Blackmailed and need help

I am in full understanding of some of the unscrupulous. I did 16 years in the Texas state pen and understand the mind of a swindler.

Honestly...I think you should call the bluff and continue to expose. I am in Houston, and currently work in an industry that DEPENDS on integrity (go figure for this ex con: I do what I say and say what I do...THAT is integrity, andif you LADIES -I respect you as legit business women who ply trade of a valuable renewable resource: companionship). I am down with DESTROYING those whom intentionally disrespect THE GAME, even if it means I have to takle one for the team.

The Team: Hobbyists and you ladies who do what you say and say what you do.

Best of luck to you brother. if you need some assistance, PM me, but fair warning: I am all for a lady getting/staying independent. Pimps? They are for the amateur little girl/dope fiend. Not interested in that kind of provider, nor am in interested in supporting them. Bodyguards obey their boss. So do saleswomen/salesmen. Call your daily and hourly rate and be done with it.

Brooklyn/Daisy...miss you, Sweetheart. You were a great boss when you had your head on straight. Be safe.
lawrence70: Extortion is extortion, even when practiced by a couple slick lawyers -- in this case, a husband-wife (now ex-husband/wife) team:

She advertised herself on an adult website as being available for a fling, of which she had at least one each with several prominent San Antonians. Then her hubby contacted each, stating, "My wife has confessed to having had an affair with you; and if you don't pay (amount), then I'll sue you in civil court for having destroyed our marriage. You wouldn't want the publicity of a trial, now, would you?"

A couple of her marks crapped their pants and paid up; but the cuckold hubby committed the fatal error of threatening one "lover" who had a real pair of balls -- this guy contacted the police. The ensuing investigation resulted in the arrests, trials, convictions, and disbarment of the couple.

My point is simply this: If somebody can call the bluff of a couple lawyers (albeit idiot lawyers) and get them convicted for extortion, you can just as easily call the bluff of this skanky bitch, were she to ever recontact you.