Is this Okay Married/boyfriend/girlfriend/fun buddy

Provider's get paid. They were in a personal bf gf relationship. Nobody is debating that taking advantage of a intoxicated person is wrong. What im saying is this. At some point both parties have to own their mistakes. When u start throwing rape around thats serious. So I think more FACTS. Less of, I dont like him he has creepy behavior. Applying situations that could have happened, ppl who made the news, ect have 0 to do with it. If she was assaulted I would hope that she reached out for help. As in back in December. I dont see how posting on here has accomplished anything but made a bigger mess of a shit storm. I agree with you on alot of points but u cant cry about someone contacting your family when u take them around them. As I said its a lesson to be learned. She made a client a boyfriend. It back fired. To say the least. Leave work at work and dont mix the two. I hope it works out for the both of them. Im up and off of here. Its getting rhetorical at this point.
Treetop78759's Avatar
I know that substances put in drinks is a real problem because it happened to me.

Two years ago I went to Boston for what I thought would be a quick three day trip. Boy was I wrong.

On the evening of day two I went to the bar downstairs for a drink. I was sitting alone until this beautiful Russian sat down next to me.

After a few more drinks she suggested that we go upstairs and finish the night. I happily obliged.

That was the last I remember until the next day when I woke up naked in a bathtub full of ice.

My mind was still groggy and I thought I was dreaming but unfortunately that wasn't the case.

As I stood up to stretch my frozen limbs a deep pain brought me to my knees. As I stood back up I looked in the mirror and realized this was not some crazy fraternity prank.

One of my kidneys had been harvested to be sold on the black market.

I was rushed to the hospital just in time and I am very lucky to be alive.

At first I wasn't going to report this to LE but I had to. My inactions would allow this kidney harvesting cartel to hurt others.

I know what's its like. Be strong like me and report the crime and just be thankful that none of your organs were harvested.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
If I say it I mean it alcohol or not . If I have a couple of drinks. You get an even more raw unfilitered truth Originally Posted by Britttany_love
Well, then , since yew really meant thet Ah'm good-lookin', Ah jus wanna know one thang. When's tha last time yew bin ta tha eye-doctor? Cuz mebbe yer o'erdue fer a check-up!
Britttany_love's Avatar
Well, then , since yew really meant thet Ah'm good-lookin', Ah jus wanna know one thang. When's tha last time yew bin ta tha eye-doctor? Cuz mebbe yer o'erdue fer a check-up! Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
I believe God doesn't make ugly. Everyone is beautiful in their own natural way. I'm more attracted to someone with a quirky personality and heart than anything on the outside.
Britttany_love's Avatar
Provider's get paid. They were in a personal bf gf relationship. Nobody is debating that taking advantage of a intoxicated person is wrong. What im saying is this. At some point both parties have to own their mistakes. When u start throwing rape around thats serious. So I think more FACTS. Less of, I dont like him he has creepy behavior. Applying situations that could have happened, ppl who made the news, ect have 0 to do with it. If she was assaulted I would hope that she reached out for help. As in back in December. I dont see how posting on here has accomplished anything but made a bigger mess of a shit storm. I agree with you on alot of points but u cant cry about someone contacting your family when u take them around them. As I said its a lesson to be learned. She made a client a boyfriend. It back fired. To say the least. Leave work at work and dont mix the two. I hope it works out for the both of them. Im up and off of here. Its getting rhetorical at this point. Originally Posted by TexasJess
Girl money is not at all a part of this alert. Assault is assault. I'm not the only one that has had experiences with this dude. I don't have to fuck a dude and get paid to know if they are dangerous. Nor does having one appointment with him give anyone the right to call everyone else wrong. This is about a creepy, dude that stalks providers, and has one woman who said he assaulted her thats it.

This dude asked hobbyists and providers about personal details about me that's is not creepy. That's getting into my personal life and business. Maybe your okay with a stranger trying to get into your personal information but to me thats a big fucking deal. I'm not claiming shit, he did it and I got warned about it. So yes my alert is more than just being creeped out. You post alerts and have the right to say what you want as do us ladies when our safety.. etc has been compromised. It just so happens to be about a client you had a great time with and is ok to see by you.

Inviting someone once to dinner does not leave an open invitation. Do you just show up uninvited or unannounced to a place you been invited to before? Nope. You had a great time when you saw him great.

I had a shitty/scary encounter before meeting him and turned him down. Did I physically see him nope because I was sane enough to know he was not safe to see based on the information I had. Not seeing him does not make my alert unless important. I'm speaking about my experience and as to his character as I know it. Other ladies have their own bad experiences with this guy so I'm sorry but when multiple ladies have negative things to say about someone I'm going to take their word for it especially when theirs matches my own. Just because they aren't posted for all to see they are there.
CubanAva's Avatar
Girl money is not at all a part of this alert. Assault is assault. I'm not the only one that has had experiences with this dude. I don't have to fuck a dude and get paid to know if they are dangerous. Nor does having one appointment with him give anyone the right to call everyone else wrong. This is about a creepy, dude that stalks providers, and has one woman who said he assaulted her thats it.

This dude asked hobbyists and providers about personal details about me that is creepy... You post alerts and have the right to say what you want as do us ladies when our safety.. etc has been compromised. It just so happens to be about a client you had a great time with and is ok to see by you.

Inviting someone once to dinner does not leave an open invitation. Do you just show up uninvited or unannounced to a place you been invited to before? Nope. You had a great time when you saw him great.
Originally Posted by Britttany_love

Alerts are just that, alerts! Alerting others of behaviors one MIGHT have or have SHOWN. It’s information being given to do with as we please. If a hobbiest is a known sex offender, you’d want to know, right? If it’s public real world knowledge or if it’s just known by providers, it’s information given to make an INFORMED decision on what you feel is okay to risk your own personal safety. That’s literally it. It shouldn’t be about victim shaming or trying to corroborate stories, it’s to heed warning and push you to be more cautious.