holding out for MR.TRUMP. That's why LOL
Gotyour6's Avatar
We? Originally Posted by JustCause
The people I am with in the place. so, we as in a group, more than one person.
inspector farquar's Avatar
Is Richard Greer one of the "we"?
Is Richard Greer one of the "we"? Originally Posted by inspector farquar
I do believe IF understands.
seximisslexi's Avatar
where can I sign up? Haha I've always been super curious about the whole thing... But are there situations where it's super casual yet successful??
Savannah Moon's Avatar
I like the idea of casual/ successful. .. very appealing to my palette
Looking into trying this. The enjoying each others company appeals to me.
Want to be my sugar daddy, Tucson?
Honey you are to far away. In order for it to work we need to be close by. How ever the idea will bring on some wild wet dreams tonight.
seximisslexi's Avatar

seximisslexi's Avatar
Honey you are to far away. In order for it to work we need to be close by. How ever the idea will bring on some wild wet dreams tonight. Originally Posted by tucson
I love Dallas lol