Sugar Daddys

A friend pointed me to this thought provoking thread. I must say the varying opinions are quite stringent.
My thoughts: Foremost I would like to point out the word “all” and other such encompassing terms. As in “all” sugar babies are young. “All” sugar babies are exclusive. “No” provider can be a sugar baby. “All” providers and strippers make terrible sugar babies.

Now if the term “all” actually existed easily we could add “all” men want is to fornicate. “All” men will cheat on you. “All” men are stupid.

More clearly it would match: “All” women can have babies. “All” men are dominant. “All” marriages need to be of one man and one woman. “All” black guys are gangsters. “All” Germans hate Jews.

Now one would have to be quite closed minded and judgmental to state the word “all” and not know that there is always variance. There is and always will be the exceptions to the rules. In relationships be they of the quick relief kind or high school lovers marry young, there is always variance. No two relationship is exactly the same.

That being said, looking at the SD/SB side of relationships. Like everything else its subjective. In Iraq a marriage involves one or more women kept in a almost bondage scenario. They would argue that our marriages are not real.

One example of a sugar daddy relationship can be taken from the popularized “pretty woman” where a prostitute became a sugar baby and progressed even further (or so the movie hinted)

From experience I can say I have had sugar daddies some exclusive some not. Some offered monetary assistance that would make someones life more than just comfortable but almost lavish. Others did no more than small gifts and take me grocery shopping once a month. For them I became the girlfriend. No string but rather instead the woman they could call on when they had a bad day. Physical passion that had me washing sheets later. Intellectually stimulating conversations that lasted hours and hours.

One particular sugar daddy started as a client. Instantly we felt that connection when we realized that the “time” had long since expired on our date. Neither of us cared. The connection was made. I found myself missing him when he wasn't around. Not missing his money or gifts but him the person. I have no desire to get married. No interest in more children. Unless I am playing dress up I don't want to do his laundry or dishes. He offered me a trip to cancun and I agreed. Why? Because if I was to go to cancun I would rather go with him then anyone else I know.

Just like all relationships its relative to the parties involved. Circumstances and individuals make their own life and choices. If you never give it a chance then nothing will happen. Excluding one does not in any means exclude you from the exact thing you are trying to avoid.

I know a girl who is not a escort but god help the man if he isn't rich with a loose wallet and well built. I know a escort who will turn down a client if she feels they will not make each other happy.

It is up to the PERSON, to choose if they want to be tainted. It is up to the girl be she professional or not to decide if she wants to be a ATM humper. Just as its up to the Gentleman to choose if he wants to take her to TGIF or to bolings. Its up to the Gentleman to choose if he wants to play in a certain sandbox. It does not make either party wrong or right.

My thoughts on what a sugar daddy sugar baby relationship is?
The gentleman genuinely wants to improve her life.
The young lady wants to enjoy life and explore a unbinding relationship
Together they want all the benefits of having a real intimate and passionate relationship without the flaws, drama, and promises of forever. She makes him her priority (whether she is exclusive or not)
He is honest about what he wants and what he wants to give in return. She makes every effort to fullfill his interests and desires because she WANTS to. Equally the pair work to better each others lives and still enjoy their own freedom.

Always remember. One mans trash is another mans treasure.
Twain's Avatar
  • Twain
  • 08-31-2012, 02:08 PM
Wow Miss Rivers, very well said. Someone like me could easily fall in sugar love with you.
Why thank you twain, that is very sweet of you.
The gentleman genuinely wants to improve her life.
The young lady wants to enjoy life and explore a unbinding relationship.

That is well said. Both feel good and the relationship is functional based on what it is.
I like Braveheart's comments and I would be in agreement. I see so many SB ads dwelling on the allowance and forget they other things guys would buy, dinner, clothes, shoes, taking on her on trips etc.
Those online SD/SB website have set gift amouts which probably doesnt fly well with most SDs.
I remember one asking 5k, a pornstar actually as I may have mentioned from my earlier post.
No way. The only time I would consider this SB idea if I had seen a girl for quite some time and def not a 1st time meet or even 2nd or 3rd time.
stimulatethemind's Avatar
when she said....."Equally the pair work to better each other's lives and still enjoy their own freedom". What a beautiful description of a wonderful relationship. I don't really understand the problem some have with others relationships. As long as it works for the participants and they are happy with it, where is the problem?? Relationships are not "one size fits all", and life has lots of variances. If a provider and a client establish a connection beyond what either of them expected and it makes them happy and fulfilled, that should be a good thing. As long as it works for them, that should be all that matters. Who knows how long any relationship may last, as long as they are happy and satisfied (there are no guarantees that any relationship will last long term) for however long it lasts. Live and let live. Life is short, be happy!!!!!
Some things I use when evaluating a potential SB are her ambitions, work ethic, and expectations. If she isn't working a legitimate job (menial or not), or going to school full time and expects me to be her sole means of support...those are deal breakers, as is discussion of a set dollar figure right out of the gate. I've found the best SBs to be the ones in their late 20s/early 30s that have had a rough ride (married a total loser/druggie, parents absent growing up, etc) and just want some peace of mind and to feel special. The danger there is that feelings can easily get out of hand, but as long as everyone knows this is temporary, it's all good.
I think if you are spending over $5-700 on a young lady a month you are pretty much a sugar daddy. Originally Posted by Fast Ricky
then I have several
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
Miss Rivers nailed it.
I'm considering the SD/SB route for these reasons:

1) the hourly arrangement kills the mood
2) less chance of catching something

But then I'm not into seeing a bunch of different people. Providers who are making the switch to SB's may want to delete their information here. Being a well reviewed provider is a red flag for me.
Beau Derierre's Avatar
I think the whole SD/SB is just a big waste of time! If you want to be in a relationship short or long term..join
Gotyour6's Avatar
Lol, quoth the BBW provider
Wow Miss Rivers, very well said. Someone like me could easily fall in sugar love with you. Originally Posted by Twain
I agree, on all terms.....
John Bull's Avatar
Let's not get personal folks.
I think the whole SD/SB is just a big waste of time! If you want to be in a relationship short or long term..join Originally Posted by SensualSpecialist
I've tried that. They are not interested in a guy 20+ years older than their self.