South Texas Roll Call

Sorry to see ASPD go bye-bye....

I have taken time off but (if we get some new providers here.)

I will be returning to the review scene..

I have a new regular provider (found on CL) and she has been great..

All I can say is her pussy looks like a papercut with a whisp of cotton candy...

I have talked to her about the online scene and she has been thinking about it but not ready to be known or reviewed...

As for the rest of deep south Texas....

Avoid the following

LeAnne, Nadine, and any agency's that have shown up on ASPD or CL or BP...

Strip clubs are good but VERY pricey.. (Tex Mex, stilletos, ect) only one worth the quicky would be Boom-boom...

As always stay safe and be patient with providers....

They have other stuff to deal with like the rest of us too...

Guest100610-2's Avatar
Hello!!! I'll get to visit great Corpus next week!! I Am soo excited!!!
holder69's Avatar
glad to be here just looking for some free time to play some
Sa_artman's Avatar
Couldn't decide which forum was the best 'transition'. This looks like this is it. Back in SA, hopefully grab some review worthy'ness while I'm here, but who knows. Hope the rgvalley gets some representation as well.
I made it here guys
jdubya's Avatar
Nice to see you here, Victoria.