"Never forget"

HoeHummer's Avatar
You were going to tell us about Joe Finger-Bang Biden's military service. Right? Were you also going to tell us about Joe Babysitter-Banging Biden's affair with a married babysitter? Or were you just going to skip that and reflect on Joe-mentia crashing Jezebel-Jill's husband's Corvette? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Or you could take Lieing Joe's word for it when he says Bingo, we're going to take them. Failing that, you could take his alleged gun-czar's word when Robert Francis says; Hell yeah we're going to take them. Not so sure how you spun those into a conspiracy theory. Us normal folk call them direct quotes. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
So whic ones is it? You’ve used several derogatory nicknames for Biden in these two overstuffed posts,

Please settles on one of them.

Thank yous hysterical poster!

Oh, and there’s this

  • oeb11
  • 08-22-2020, 10:21 AM
All the gun nuts act like their doors are going to be kicked in and their hoard of guns are going to be whisked away.

They simply don't need anybody's guns to do what they're already doing. The masses keep their guns and keep going back to work on Monday morning, the rich guys and politicians keep looking for ways to build wealth using whatever scams and loopholes, kickbacks, under the table contracts, and outright bribes....whatever they can get away with. They're just looking for the next conquest whether it's a piece of ass or a suitcase full of cash. Greed has no limit, and they're doing it all whether you got guns or not.

Money and sex are the two biggest motivations on the planet and the top two motives in murder investigations. Spouses getting killed over life insurance, spouse doesn't want to lose money in a divorce settlement or pay alimony, love triangles, somebody finds someone new and the old one gotta go. Follow the money is the first rule.

What all the gun nuts and conspiracy theorists don't understand is that the current system of capitalism and corruption doesn't have to change into some gunstealing socialist/marxist/dictatorship to accomplish their motives. The simplest and easiest course is to maintain the present course, there's no need to shake up a system that clearly works for them. The average blue collar Joes go to work for decades because they have to pay life expenses while the Bernie Madoffs in society look for the next scam or angle or ponzi scheme to get rich on. THEY DON'T WANT OR NEED YOUR GUNS! Originally Posted by sexykarma

SK - Your opinion is incorrect, IMHO.

Beta Beto is quoted :Presidential contender Beto O'Rourke does not shy away from saying he would require citizens to turn in their military-style weapons when asked about gun control during Thursday night's Democratic debate. 'Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47,' O’Rourke said in one of the biggest lines of the night. O'Rourke added: 'We're not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans any more.' He said some people at a gun show accepted the weapons were not needed for hunting.


Generally - the AR-15 is a self-denfense weapon - asn is the Ak-47 - of whch the full automatic variety is mostly restricted in America.

And - it is not just those weapons - it is all weapons they plan to seize.

From my cold dead hands - and You will pry my smoking hot AC556 from those cold dead hands.

Look at me as a gun nut - I don't care - I won't change your opinion about the need for people to bear arms to protect themselves - both from crime - and from a controlling. Orwellian Socialist government of the DPST's.

I am a proponent of legal, law-abiding, and responsible gun ownership . and I am exactly whom the DPST 's are targeting - and removing guns from lawful holding citizens will not affect the crime rates.

And yet DPST leadership thinks nothing of the handgun crime and urder rate in chicago and other DPST shit hole cities among their black Plantation group.

Is it black poulation control the Racist DPST leadership is practicing - leaving handguns untouched in the hands of young black and minority gang bangers and others - I believe so.

One can blindly follow teh marxist DPST leadership on their anti First and Second amendment - and anti-Constitituion plans - but i don's believe for a moment that the DPST party is about anything other than totally disarming the American public - in order to prevent an armed uprising agianst the Venezuela style socialism they plan to install.

an Armed America is a Free America.
a Disarmed America - as disbanded police forces - is a prelude to violent marxist overthrow of the representative democracy all DPST's hate - in favor of the marxist Ideology.
SK - Your opinion is incorrect, IMHO.

