Got caught but didn't get CAUGHT!!!!! Have a question for veterans

SpiceItUp's Avatar
Mr. SpicyPants!

I thought you were saving me for yourself! Stop trying to pawn me off on the others!

YourLilMynx Originally Posted by LilMynx69
Lol Your modesty becomes you Mynx
The expensive hobby always seems to be the best way to explain away large amounts of cash.
Just make sure it's a hobby the wife will never want to take up and join in on.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... You keep us sinners on the straight and narrow and for that I thank you.

Sin's got nothing to do with it. Not straight nor narrow either.

I do find curious the arbitrary lines you draw in the sand concerning moral turpitude ... Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
I would guess my comment was about the opposite of arbitrary. Your comment might qualify though.

And is "Say what you mean, Do what you say," all that frightening and restrictive? I guess it is for you Spice. And although I'm sure you have many "reasons" to justify your choices, many perhaps quite objectively reasonable, at the end of the day you're still a liar and a cheat. And to one you profess(ed) to love.

But I am far from 100% pure. I can assure you. Being truthful is hard, particularly for one skilled at lying. So while it may seem I judge harshly (is there any other way to judge?), I do not.

Passing Judgement suggests an ability to know another's ability to make a different decision, and I clearly do not know any more than what is posted on the board. Walk a mile in another's shoes, and all that.

But criticizing one's actions is a different story and one I'm pretty certain you participate in. Particularly when that one starts a thread about their actions. But it seems in this particular case my criticism struck a little close to home for you. Sorry.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
I would guess my comment was about the opposite of arbitrary. Your comment might qualify though.

And is "Say what you mean, Do what you say," all that frightening and restrictive? I guess it is for you Spice. And although I'm sure you have many "reasons" to justify your choices, many perhaps quite objectively reasonable, at the end of the day you're still a liar and a cheat. And to one you profess(ed) to love.

But I am far from 100% pure. I can assure you. Being truthful is hard, particularly for one skilled at lying. So while it may seem I judge harshly (is there any other way to judge?), I do not.

Passing Judgement suggests an ability to know another's ability to make a different decision, and I clearly do not know any more than what is posted on the board. Walk a mile in another's shoes, and all that.

But criticizing one's actions is a different story and one I'm pretty certain you participate in. Particularly when that one starts a thread about their actions. But it seems in this particular case my criticism struck a little close to home for you. Sorry.
Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Dear Mr. Morality Police,

Your lack of comprehension is annoying, but not unexpected. Let me spell it out for you.

First of all, I didn't say your comment was arbitrary I said that "I do find curious the arbitrary lines you draw in the sand concerning moral turpitude"

The meaning was obviously lost on you, maybe too many big words so lets examine shall we? I'll try to move slowly so you can keep up.

First, according to Merriam-Webster, moral turpitude is defined as: "an act or behavior that violates the moral sentiment or accepted moral standards of the community"

You're on a hooker board where women sell sex for money. You are a repeat client over a number of years as evidenced by your reviews and posts. To quote you, "I'm sure you have many "reasons" to justify your choices, many perhaps quite objectively reasonable, at the end of the day you're still [guilty of moral turpitude]" because you sleep with hookers. People who cheat on their wives/SO with hookers are also guilty of moral turpitude.

The fact that you're ok with your own moral turpitude but not with someone else's because it differs from your own is what I find to be curious and arbitrary. That's the funny thing about morality, ultimately it's subjective. So I find it humorous when the morality police come calling on a hooker board.

Secondly, I never said what my personal situation is or isn't, I merely answered the OP's question without judgment. You're assertion that I am a liar and a cheat is therefore groundless.

Even if I were a skilled liar as you rudely assume, I would suggest that this is another arbitrary line you are drawing. Are you completely honest with everyone in your life about the fact you like to fuck hookers? Do the boys at the office or your boss or all your friends know all about this site and why you don't go to happy hour or lunch periodically? When your friend calls during a session and you call him back after do you tell him you're sorry you missed his call but you were balls deep in an asian spinner prostitute's ass?

