Is there ANY rule enforcement on ECCIE ?

cajundude11's Avatar
Why is this thread still open? Mods, PLEASE!?
MuffDVR's Avatar
yea hurry, close it so nobody knows the truth! that way they can keep thinking the bad guys are good and the good guys are bad.

He started this thread and guess what happened...

"Life is like a jar of jalapenos... what you do today, may come back to burn your ass, tomorrow."

Sound familiar? cuz its his signature!! lmao!!
  • MrGiz
  • 01-24-2010, 02:11 PM
Go Muffy , GO.... Go Muffy , GO!!

Note to myself: drop the elves from to do-list - 'manager' seems to be unstable...
bodilly's Avatar
I have to refute this comment. I've dealt with Annie on and off since 2007. On each occasion she has never once "setup everthing" between me and the girl. The girl would always call me and we would make all the arrangements about the date. I feel this makes Annie more of Referer than an Agency considering all the girls she's sent me have actually been independents. Originally Posted by TallGirlLover
No offence but you can't refute my experience just as I can't speak to yours.
As I said before I was not knocking Annie just pointing out the differences between her A sponsor provider on this site and the other girls in question who are not members of this board.

That means they are not subect to the rules nor do they reap the benefits of being a certified or sponsor provider on this site.

As far as your post goes I stated my one experince seeing one her girls. If your experiences were different than you can state that.
But you can't refute my experience.

To another point where is our beloved moderater at?
Maybe I need to go off topic to get him out of hibernation that seems to be the only thing thay gets his attention.
MuffDVR's Avatar
Note to myself: drop the elves from to do-list - 'manager' seems to be unstable... Originally Posted by nafsbah
As opposed to everyone else in this business who are just sain as the pope? Yea im thinking it really doesnt matter what i say or do, in the end the 8 or 10 clients the elves have from here come for the quality of the girls, and those who havent came yet, never will, either way, it seems this site may go the way of aspd, a bunch of people are getting back their "invincible" attitude,lol.

News flash, organized Johns account for less than 5% of the hobbyists, so although we welcome new business, we dont bend over to "i was gonna" and never have, We will continue to always cater to those who have and do enjoy the elves, those who never have because they dont like me, can take us off your list, personally it wont change anything on our end, you will simply go without new and high quality poon and be back to the same ol same ol. Who do you hurt? You.

We went thru all this same shit on aspd, and the elves got stronger and better, no matter who tried to knock them down because people know value and enjoyment, and good people wont join a backdoor popularity contest ran by some closet pimp, his hoe, and his buddies. Too many people kiss ass and accomodate in this business and let others think their opinions matter, guess what, they dont, some minor person thinks their major opinion carries any weight. Shit dont see the elves , ill move them to one of my other cities, and be none the worse for wear, and you get to keep hittin the same ol motel 6 snatch you had before the elves brought you real 18 and 19 yr old girls next door, without the dope and bad business skills.

I have heard all kinds of BS in the past couple years , i have heard im black, heard im white, heard i was fat, and i was skinny, heard i was old and heard i was young, hell even heard i was dead once,lol. In the end the girls still worked and our clients still enjoyed a no hassle quality service, goes to show you just how important i am in all this,lol. I dont matter , so why in the hell would you think what you think of me is going to matter? Like someone said earlier, its all about the poon.

Hell i Hate Walmart but the sons-a-bitches have the same shit cheaper than i get it elsewhere, so guess where i go? Hate me all you want, just because i have an opinion and take no shit from anyone, but in the end you lose, maybe even the girls lose, me lose? not ever going to happen, i retire tomorrow, i still have my wife, my cars , my homes, my money and my life, you just go without good muffin.

Come to think of it... its a nice day and i have a nice new AMG that could use some airing out.. why am i still here? ***poof***
  • MrGiz
  • 01-24-2010, 04:01 PM
Okay.... I've had enough BS !!

Admins.... please lock this thread! Delete it if you can!!


Kelly TNT's Avatar
You got it!!

This Thread is Done.

~Kelly TNT
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Please play nice.

BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 01-26-2010, 10:28 AM
Sure would be nice if New Orleans had a moderator!

Giz Originally Posted by MrGiz
Actually, New Orleans does have a moderator, and in fact, there are 2 moderators here and at least one of us moderators here is a bit pissed off right now and once I get a chance to really sit down and read all this crap, you and several others will find out how serious New Orleans has a moderator.....I do have limited internet access right now and can't always stay on top of things the way I'd like to do (and the way many of you have become accustomed to from me), but you people know damn well that had I been able to get online and see this crap that it would NOT have been tolerated.....

Thankfully we DO NOT have a statute of limitations imposed on the staff here which prohibits me from taking actions against people for what has been done in this thread, so when I can get to this (which may still be a day or two from now) don't anyone come crying foul, just take your medicine and hopefully learn from your mistakes.....

BIG C OUT ! ! ! ! !