Beta Beto is quoted :Presidential contender Beto O'Rourke does not shy away from saying he would require citizens to turn in their military-style weapons when asked about gun control during Thursday night's Democratic debate. 'Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47,' O’Rourke said in one of the biggest lines of the night. O'Rourke added: 'We're not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans any more.' He said some people at a gun show accepted the weapons were not needed for hunting.


Generally - the AR-15 is a self-denfense weapon - asn is the Ak-47 - of whch the full automatic variety is mostly restricted in America.

And - it is not just those weapons - it is all weapons they plan to seize.

From my cold dead hands - and You will pry my smoking hot AC556 from those cold dead hands.

Look at me as a gun nut - I don't care - I won't change your opinion about the need for people to bear arms to protect themselves - both from crime - and from a controlling. Orwellian Socialist government of the DPST's.

I am a proponent of legal, law-abiding, and responsible gun ownership . and I am exactly whom the DPST 's are targeting - and removing guns from lawful holding citizens will not affect the crime rates.

And yet DPST leadership thinks nothing of the handgun crime and urder rate in chicago and other DPST shit hole cities among their black Plantation group.

Is it black poulation control the Racist DPST leadership is practicing - leaving handguns untouched in the hands of young black and minority gang bangers and others - I believe so.

One can blindly follow teh marxist DPST leadership on their anti First and Second amendment - and anti-Constitituion plans - but i don's believe for a moment that the DPST party is about anything other than totally disarming the American public - in order to prevent an armed uprising agianst the Venezuela style socialism they plan to install.

an Armed America is a Free America.
a Disarmed America - as disbanded police forces - is a prelude to violent marxist overthrow of the representative democracy all DPST's hate - in favor of the marxist Ideology. Originally Posted by oeb11
Your first paragraph about them taking away the AR-15 or AK-47 is simply a play on the assault weapons ban, but the usual spin the gun lobby puts on it is the all or nothing sequence where machine guns get outlawed so the NRA guys claim they're coming after all the guns. Always looks like a dog taking a 15 foot run on a 10 foot chain. Ban bumpstocks so the gun crowd claims they're coming after everything.

Agree that criminals will find guns regardless if the general population owns them or not. Protects people from home invasions and attacks out on the street.

The whole rant about the government turning communist or marxist overnight completely ignores the whole corporate structure that monopolizes this country. Gates and Bezos and Buffet and all the other rich and powerful people aren't going to just sit back and watch their companies get invaded and considering that the guys who would order the invading are the same guys that work with these billionaires makes this whole communist takeover scene laughable.

Look at the relationship between huge corporations and the leadership of this country, how much the lobbyists make when they go to work for corporations and go back to their old buddies to get favors and legislation. Big oil and big pharmacy rarely lose. And these lobbyists get paid a million or two a year to do the bidding for their new corporate sponsors.

This is exactly like the friend of mine who told me Obama was going to install martial law in the last year of his term. I told him Obama was simply going to coast, his healthcare plan never was accepted by the people and he wasn't going to start any big plans. He never did tell me exactly what would lead Obama to just wake up some morning and declare martial law (I should have asked him), this was just one of his paranoid delusions that ignored the basic rule that these guys in power are more apt to do whatever is the easiest and makes the least amount of waves...just do more of the same and coast to the end. That's exactly what Obama did, coast. And Trump's big plans of the wall and bringing all the jobs back and draining the swamp all went down the tubes so don't expect much out of a second term, just more of his everyday babblings and finding another war hero to bash.

And that's just what the leaders now are going to do, coast along in a capitalist society with corporate america....it all fucking works perfectly smoothly right now so why are they going to kill it all off with some socialist movement and some openly disruptive mass takeover of guns just to spark a bunch of resistance and create news headlines?
HoeHummer's Avatar
Wells said, SK.

The radical Trumpista can’t explain the reasonings or evidence to support their many fear and smear tactics.

