Will George Zimmerman join OJ now?

dreamvacationdates's Avatar
Hell yea, won't catch me fucking with anyone, armed only with a tea and a bag of skittles. Originally Posted by nwarounder
In a way it's sorrta sad, that you have to carry a weapon on you all the time.
but as long as that confrontation took, a skilled highly trained unarmed person would of killed GZ in the first 10 seconds,if that long.
It's not the fact that you have the gun, it's if you can get it into firing position in time. if you can't, the gun won't save you.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-14-2013, 05:03 PM
Yeah, keep sleeping, CBJ7. Sooner or later -- maybe -- you'll awaken from your lib-retard fantasy world and see what a fool you've made of yourself. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

nobody gives a flying fuck what you say IB, thanks to no one other than yourself your opinion isn't worth a damn.
So what i said was actually proven in a court of law.

Therefore, still waiting for you to point out which part of my comment was inaccurate. Originally Posted by Doove
Okay okay, no one will even remember these two in a few days so it's not even worth my effort to go on. So just pretend what you said was completely accurate and go ahead and pretend Zimmerman was found guilty as well. Same difference, and you really showed me up, carry on.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
Hell yea, won't catch me fucking with anyone, armed only with a tea and a bag of skittles. Originally Posted by nwarounder
You are so right, I don't think anyone would of, unless they are placed into a position where they are cornered and have to fight or someone instigated a fight and that's all you have.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Let's put the gottcha, politics, and the racial divide aside.
  • Have you forgotten a 17yr old boy was shot and killed?
  • Do you really believe Zimmerman's head was BASHED repeatedly against a sidewalk?
  • Would you have allowed Zimmerman to go home after hearing his version of events?
Your answer to my third question is the reason for the outcry, it happens far too often in the black community. A non black kills a black person and all that is needed is his version of events. Originally Posted by drsmooth1
You're ignoring that Zimmerman's statement was reinforced by other witness statements gathered that night and by the physical evidence the police gathered which further corroborated Zimmerman's version if events. Zimmerman had the head and face injuries to substantiate his claim that he had been attacked and was being beaten. That you, and others, dismiss his injuries as "minor" is ridiculously ignorant. People have died from trauma to the head and yet exhibited no external wounds indicative of that trauma.

nobody gives a flying fuck what you say IB, thanks to no one other than yourself your opinion isn't worth a damn. Originally Posted by CJ7
Yeah, CBJ7, you're a lib-retarded "no body" living in a fantasy world and that's why you reply as you do.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
What good is GZ freedom when you have to look over your shoulder everyday, or worried about everyone that passes by may be a potential threat, there may be a few enclaves you can go live in that may provide some relief, after awhile things will cool off, but it only takes one moment for you to get got. and you know what his supporters will fade away, but those with true hate for GZ will feel that revenge is a dish best served cold.
I B Hankering's Avatar
What good is GZ freedom when you have to look over your shoulder everyday, or worried about everyone that passes by may be a potential threat, there may be a few enclaves you can go live in that may provide some relief, after awhile things will cool off, but it only takes one moment for you to get got. and you know what his supporters will fade away, but those with true hate for GZ will feel that revenge is a dish best served cold. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
"What good", you ask? It's substantially better than being in a prison cell for 15 to 30 years, and he has family in Peru.
Let's put the gottcha, politics, and the racial divide aside.
  • Have you forgotten a 17yr old boy was shot and killed?
  • Do you really believe Zimmerman's head was BASHED repeatedly against a sidewalk?
  • Would you have allowed Zimmerman to go home after hearing his version of events?
Your answer to my third question is the reason for the outcry, it happens far too often in the black community. A non black kills a black person and all that is needed is his version of events. Originally Posted by drsmooth1
Hmmm, so you are saying this happens all the time, you have proof, and the reverend Al and Jesse have never heard of it or they refuse to tell CNN and MSNBC as they did with his case? I personally don't know of any, but I'd be kicking their lame asses out of the NAACP if they were pulling this kind of shit and replacing them with decent people that would actually do something to advance the cause. They have an open invitation to the newsroom anytime they want to expose injustice, pisses me off they act like they care and then sit around and do fucking nothing when all this atrocity is going on with the police.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
"What good", you ask? It's substantially better than being in a prison cell for 15 to 30 years, and he has family in Peru. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Peru may be his best bet,
"What good", you ask? It's substantially better than being in a prison cell for 15 to 30 years, and he has family in Peru. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Why don't you accompany him you make such a cute couple...
I B Hankering's Avatar
Why don't you accompany him you make such a cute couple... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You like that particular emoticon, don't you, Ekim the Inbred? Evidently it helps stimulate your homoerotic fantasies, doesn't it , Ekim the Inbred?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-14-2013, 08:04 PM
Okay okay, no one will even remember these two in a few days so it's not even worth my effort to go on. So just pretend what you said was completely accurate and go ahead and pretend Zimmerman was found guilty as well. Same difference, and you really showed me up, carry on. Originally Posted by nwarounder
So to recap:

You stated that if things occurred the way i stated that they occurred, Zimmerman would have been found guilty.

Then, when asked to show what i said that didn't occur as i stated, you laughingly pointed out that the events, as i stated them, were actually proven in court.

So, what say you now about why he wasn't found guilty?
drsmooth1's Avatar
Hmmm, so you are saying this happens all the time, you have proof, and the reverend Al and Jesse have never heard of it or they refuse to tell CNN and MSNBC as they did with his case? I personally don't know of any, but I'd be kicking their lame asses out of the NAACP if they were pulling this kind of shit and replacing them with decent people that would actually do something to advance the cause. They have an open invitation to the newsroom anytime they want to expose injustice, pisses me off they act like they care and then sit around and do fucking nothing when all this atrocity is going on with the police. Originally Posted by nwarounder
I believe the family lawyer raised public awareness, and the rest is history. I hope you're being sarcastic.

You're ignoring that Zimmerman's statement was reinforced by other witness statements gathered that night and by the physical evidence the police gathered which further corroborated Zimmerman's version if events. Zimmerman had the head and face injuries to substantiate his claim that he had been attacked and was being beaten. That you, and others, dismiss his injuries as "minor" is ridiculously ignorant. People have died from trauma to the head and yet exhibited no external wounds indicative of that trauma. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I don't dismiss a fight, and you make valid points. Again remove I gottcha, politics, and racial divide and answer these questions objectively for me.
  • Do you really believe Zimmerman's head was bashed repeatedly on the concrete? Yes or no.
  • Can you explain why Zimmerman got out his car with a loaded gun?
  • What did Trayvon do that warranted Zimmerman follow him?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Good luck bleeding these stones, dr smooth.
Precious_b's Avatar
I only slightly read this thread.
Just going to skip it and put in an opinion which I hope isn't too rank.

If they would have allowed pretrial diversions (sp) Zimmerman would look one hell of a lot worse.

Claiming to be broke while getting massive donations. Hiding PP account. Etc. To me that alone shows a morally bankrupt person with lack of ethics. Such lying would automatically show a person who is untrustworthy and not to be believed under oath.

He lucked out in a court of law.

The one of public opinion seems to have affected him by his immediate UTR stance.