Update 5 Star Hotel Photographer Dilema

Her paintings rock and are stingingly original. If I had about $60,000 I would purchase at least 3 of her images and put them all over my walls. I prefer her earlier work.
grtrader's Avatar

Meeshee, that sounds like a VERY professional approach -- particularly because I suspect that many of your clients have never dealt with these issues before. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I'll second that.

But morally, I think the photo shopping of the pictures should have been offered...as it was. If that satisfied the client, then done deal. If not, which it apparently did not (with justification, IMHO), then I think the a retake, at a suitable location, should have been offered. If I were the photographer, I'm not sure I would have offered any more than that. But I would have offered that.

Bad outcomes typically get resolved where both sides hurt a little...assuming both sidestake responsibility for their actions. From what I have heard here, it seems the little lady here got the short end of the stick, and it really didn't need to be that way. Just one man's opinion. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Yes, Rudyard, I may have gotten the short end of the stick, but I am standing tall and it all ends well.

I drove down to meet Meeshee and take her up on her kind offer.She is a wonderful sweet lady, not to mention extremely talented and professional.
I received my final pictures early this week (because she made it a priority due to my circumstances) and was extremely pleased. I have now updated my new website and contacted the hotel in question.

Hopefully this can be a positive experience for both myself and Meeshee.There was a need for a professional,talented,kind female photographer in my community....Meeshee fills this need.

Taking the high road is the way to go.
The end.
I believe in guaranteeing my client's satisfaction. If that doesn't happen, we re-shoot for free. Why should things be any more complicated? Quite simple: if she's not happy, I'm not happy. There are no limitations to achieving happiness.
Rule 1: the customer is always right. Rule 2: If the customer is wrong, re-read rule 1.

From a local store (highest gross per square foot in the country).
John Bull's Avatar
Having seen Tylorblake's last post, it would appear that the original purpose of this thread has been served.

If there are spin-offs you would like to discuss, let's start a new thread.