Republicans Well On The Way To Destroying Your Healthcare!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The individual mandate was put in for one reason and one reason only, to achieve balanced risk pools. Romneycare in Mass has the individual mandate. In the state of Mass over 90 percent of citizens are in insured and is ranked #1. In Texas you have one of the lowest insured percentage rates.

You have gone full circle with ACA. First, it was the insurance being sold on was "Not Real Insurance" now the complaint is they didn't make the fine high enough.

so u admit it was a fine? bahhaaaaaa it was u fucktard.

The ACA law has insured more people. Before the law was passed 80% of all citizens under age 65 were insured. Now it's 90% of all citizens under age 65 are insured. If you can't balance out the risk pools, then the only thing you can do is what Dalilama was alluding to in another thread and that is put the people with pre-existing conditions into their own single payer system, handled by the government. Everyone else would be in the "Free Market" and this would eliminate the severe spikes that were caused by the people who were already sick.

Removing expanded Medicaid for the poor, which is what the bill that Ryan is pitching now will do solves nothing. Originally Posted by flghtr65
no such balancing happened. why is that? it was the premise of ACA .. and it FAILED!

why didn't all those young healthy libtards sign up??? WHY?? because they saw how much money it would cost them and they didn't want to pay it!!!

no one wanted it. no one likes it. except u idiot.

why didn't it happen? because it was a shit ass bill which made it illegal not to sign up! gotdam u are a stupid fuck!!!

if u continue to defy the Lord Emperor Donald .. u will be deported and stripped of your US citizenship by the decree of the Lord Emperor Donald!

run to Canada while u can asshole.
flghtr65's Avatar

please refute the words of the former liar in chief!!!!

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The fact is grand father rules were hard coded into the ACA law that said you can keep your health insurance plan (even if it did not have the 10 minimum benefits). It's true that the health insurance companies sent out 6 million cancellation letters. It was left up to the Commissioner of Insurance of each state to decide if the policies could be kept. Three million people got to keep their old policy. Three million people lost their old policy and had to get a new one. The heath insurance companies dropped the ball. This had nothing to do with how the ACA law was written, Fact Jack.

If you lost your doctor that was because the health insurance company dropped the doctor from its NETWORK. There was NOTHING in the ACA law that dictated dropping of doctors from Networks. With regards to dropping of doctors from networks, Obama misspoke. The decision to drop a doctor from a network was up to the health insurance company not the ACA law.

Trump promised that everyone would be insured. What does the new Trumpcare Bill do drop poor people from Medicaid in 2020. Refute that Bitch! You know you won't because you can't.
Do you get health insurance from your employer or are you in the individual market? Your premium went up by $35 dollars in 4 years. Are you complaining? It looks like the ACA didn't hurt you. Originally Posted by flghtr65
No, I am not complaining at all. My Insurance was provided from my employer. When I retired I had an option to either keep the same coverage I had through out my career or drop it and purchase it on my own. I kept what I already had, and glad I did.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The fact is grand father rules were hard coded into the ACA law that said you can keep your health insurance plan (even if it did not have the 10 minimum benefits). It's true that the health insurance companies sent out 6 million cancellation letters. It was left up to the Commissioner of Insurance of each state to decide if the policies could be kept. Three million people got to keep their old policy. Three million people lost their old policy and had to get a new one. The heath insurance companies dropped the ball. This had nothing to do with how the ACA law was written, Fact Jack.

If you lost your doctor that was because the health insurance company dropped the doctor from its NETWORK. There was NOTHING in the ACA law that dictated dropping of doctors from Networks. With regards to dropping of doctors from networks, Obama misspoke. The decision to drop a doctor from a network was up to the health insurance company not the ACA law.

Trump promised that everyone would be insured. What does the new Trumpcare Bill do drop poor people from Medicaid in 2020. Refute that Bitch! You know you won't because you can't. Originally Posted by flghtr65

ACA made it unprofitable to continue coverage. it doesn't matter if it was not written into the law .. the real world effect speaks for itself faggot .. and that includes rebates and being mandatory to get ACA. it FAILED fucker!!

did Obama really want all the big insurance players to bail on his shit-ass plan? yes! he did. and his legacy is SHIT because of it

they bailed and left u faggots hanging in the wind.

Obama's legacy is dead. if he had been white he'd still be a failure as President. that's his legacy ... NOTHING
flghtr65's Avatar

did Obama really want all the big insurance players to bail on his shit-ass plan? yes! he did.

they bailed and left u hanging in the wind.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Anthem( Blue Cross Blue Shield) came back. It did not work out for UHC. However, there are still plenty of health insurance companies offering different plans on HealthCare.Gov. In my state there were 82 different plans a person could choose from. There are 12 million customers who got health insurance at HealthCare.Gov. and another 10 million who get the expanded Medicaid (300,000 from your state of Kentucky, Hillbilly).

Who got left in the wind?

The Trumpcare bill being pitched by Ryan right now is DOA in the Senate. Just ask Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton.
ACA made it unprofitable to continue coverage. it doesn't matter if it was not written into the law .. the real world effect speaks for itself faggot .. and that includes rebates and being mandatory to get ACA. it FAILED fucker!!

did Obama really want all the big insurance players to bail on his shit-ass plan? yes! he did. and his legacy is SHIT because of it

they bailed and left u faggots hanging in the wind.

Obama's legacy is dead. if he had been white he'd still be a failure as President. that's his legacy ... NOTHING Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Modern Day Presidents don't have legacies, we just review it as such. What they actually have are agendas. Each president has a role, a specific role that none of us may fully understand. The Right, Left Paradigm is established to only confuse us into believing we have a choice. The reality is there is no choice. We argue and disagree amongst ourselves about the issues because there is one thing we all have in common, we all ultimately want the best for our country and we think our views and ideas are the best. The reality though, is the powers that be, those that truly make the decisions on our behalf have a slightly different outlook. They have the first down, they are the ones calling the cadence. Unfortunately we never will. The power of our vote is beginning to look very much like a fan cheering for his favorite team.

  • DSK
  • 03-13-2017, 06:40 AM
The GOP plan will raise the average price per year by about 1500 NOW and 2500 by 2020.

What's your point?

Single payer continues to be the only sane alternative. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Single payer would appear to be successful in the short term, if you are only looking at cost. The government being the only buyer would give them great leverage, at first. What about value and research for the future? Who's going to spend billions on new drugs to supply a single payer government?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Such fools. Ask your doctor. Obamacare has been an unmitigated disaster. Ryancare is not much better. If you want lower prices and better care, listen to Rand Paul.
flghtr65's Avatar
Single payer would appear to be successful in the short term, if you are only looking at cost. The government being the only buyer would give them great leverage, at first. What about value and research for the future? Who's going to spend billions on new drugs to supply a single payer government? Originally Posted by DSK
I would not replace group insurance from your employer with single payer. It's the people with pre-existing conditions that are already sick that need to be on a single payer system. This would get rid of the severe spikes in premium that these people are causing.