They think AOC is going to take over your country and that Biden is against the Bible.

That’s their idea of policy debate.
  • oeb11
  • 08-22-2020, 01:37 PM
SK - You don't know what is an "Assault weapon"

an 'assault weapon" has full automatic capacity - and are tightly controlled in the US - available only on transfer approved by the BATFE - and a $200 Tax stamp. Full auto weapons manufactured after 1986 are not transferrable to civilians without an FFL ( federal Firearms License).
You and Beto are terrified of the look of a semi-automatic weapon - which is the same as any other semiautomatic weapon in function.

And yes -
Beta Beto Meant just that - he will seize all weapons from law-abiding citizens. He said it in public record - I take him at his word.

No Full auto LEGAL weapon has been used in the commission of a crime in the US - You Didn't know that - nor Care - You just toe the Beta Beto line of take them away. from legal, law-abiding owners.

Does SK care at all about the handguns in the hands of chicago, Baltimore, DC , and other DPST run racist shithole cities whee murders by illegals/felons holding illegal hand guns are rampant.

Or the murder of a 5 year old boy by a felon holding an illegal handgun - You will deny - so here is a WacomPost article - putting a spin on the murder of q white 5 year old boy riding his bike by a black felon neighbor.


Of course - WacomPost claims "It;s not 'Racial;" - but if it had been a black 5 year old boy and a white felon murderer - I can bet You and all the OBLM and DPST LSM would be up in 'arms' and demand the immediate "Justice" for the perpetrator ( read - take him out - cut off his balls - and hang him slowly).

OBLM would be happy to oblige You.

There are multiple pics of OBLM terrorists patrolling Capitol Hill in Seattle - in black uniforms - body armor - and carrying Ak-47's and AR-15's.

Does SK wish to go argue that those weapons should be banned and confiscated from them - I seriously doubt it.

which brings to light the typical hypocrisy of the DPST marxist party - You care about control of the people - and need the people disarmed to inflict marxist socialism on Aemrica.

You and Beto can come pry my weapons from my codl , dead, law-abiding hands - a hot, smoking gun used in self-defense against marxist tyranny imposers.

It is written - If One is not a marxist Socialist when young - One has no "heart"

If one is not a capitalist conservative when mature - One has no Brain!

You can have your marxist Socialism - but not on my back - I will die for my freedom - and yours- which You would never do!

so go to Venezuela - love you some Maduro - and enjoy marxism as a reality.
SK - You don't know what is an "Assault weapon"

an 'assault weapon" has full automatic capacity - and are tightly controlled in the US - available only on transfer approved by the BATFE - and a $200 Tax stamp. Full auto weapons manufactured after 1986 are not transferrable to civilians without an FFL ( federal Firearms License).
You and Beto are terrified of the look of a semi-automatic weapon - which is the same as any other semiautomatic weapon in function.

And yes -
Beta Beto Meant just that - he will seize all weapons from law-abiding citizens. He said it in public record - I take him at his word.

No Full auto LEGAL weapon has been used in the commission of a crime in the US - You Didn't know that - nor Care - You just toe the Beta Beto line of take them away. from legal, law-abiding owners.

Does SK care at all about the handguns in the hands of chicago, Baltimore, DC , and other DPST run racist shithole cities whee murders by illegals/felons holding illegal hand guns are rampant.

Or the murder of a 5 year old boy by a felon holding an illegal handgun - You will deny - so here is a WacomPost article - putting a spin on the murder of q white 5 year old boy riding his bike by a black felon neighbor.


Of course - WacomPost claims "It;s not 'Racial;" - but if it had been a black 5 year old boy and a white felon murderer - I can bet You and all the OBLM and DPST LSM would be up in 'arms' and demand the immediate "Justice" for the perpetrator ( read - take him out - cut off his balls - and hang him slowly).

OBLM would be happy to oblige You.

There are multiple pics of OBLM terrorists patrolling Capitol Hill in Seattle - in black uniforms - body armor - and carrying Ak-47's and AR-15's.