We all live in a glass house when it comes to this thing of ours, if we can't speak frankly here where can we? Responses like yours to threads like these serve what purpose again?

This is probably pointless though because, to quote you earlier in the thread, "I doubt you capable of discerning beyond what you wish to hear"
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Dear Mr. Morality Police,

Your lack of comprehension is annoying, but not unexpected. Let me spell it out for you.

pot kettle black

First of all, I didn't say your comment was arbitrary I said that "I do find curious the arbitrary lines you draw in the sand concerning moral turpitude"

Just so we're clear for those scoring at home: so, you were saying the line was arbitrary.

The meaning was obviously lost on you, maybe too many big words so lets examine shall we? I'll try to move slowly so you can keep up.

No. I get words and meanings. You, on the other hand ...

First, according to Merriam-Webster, moral turpitude is defined as: "an act or behavior that violates the moral sentiment or accepted moral standards of the community"

"The community" being a quite elusive and shifting standard.

You're on a hooker board where women sell sex for money. You are a repeat client over a number of years as evidenced by your reviews and posts. To quote you, "I'm sure you have many "reasons" to justify your choices, many perhaps quite objectively reasonable, at the end of the day you're still [guilty of moral turpitude]" because you sleep with hookers.

This would depend on the "he community," would it not? In this community I suppose I would not be found guilty.

People who cheat on their wives/SO with hookers are also guilty of moral turpitude.

Again, this would be dependent on "the community."

The fact that you're ok with your own moral turpitude but not with someone else's because it differs from your own is what I find to be curious and arbitrary.

Hmm. The word I objected too earlier, that you misused. Why did you not break out your Webster's (abridged) for this one? Let me help: "not planned or chosen for a particular reason : not based on reason or evidence."

Does my opinion really seem arbitrary to you? Just a whimsical musing?

That's the funny thing about morality, ultimately it's subjective.

What a revelation! Where have I claimed otherwise?

So I find it humorous when the morality police come calling on a hooker board.

The crux of your misunderstanding: I believe I addressed this in my last post - I am not judging the OP, merely disagreeing with his choice of action. (Why do I feel I will need to repeat that concept again for you?)

Secondly, I never said what my personal situation is or isn't, I merely answered the OP's question without judgment. You're assertion that I am a liar and a cheat is therefore groundless.

Even if I were a skilled liar as you rudely assume,

New paragraph sometimes means a new POV or Topic. I was referring to myself. Let me quote it here, give you a 2nd crack at it: "But I am far from 100% pure. I can assure you. Being truthful is hard, particularly for one skilled at lying."

I would suggest that this is another arbitrary line you are drawing.

You still haven't figured out that "arbitrary" thing, have you?

Are you completely honest

I believe I admitted I was not in the part I quoted above. You really paying close attention, were you?

with everyone in your life about the fact you like to fuck hookers? Do the boys at the office or your boss or all your friends know all about this site and why you don't go to happy hour or lunch periodically? When your friend calls during a session and you call him back after do you tell him you're sorry you missed his call but you were balls deep in an asian spinner prostitute's ass?

We all live in a glass house when it comes to this thing of ours,

So, anything goes, is what you are saying? It's a Boy's Club after all, it's all good?

if we can't speak frankly here where can we?

I couldn't have been speaking any more frankly. You would remove my right to an opinion because it differs from yours?

Responses like yours to threads like these serve what purpose again?

Perspective. A decidedly different one.

This is probably pointless though because, to quote you earlier in the thread, "I doubt you capable of discerning beyond what you wish to hear" Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
I venture to say, I've spent considerably more time arriving at my position, with various stops along the way (some might claim "detours") than you've spent arriving at yours.

FYI: I tried to keep my insults to a minimum; to borrow from you, it doesn't typically serve a greater purpose. But I failed to a large degree. I found your insults to be unwarranted and uninspiring, so I felt I "owed you" a couple in return. More evidence that I am indeed a flawed individual.

