Weiner is a modern human being (by Alec Baldwin)

I B Hankering's Avatar
That sure sounds like the neocons to me!

Originally Posted by WTF
WTF’s has had an epiphany! The left always decries that the right is viciously repressive, yet the left is in the self-same mire up to their eyeballs and still they refuse to see. Welcome Master WTF to the Dark Side of Liberal Progressivism.

BTW, Wilson had the Socialist candidate for president, Eugene V. Debs, locked up for speaking out against the draft in WW I. Debs remained in prison through the election and still managed to garner nearly one million votes. Harding set him free.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-14-2011, 02:30 PM
WTF’s has had an epiphany! The left always decries that the right is viciously repressive, yet the left is in the self-same mire up to their eyeballs and still they refuse to see. Welcome Master WTF to the Dark Side of Liberal Progressivism.

BTW, Wilson had the Socialist candidate for president, Eugene V. Debs, locked up for speaking out against the draft in WW I. Debs remained in prison through the election and still managed to garner nearly one million votes. Harding set him free. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I was being facetious, I know exactly where the fuc these neocons got their marching orders from. That tiger only changed his stripes to spots

You righties are the ones still following them down this nation building path.

The vast military complex does not care who push's their agenda. Right now Obama is carring their water before that it was Bush. Both campaigned against nation building.

Any thought of cutting back on military spending and you get accused of being anti-Semitic. That is where the real power lies. IMHO
John Bull's Avatar
Oh c'mon WTF stirring the pot is one thing, this is pure crap and you know it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-14-2011, 06:38 PM
Oh c'mon WTF stirring the pot is one thing, this is pure crap and you know it. Originally Posted by John Bull

IDK, right now all the GOP on stage last night are saying withdraw. If one were to get elected my guess is the Defense Budget would increase. That spending never goes down. Obama might think there are 57 states but last I checked there were 50 but the one over in the Middle East sure seems to be the tail wagging this country's dog.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
IDK, right now all the GOP on stage last night are saying withdraw. If one were to get elected my guess is the Defense Budget would increase. That spending never goes down. Obama might think there are 57 states but last I checked there were 50 but the one over in the Middle East sure seems to be the tail wagging this country's dog. Originally Posted by WTF
WTF, there was one candidate on that stage who has always practiced what he preached.

Your progressive idols would only lead you to believe they are on the correct path. The progressive liberals are the grandfathers of "public relations," or propoganda, see Edward Bernays and here. We know the left are sheep, because they believe every word coming from the left without question. BO was anti-war and now he's got 4, count them 4, war fronts. Get it yet? It's historical fact that most of you choose to ignore and leftists organizers are trying to strike from public education.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I see nothing in PJ's post that contradicts what I said. He was a racist and I know of no modern Democrat who idolizes Wilson. And I don't know where the blurb came from -- Wikipedia, I suspect -- but many of the legislative achievements of Wilson's first term were made through strong Congressional action and without a great deal of legislative leadership. I know the most about the Federal Reserve Act. It was passed as a reaction to a proposal put forward by Republicans, called the Aldrich Proposal, to have essentially a private (or series of private) central banks. The Glass-Owens act was a legislative counter response to this that created the current Federal Reserve System. Like much of the legislative agenda that was passed, this type of legislation had been stalled for several sessions because of insufficient numbers of Democrats in the House and a Republican majority in the Senate.

Before 1912, Speaker Champ Clark had a narrow majority. The Democrats picked up 50 or 60 seats in the election. In the Senate, the gains were smaller, but gave the Democrats control. This accounted for much of the legislative activity in Wilson's first term.

If anyone is really interested, I have two or three biographies of Wilson I can cite you to for background information, although I think they are currently boxed up. A couple of them are out of print and I don't know of a good biography of Wilson that is currently in print. The best is a mult-volume one by a guy named Link, if I recall correctly. There is one by some nut named Pesatto or something like that that is fairly recent, but is not very good at all.