Does SK wish to go argue that those weapons should be banned and confiscated from them - I seriously doubt it.

which brings to light the typical hypocrisy of the DPST marxist party - You care about control of the people - and need the people disarmed to inflict marxist socialism on Aemrica.

You and Beto can come pry my weapons from my codl , dead, law-abiding hands - a hot, smoking gun used in self-defense against marxist tyranny imposers.

It is written - If One is not a marxist Socialist when young - One has no "heart"

If one is not a capitalist conservative when mature - One has no Brain!

You can have your marxist Socialism - but not on my back - I will die for my freedom - and yours- which You would never do!

so go to Venezuela - love you some Maduro - and enjoy marxism as a reality. Originally Posted by oeb11
I understand what an assault weapon is, if you have read any of my past posts without twisting them then you know that I consider the assault weapon ban to be simply based on evil looking weapons, not based on the automatic capability of the weapons. Somehow a rifle that looks like a military weapon is banned yet a hunting rifle with equal capabilities is legal. Neither of those two should be banned if they operate as a non-automatic weapon. And I understand the tax stamp thing and have went through an FFL to get some of my own guns. I never bought into the "gun is scary looking so it must be banned" craze.

I have no problem with law abiding citizens owning guns and using them in a safe, legal manner.

As far as Chicago, Baltimore, and all the big cities that have felons with handguns....there's not much I can really do about that, the black market insures that whatever weapon or drug, hooker, or gambling need gets supplied. Some places got smart and brought weed, sex, and gambling into the white market where it could be taxed and regulated, the other parts of the country are still fighting morality wars.

The multiple pics of terrorists patrolling Capitol Hill in Seattle with body armor and black uniforms appears to be a matter of whether there is an open carry law at play...is it illegal to walk around there carrying a weapon and looking like the hollywood bank robbers? I'd hate to take their weapons and have some NRA nut screaming that was the start of all the weapons being confiscated from everybody.

When you say I care about control of the people and the need to disarm people so marxism can take over.....here again if you read my posts you will know that I have stated that the people are already controlled simply by their being forced to go to work every week to raise money to pay the bills and raise their families. No need to take the guns when capitalism has most people by the balls.

As far as you dying for your freedom and mine and that I wouldn't....I'll fight for a free country where adults can make individual adult choices and consenting adult choice between multiple people is the law of the land. Right now that is not the reality of this so-called "free" country. This is clearly a moral country dominated by church people and the overbearing and overreaching traditions that got installed centuries ago. Strike the morality laws from the books and I'd fight, but as it is right now if a foreign power invaded, took over, and chained everybody together then I'd just look over at the church elder and say "we're both equally free now." Why should I fight for someone else's freedom in this country when me and other people like me don't have their own freedom?
  • oeb11
  • 08-22-2020, 03:14 PM
Your Socialist 'Freedom" - is the freedom for You as a Radical marxist to control and direct other people as You choose - it is the marxist and Socialist way of lenin, Stalin, mao, Maduro, and PolPot - But after all - math, science, history, Civics, and home economics are all racist and not marxist - would you know about any of that????

My freedom to hold weapons in a law-abiding fashion for protection from OBLM, antiFa - and the socialist government you would impose - is a freedom You oppose.

You want your own freedom - but not for anyone else.

all right - the First and Second Amendments are operative in America for the Moment. You are free to voice you marxist Socialist opinion.

I expect the POTUS to be - harris - to destroy the Constitution and all Freedoms in the marxist Socialist amerika she will try to impose.

Civil War is coming.

You would not have raised a finger to help protect the 5 year old Cannon Hinnault from his murderer - because the child was is white. And the LSM mostly ignores - but generally - if mentioned - tries to justify the murder by a black felon holding an illegal hand gun. Not an AR-15 - after all - it was not racial ! if the races were reversed - it would be a major LSM topic for weeks.