My larger position, that you failed to address, should you wish to continue the discussion: Where do you draw the line for offering criticism on actions? Is Bait and Switch okay? Pimps? Pimps that Beat? Underage chasers? Hobbyists that get a "little rough"?

Surely you have a "line." Does this fact make you a member of Morality Police, or do you call it something else. Because, after all, it's your line.
  • DMike
  • 02-03-2014, 12:04 PM
divorce her or get caught either way your gona get fucked
SpiceItUp's Avatar
I venture to say, I've spent considerably more time arriving at my position, with various stops along the way (some might claim "detours") than you've spent arriving at yours.

FYI: I tried to keep my insults to a minimum; to borrow from you, it doesn't typically serve a greater purpose. But I failed to a large degree. I found your insults to be unwarranted and uninspiring, so I felt I "owed you" a couple in return. More evidence that I am indeed a flawed individual.

My larger position, that you failed to address, should you wish to continue the discussion: Where do you draw the line for offering criticism on actions? Is Bait and Switch okay? Pimps? Pimps that Beat? Underage chasers? Hobbyists that get a "little rough"?

Surely you have a "line." Does this fact make you a member of Morality Police, or do you call it something else. Because, after all, it's your line.
Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
You're really using the semantics of the word "community" to dispute whether or not fucking hookers is considered against moral standards by our society? Interesting justification you've decided upon for yourself.

Also, I think you know that the connotation of the word arbitrary we're referring to here is the most commonly used one in modern speech, namely "based on or determined by individual preference or convenience rather than by necessity or the intrinsic nature of something"

Again a semantic argument rather than a substantive one. Tell me again what your point is?

I notice you dodged the question about your own honesty. I think we all know why.

Of course I have a line, we all do. Our lines are subjective and arbitrary. I don't shove my line down other people's throats. The fact that you do reveals much.

Enjoy your moral high ground, such as it is...
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
You could've just said, "Uncle."

It would have been more intellectually honest.
ICU 812's Avatar
To return to the OP's question: I save up my lunch money.
Cash back option is good. Tom Thumb will let you get $60 back. This is why i like to grocery shop, lol. Sign up for several golf lessons thru Golf Tec and Golfsmith but don't take all the lessons; get a refund. With golf lessons you have practice...a lot...and that could be $100-$200 a month in driving range balls (which you won't buy, of course).

Have a poker night once a month with the guys where you need to take $200-$300 cash to play. Try to make it look like you're winning...but not very often.

If your wife wants to see receipts on everything,'re fucked.
pineappleguy's Avatar
Kudos to your on your quick thinking and blaming a gambling habit for the missing money.

Those that have suggested adding another hobby are right on the money. Pick something that a) allows you to spend a fair amount of money, and b) gives you excuses to get out of the house. (club meetings, etc.) A hobby like radio controlled aircraft will allow you to purchase expensive items with cash (so you have a receipt and physical evidence of the purchase, then return a percentage of them for a cash refund. The model airplane hobby is perfect because the equipment is not accountable. When she asked what happened to that airplane (that you returned) you simply say you crashed it at the flying field and had to throw it away.
Guest042416's Avatar
man up don't be a pussy.
you got caught you moveon, get the divorce and fuck what you want.

don't hide or not be trustful to your wife, divorce and get to to the newpussy
I'd play on the gambling story if you want to be sneaky. Make sure she overhears phone convos about placing sports bets, go a horse racing event etc...create a strong illusion that easy to maintain.
roaringfork's Avatar
"lesser of two evils"--lol.

JohnnyYanks kind of stole my thunder with the Walter White allusion, but I can't resist quoting from the series' second episode:

Jesse: “Good job on wearing the pants in the family. And why'd you go and tell (your wife) I was selling you ****?”

Walter: “Because somehow it seemed preferable to admitting that I cook ******* **** and killed a man.”