The only demographic in America that reliably opposes abortion access is older men

VitaMan's Avatar
Good grief. You are so strange.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
VM, you're no charlie brown.
... Let's get back on-to the topic, mates.

It's NOT the demographics that matter when it come to Abortion.
It's the overall polling.

The Pro-Choice crowd is fine with abortion in the FIRST tri-mester.
But drops-off well when it comes to the second tri-mester.
And support DROPS like a stone in the third tri-mester.

#### Salty
Good grief. You are so strange. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Says the guy who got his thread closed because of his LACK of comprehension...FUCKING PRICELESS!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I really don't give a shit about that. Pro Choice advocates aren't aware of what they are truly advocating. Just one instance to note. In the early 80's a Transport Canister was seized from the back yard of an individual because he failed to pay the note. It was found that the Canister contained several thousand Aborted Fetuses some 25 to 27 weeks old. Other incidences of similar circumstances have been documented over the years. It's murder that's all there is too it. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Actually, VM mentioned you made false statements in this discussion. You challenged him “name one.”

He named two.

So now you don’t really give a shit about that.


You can’t defend your position because you really haven’t taken one.

Data presented shows you were making assumptions based on some fictitious metric. Your opinion.

As far what the pro-choice people are ok with. It was the protections guaranteed by Roe v Wade. Anything else is government overreach.
Making abortion a Constitutional right is bad law and the justices were correct in their judgment.
The states will now with it!!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Who knew there were so many altruistic men on a whore board about abortion?

I don't judge people one way or another about abortion. I made some decisions that I still don't regret because I was so young and broke that I barely had enough money to feed myself, let alone pay for the bare essentials like food, diapers and daycare to care for a baby. I'm hardly proud of it, but I did (and so did the females who agreed) what was in our best selfish/easiest interest to terminate the pregnancies because we were so young and incapable of making a more mature decision.

A big part of me regrets those decisions, but the logical part says, "suck it up, you have enough kids now and at least they were planned, and you were married, and they were made out of love and not because of young and dumb lust."

Again, nothing at all to be proud of but yes, I obviously believe abortion should be legal. I had absolutely no business trying to raise a boy to be a man or a girl to be a woman at that young age when I wasn't even fully raised myself at the time.

Anyway, they were the right decision for me at the time, but I'll always have doubts until the day I die questioning myself about those life altering decisions about whether I really did make the right choices regardless of the reasons I did so. That's just life and I signed up for that stigma, so I'll deal with it like I have done so for many years.

That's my story about abortion. Sorry for the long read because I know I am one of the 1st to bitch about people being too long winded with their post. My bad
texassapper's Avatar
I don't judge people one way or another about abortion. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
For obvious reasons, now. But based on your posts you do actually judge people. Quite a bit actually.

I still don't regret.... I'm hardly proud of it.... I did what was in our selfish interest... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
And there it is. The naked self interest. No wonder you're so ready to judge others. Atoning for the fact that you trespassed one natures most fundamental laws, you don't kill your own progeny.

It just solidifies my belief that lefties like you are fundamentally emotionally-broken people. And of the worse sort... you cannot even acknowledge your own wounds.
to terminate the pregnancies because we were so young and incapable of making a more mature decision. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
So multiple times with multiple women. You apparently never learned a lesson from the first one either. Or how to use a condom. You were immature. But you executed a baby rather than face the consequences of your choices. I don't use the word coward lightly. But it indeed comes to mind.
A big part of me regrets those decisions, Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
That's called your soul. Listen to it.
but the logical part says, "suck it up, you have enough kids Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Humans excel at rationalizing anything... even consuming another persons flesh... of course you rationalize it. To do otherwise would make the guilt to difficult to deal with.
now and at least they were planned, and you were married, and they were made out of love and not because of young and dumb lust." Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Does it matter the circumstance life is created? Life is life regardless of how one feels in the morning.
Again, nothing at all to be proud of but yes, I obviously believe abortion should be legal. I had absolutely no business trying to raise a boy to be a man or a girl to be a woman at that young age when I wasn't even fully raised myself at the time. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
So you didn't feel mature enough to put your childs life ahead of your own, but you felt mature enough to end that same life? Interesting... I would think deciding to execute a baby would require more maturity than being a decent father.
I'll always have doubts until the day I die Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
As you should. Your soul doesn't rest just because you think you can rationalize murdering your children.
questioning myself about those life altering decisions about whether I really did make the right choices regardless of the reasons I did so. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You didn't make the right choice. Your doubts betray that you know that as well. But it's very difficult to come to terms with it, I imagine. What a horrible feeling it must be.
That's just life and I signed up for that stigma, so I'll deal with it like I have done so for many years. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
That's a hard burden to bear. I'm truly sorry that you have to carry it. How much better would it have been had you made a choice based on love rather than fear of a difficult life. In case you missed it life is difficult for most folks... that's not a justification for murder.
That's my story about abortion. Sorry for the long read because I know I am one of the 1st to bitch about people being too long winded with their post. My bad Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Thanks for sharing... I hope writing it made it easier.
Levianon17's Avatar
Actually, VM mentioned you made false statements in this discussion. You challenged him “name one.”

He named two.

So now you don’t really give a shit about that.


You can’t defend your position because you really haven’t taken one.

Data presented shows you were making assumptions based on some fictitious metric. Your opinion.

As far what the pro-choice people are ok with. It was the protections guaranteed by Roe v Wade. Anything else is government overreach. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Of course I have a stand. I am not an advocate for Abortion and never have been. Roe vs Wade was the Law at one time but since Abortion rights are not Constitutionally protected the Law can be changed and it was and rightly so. Individual States will now adopt their own Abortion Legislation. Some States will allow Abortion other States won't much of those decisions will be based on the attitudes of the people.
winn dixie's Avatar
In all the polls Ive seen. Around 60 % of Americans wanted roe v wade to remain as is.

Im a Republican for abortion. Overturning was a bad mistake.
Im for assisted suicide and for the death penalty as well.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Of course I have a stand. I am not an advocate for Abortion and never have been. Roe vs Wade was the Law at one time but since Abortion rights are not Constitutionally protected the Law can be changed and it was and rightly so. Individual States will now adopt their own Abortion Legislation. Some States will allow Abortion other States won't much of those decisions will be based on the attitudes of the people. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Yet you didn’t admit, or address the false comments you made and that VM called you on.

Why not?
Levianon17's Avatar
Yet you didn’t admit, or address the false comments you made and that VM called you on.

Why not? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I am not sure what comments you're referring to.
lustylad's Avatar
Good grief. You are so strange. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Look who's talking!

VitaMan's Avatar
I remember you. You are the one from Pittsburgh who threatened to have me killed if I set foot in Pittsburgh.
VitaMan's Avatar
I am not sure what comments you're referring to. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Sure you do. Want to go over them again ?