Do You Agree With Steve Bannon? Yes or No?

adav8s28's Avatar
Originally Posted by WTF
Waco_Kid thinks he is the only one on eccie that knows how to start a 401k with an employer.
A 2.5 GPA is not possible when you have 8 D's and a F on your transcript.

All his grades from first year got converted to 4 point equivalent.

1 A (1x12) = 12 points
21 B (21X9) = 189 "
11 C (11X6) = 66 "
6 D (6x3) = 18 "
1 F (1x0) = 0

285 / 120 = 2.37 two of his D's not counted in this example.

Back to math class for you eccie_L. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Look at that LOL... You are suddenly getting closer to that 2.5 aren't you.

Weren't your exact words not long ago...
Eccie_L you are still having difficulties with Math. No way Perry can have a 2.5 GPA with 22 B's, 29 C's and 9 D's. A one credit "A" will not offset a three credit "F". Even if you take away or not count six "D"s and three "C" s that would give him 120 credit hours and 246 pts. 246/120 = 2.05 GPA. That is the best you will get for Rick "Blockhead" Perry.
2.05 the Best?

Now you are at 2.37 and why didn't you drop the F?

And also your numbers are not matching up from your own source of his transcript posted earlier.

One A?

He did get an A in world military systems and “Improv. of Learning” — his only two As while at A&M.
Cmon, I know you can do it Mr. Math challenged.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-27-2019, 07:45 AM
i already do. have been since 2006. will until 2027. that's 2.5 million. i'm not wasting 2k a month on an apartment. i put that in my 401k every month. and 500 into savings for my 6,500 IRA individual contribution. and 500 into my broker's account.

you aren't going to retire a millionaire by wasting 2k on an apartment and not putting any money into retirement accounts. my house .. that i own .. will be mostly paid off and worth about 450k by 2027. and i easily pay 2300 a month on a 15 year mortgage and put 3k into investments ...

i think you are as they say in Texas .. All Hat, No Cattle.

let me show you some of my cattle .. just social security ...

so why don't you post directly from what your projected benefit is at 65 or 67?

thank you valued poster! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
  • oeb11
  • 11-27-2019, 09:01 AM
DPST - Why don't you go back and look up how GPA was calculated at TAMU in '68-'72 - Perry was a Corps member and Ross Volunteer - grades were not his strong point, but he graduated legitimately.

SomeOne has spent enormous time and effort bleating about something about which they have no first - hand knowledge.

I do - I was there.

Foolish DPST - but the usual propaganda - bleating about that of which they know nothing.

and - produce a copy of the transcript - why don't you - rather than taking BS off the LSM as fact.

Foolish DPST's

2. 0 - nice self portrait , SomeOne - i suggest it for your avatar.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I agree with this:

The “deep state conspiracy theory is for nut cases”, Bannon is quoted as saying, because “America isn’t Turkey or Egypt”.

There is a formidable government bureaucracy in the US, he adds, but “there’s nothing ‘deep’ about it. It’s right in your face.”

As to your question, it all depends on how you define "deep state." There are more leakers than ever. I'm not sure whether this is because there are more people in government who disagree with Trump than past presidents, or because the Trump administration isn't keeping a tight rein on its people.

A huge conspiracy? No. The closest you could get to that would be Rod Rosenstein, Andrew McCabe and other Justice Department officials discussing whether to use the 25th amendment to try to remove Trump after Comey was fired. They didn't follow through.

The thing with Peter Strzok and Lisa Page was just some kind of deviant sex play. Trump bashing got them horny. I actually understand this. When I have problems busting a nut I start thinking about Elizabeth Warren and how maybe the Pocahantas thing will screw her chances. That usually works but if not then AOC's blow job lips and tits do the trick. Originally Posted by Tiny

Depends on how you define huge. I think another example of the deep state is the book by Anonymous. People in the White House, in the oval conspiring against the President by removing papers from his desk? Come on, if that isn't some deep shit, I don't know what it.

I think we will know a lot more about the deep state when we see the Durham report. If my suspicions are correct, there was a conspiracy to keep Trump from being elected and when he was, a conspiracy to bring him down and John Brennan of the CIA was the ring master.

As to an AOC blow job, yeah those lips look nice but I would let those teeth within ten feet of my junk.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar

he says the "Deep State" is conspiracy bullshit (yeah, my Schiffian interpretation of his remarks, LOL).

do you agree? yes or no?

this is an up or down vote, no changing the subject like so many of you instinctively do.

I'll start.. YES Originally Posted by Chung Tran
right now everything that comes out of the Repugnant part annals is a mass of conspiracy theories and outright lies. They've given up on defending that criminal in the WH, now its a matter of changing the narrative. But the Trump sheep still think Trump is the "chosen one of God" according to Rick Perry. I want to hurl when i read that kind of garbage
Chung Tran's Avatar
right now everything that comes out of the Repugnant part annals is a mass of conspiracy theories and outright lies. They've given up on defending that criminal in the WH, now its a matter of changing the narrative. But the Trump sheep still think Trump is the "chosen one of God" according to Rick Perry. I want to hurl when i read that kind of garbage Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
I saw the interview, where Perry said that.. it was embarrassing how Perry seemed to worship Trump. I bet if Trump was in the room, Perry would have unzipped Trump's fly, and worked his mouth around Trump's tool.

Perry brought up King David and Solomon, with a big smile, and wide eyes. "my Lord is equal to them", he grinned.