Refusing a breathlizer after passing the field sobriety

thisguy23's Avatar
Shyster glad to see that you can take a good poke in the ribs. I love going to that game the Texas and Okla fans that I have seen can yell back and forth at the game then have a drink togather after. We have to be careful and not go to far because it could be us hanging our heads next year. Thanks for the good time Dallas.
budman33's Avatar
If you think you are close enough to the legal limit to fail. refuse all tests, or hyperventilate yourself to lower your BAC reading on the breathalyzer. Then lawyer up.

Give the least amount of evidence... period. He already has some evidence because he pulled you over. Don;t give them further evidence from field sobirety tests or the breathalyzer. mandatory suspensions are only mandatory if you don't get a lawyer. Have you ever noticed how many more poor people are in jail? there are 'mandatory' sentences for many crimes...doesn't mean that actually happens in reality.

lawyers make deals day in and day out.

Food for thought.
Dstorm's Avatar
Everyone is real concerned about having their license suspended for refusing field sobriety and breathalyzer tests.
If your license is suspended, you will get it back, however, a criminal conviction will never go away.
Can you get a "waiver" to drive only to work and back with this type of suspension? and how much trouble are you in if you say fuck it and drive anyway, then get caught? Is is criminal or a ticket?
Woodduck82's Avatar
Your license is gonna be suspended regardless. The only difference of blowing or not blowing is the penalty. If you blow and its over, automatic 90 day suspension. If you don't blow, its 180 days. Yes, you can get an occupational license that will allow you to drive up to 12 hours a day. If your license is suspended from a DWI charge and you are caught... you'll most likely definitely go back to jail... and have your license suspension extended for another year, without the possibility of getting an occupational license. This is all per my lawyer.