OBLM is a racist , terrorist organization dedicated to Marxism and anti-family communes to be imposed as did Pol Pot in Cambodia They want segregation and confiscation of all white property - and 50 million white deaths as 'reparations' for slavery. They are a terrorist organization. .

DPST's are the purveyors and fomentors of racial divides and OBLM terrorism - because it suits their purpose that defeating Trump matters more than the freedoms and safety of the e people of America.

Hypocritical ,Lying, Radical marxist DPST's!!!

You can come try to take my weapons - from my cold, dead hands - and that will be a hot smoking gun fired in self-defense.
Your Socialist 'Freedom" - is the freedom for You as a Radical marxist to control and direct other people as You choose - it is the marxist and Socialist way of lenin, Stalin, mao, Maduro, and PolPot - But after all - math, science, history, Civics, and home economics are all racist and not marxist - would you know about any of that????

My freedom to hold weapons in a law-abiding fashion for protection from OBLM, antiFa - and the socialist government you would impose - is a freedom You oppose.

You want your own freedom - but not for anyone else.

all right - the First and Second Amendments are operative in America for the Moment. You are free to voice you marxist Socialist opinion.

I expect the POTUS to be - harris - to destroy the Constitution and all Freedoms in the marxist Socialist amerika she will try to impose.

Civil War is coming.

You would not have raised a finger to help protect the 5 year old Cannon Hinnault from his murderer - because the child was is white. And the LSM mostly ignores - but generally - if mentioned - tries to justify the murder by a black felon holding an illegal hand gun. Not an AR-15 - after all - it was not racial ! if the races were reversed - it would be a major LSM topic for weeks.

OBLM is a racist , terrorist organization dedicated to Marxism and anti-family communes to be imposed as did Pol Pot in Cambodia They want segregation and confiscation of all white property - and 50 million white deaths as 'reparations' for slavery. They are a terrorist organization. .

DPST's are the purveyors and fomentors of racial divides and OBLM terrorism - because it suits their purpose that defeating Trump matters more than the freedoms and safety of the e people of America.

Hypocritical ,Lying, Radical marxist DPST's!!!

You can come try to take my weapons - from my cold, dead hands - and that will be a hot smoking gun fired in self-defense. Originally Posted by oeb11
First off, I'm largely a libertarian, so I want freedom for all people regardless of race, sex, or creed. If someone wants to take all the poker tables, bookie sheets, and sex sites and burn them down then please make sure all the churches are stuffed with these items before setting them afire. Freedom and morality are two separate concepts. If this is such a free fucking country there wouldn't be all the issues and debates over discriminations and personal freedoms. The supreme court ruled years ago that neither morality or tradition were grounds for lawmaking....when is that going to start being enforced?

The whole issue of felons having illegal guns will appear to be solved in a day or two when the big bad government kicks everybody's door down and brings in the xray machines and gun sniffing dogs to seek out every gun and bullet in the country. Better bury your guns real deep buddy!

The new big bad government will also outlaw the melting point of lead so that more bullets cannot be made. All the battlefields the planet has ever had will be scoured with metal detectors to gather up spent bullets so they cannot be used again. Bodies of shooting victims will be exhumed to gather those bullets too. Is this the big bad government in your visions that's going to take power next week? Somebody better tell the NRA so they can warn everybody before the installment of the big bad satanic government happens!

But honestly I could give a fvck less how many guns you have, I'm a live and let live guy who knows how to live on my side of the fence, if my neighbors have guns I don't care but if they're shooting guns off at 3am keeping me awake and bullets are coming through the drywall bouncing off my walls then I have a real problem with that as any neighbor would.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
So whic ones is it? You’ve used several derogatory nicknames for Biden in these two overstuffed posts,

Please settles on one of them.... Originally Posted by HoeHummer

All of those are accurate. Though when he does something super-duper stupid, I call him Joe "HoeHummer" Biden. Fortunately, he isn't that stupid very often.