And WTF points out one of the reasons that Wilson is not a hero to many progressive Democrats -- he had a very highly interventionist foreign policy that is more the basis for the idiocy of George Bush than anything that resembles mainstream Democratic foreign policy these days. Wilson, like Bush, was a dedicated cultural imperialist.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I see nothing in PJ's post that contradicts what I said. He was a racist and I know of no modern Democrat who idolizes Wilson. And I don't know where the blurb came from -- Wikipedia, I suspect -- but many of the legislative achievements of Wilson's first term were made through strong Congressional action and without a great deal of legislative leadership. I know the most about the Federal Reserve Act. It was passed as a reaction to a proposal put forward by Republicans, called the Aldrich Proposal, to have essentially a private (or series of private) central banks. The Glass-Owens act was a legislative counter response to this that created the current Federal Reserve System. Like much of the legislative agenda that was passed, this type of legislation had been stalled for several sessions because of insufficient numbers of Democrats in the House and a Republican majority in the Senate.

Before 1912, Speaker Champ Clark had a narrow majority. The Democrats picked up 50 or 60 seats in the election. In the Senate, the gains were smaller, but gave the Democrats control. This accounted for much of the legislative activity in Wilson's first term. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
What about the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918? They were really popular weren't they? They still are, and Wilson willingly signed both into law. And what of Wilson's Attorney General, Mitchell Palmer, and the "Palmer Raids"? The original "McCarthyism."

And WTF points out one of the reasons that Wilson is not a hero to many progressive Democrats -- he had a very highly interventionist foreign policy Originally Posted by TexTushHog
But so did FDR and LBJ???!!!!
TexTushHog's Avatar
IB, more reasons Wilson isn't revered by contemporary Democrats.
I B Hankering's Avatar
IB, more reasons Wilson isn't revered by contemporary Democrats. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Really didn't undermine your argument did it?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-15-2011, 06:31 AM
Really didn't undermine your argument did it? Originally Posted by I B Hankering

No it didn't.
How dense are ya'll? Most Dem's do not care for racist nor nation builders.

Most modern Dem's are not for huge military intervention. That is why Obama is catching hell from them in this area. That is why everyone on the GOP stage in NH had the position they had in regards to the war. Though they were full of shit and only Paul said he was commander in chief and did not need to defer to the generals in regards to objectives. The rest of thye bunch if elected, would let the military arm of government wag the dog. That arm is controlled by big business, the vast industrial complex if you will, the one Ike warned you about.
I know of no modern Democrat who idolizes Wilson....I have two or three biographies of Wilson.... Originally Posted by TexTushHog
.......and an inflatable Wilson doll!

I've always found liberals to be racist....that racism is the basis for their ham-handed efforts to help minorities....liberals believe minorities are genetically inferior to whites, thus they need affirmative action and hand outs....

conservatives believe minorities are genetically equal and capable of equivalent success....conservatives attempt to neuter the liberal masters lording over minorities.....
I've always found liberals to be racist....that racism is the basis for their ham-handed efforts to help minorities....liberals believe minorities are genetically inferior to whites, thus they need affirmative action and hand outs....

conservatives believe minorities are genetically equal and capable of equivalent success....conservatives attempt to neuter the liberal masters lording over minorities..... Originally Posted by Marshall
Don't be an ass Marshall. I've known liberals and conservatives that were racists and who were not. It doesn't follow political doctrine any more than it follows hair color. Are all blondes racists?
Don't be an ass Marshall. I've known liberals and conservatives that were racists and who were not. It doesn't follow political doctrine any more than it follows hair color. Are all blondes racists? Originally Posted by pjorourke

Ass? Huh? You do have anger management issues that cause you to be very caustic on this board to people [even those not addressing you]

Race doesn't follow political doctrine? That's absurd!

Obviously you aren't familiar with the history of the eugenics movement and how it's integral to modern liberalism.....are you familiar with Margaret Sanger? Are you aware of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's "those kind of people" comment? Weren't the Nazi's socialists? Isn't it the leftists who are responsible for the deaths of millions in the 20th century? Didn't a Republican free the slaves? Weren't the democrats responsible for Jim-Crow policies?

I'm not surprised you know racists....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-15-2011, 10:58 AM
Don't be an ass Marshall. I've known liberals and conservatives that were racists and who were not. It doesn't follow political doctrine any more than it follows hair color. Are all blondes racists? Originally Posted by pjorourke
+10 million