American Mormon Family Massacred in Mexico

HoeHummer's Avatar
If you’re real quiet, you can hear the sound of one hand fapping. Or is that the sound of two hosers fapdancing?
rexdutchman's Avatar
The Typical response Nothing with the issues just deflection ,,,,, Mexico strict gun control/ stop drug going north no need for cartels / oh yes and the media Who refuses to point out failures ,,,,,,,,,,,
If you’re real quiet, you can hear the sound of one hand fapping. Or is that the sound of two hosers fapdancing? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
For a guy condemning third grade discussion, that's what about covers his own vocabulary.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-08-2019, 10:26 AM

Oh yea Securing the BORDER would go a long way in stopping the drug people flow Never mind,
The DSPT media will never let that happen,,,,, Originally Posted by rexdutchman
We should have free trade of guns and drugs along the border and there would be no need to 'secure' it.

  • oeb11
  • 11-08-2019, 12:57 PM
We should have free trade of guns and drugs along the border and there would be no need to 'secure' it.

Originally Posted by WTF

What a great idea to go along with putting the mentally ill homeless on the street in tents, WTF
You act more and more like a DPST instead of Libertarian every day.

You fit right in with their prioritization of illegals and drug gangs over tax-paying American citizens.

Taking lessons from Kalifornia, I see.

Thank you for the honesty in policy you and DPST's support - for "Once"!
What a great idea to go along with putting the mentally ill homeless on the street in tents, WTF
You act more and more like a DPST instead of Libertarian every day.

You fit right in with their prioritization of illegals and drug gangs over tax-paying American citizens.

Taking lessons from Kalifornia, I see.

Thank you for the honesty in policy you and DPST's support - for "Once"! Originally Posted by oeb11
We should stop defending California against Mexican illegal immigration and just put immigration centers at the California border.

Fuck California. Fuck DPST's.
  • oeb11
  • 11-09-2019, 09:29 AM
Why have "immigration centers" for those Kalifornians refer to as "Kalifornians"?
Pull the border patrol out and let the illegals, gangs, and cartels free access to the "Golden State".

Gov Gruesome will be screaming for Federal assistance to control the hordes occupying his home in about a years time. .
Why have "immigration centers" for those Kalifornians refer to as "Kalifornians"?
Pull the border patrol out and let the illegals, gangs, and cartels free access to the "Golden State".

Gov Gruesome will be screaming for Federal assistance to control the hordes occupying his home in about a years time. . Originally Posted by oeb11
Good points.
LexusLover's Avatar
Why have "immigration centers" for those Kalifornians refer to as "Kalifornians"?
Pull the border patrol out and let the illegals, gangs, and cartels free access to the "Golden State". Originally Posted by oeb11
There would be insufficient manpower to secure the Cali border from the rest of the country .... if you notice the length of the Eastern boundary of California with that added to the Oregon border in the North (the illegals are moving through Oregon into Washington state ... even though the colder winters doesn't sit well with them. It's cheaper to stop them at the Southern border, cut off Federal assistance to California, and require them to reimburse the Feds for having to recapture when they release them. Reimbursement is in order.
There would be insufficient manpower to secure the Cali border from the rest of the country .... if you notice the length of the Eastern boundary of California with that added to the Oregon border in the North (the illegals are moving through Oregon into Washington state ... even though the colder winters doesn't sit well with them. It's cheaper to stop them at the Southern border, cut off Federal assistance to California, and require them to reimburse the Feds for having to recapture when they release them. Reimbursement is in order. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I agree California should reimburse the Feds for their stupid costs they impose on the rest of us.
LexusLover's Avatar
I agree California should reimburse the Feds for their stupid costs they impose on the rest of us. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Start with the Unaffordable Care Act ... that Pisslousy rammed through Congress with her Token Puppet in the People's House in order to replace the bankrupt and failed California health care plan for their state wide (including local) government retirees.

Continue with their "mutual assistance" firefighting bills for stopping the fires their so called "save the trees" program causing because their stupid regulations prohibit clearing of brush tender and the establishment of "fire lanes" around properties to stall, if not prohibit" the spread of the fires, killing of people, and the destruction of property.

Then move on to reparations for jacking up the electrical bills of Texans in the form of rate increases to cover the expense of businesses and individuals skipping out of California to avoid their wasteful spending and consequential tax hikes to fund their SocialistLiberalAntiTrump bullshit ... like they're doing in Congress today. Just ask Senator Harassment or PissLousy.

We haven't even got a final number on the cost of housing, feeding, medicating, and defending the ILLEGAL ALIENS they invite to their "sanctuary" state of confusion.

The list is almost endless.
themystic's Avatar
Our "War on Drugs" is an abysmal failure.

Criminalizing personal drug use has enabled the cartels to tap a market of narcotic drugs and reap billions of dollars.

And, placed a stigma of prison and criminality for life of those arrested and convicted, creating a criminal underclass of drug users doomed to recidivism.

Time to acknowledge it is OUR drug problem. and it is not solved with a "WAR on drugs."

I would decriminalize opioids, other drugs, and meth for personal use - and place these addicts in treatment programs - cheaper than prison- with no criminal record.

marijuana - treat like Colorado and legalize and tax as alcohol to those 21 years of age and older.

Dealers and cartels and pushers - those get criminal treatment.
Taking the drugs out of the hands of dealers to the addicted with good treatment, clean needles, and medical care for the addicted will go a long way to removing the market to the cartels.

No money - they go bust.

Not an easy solution - but one that takes in mind basic human nature.

open to rational debate - my stand is not consonant with that of many arch-conservatives. To borrow from a Nobel laureate -"The times they are achangin'"!
Criminalization of personal drug possession and use does not work - our society is living and dying proof. Originally Posted by oeb11
good post oeb. problem is that the government doesn't want them legalized. They would rather "control" it the way they are doing right now. They dont have to be accountable. The US government are the biggest drug dealers in the world, not just Mexico
first off, Fuck You Bambi.. I saw your quoted post, fucking Troll. you always comment on my posts, knowing I won't see them, because you are on my blocked list.. the only one, God Damn Troll. you are worthless here, you have never done anything but TROLL.

yes, I partly blame "women" (not children, dumb ass) for what happened. they lead a reckless life. you conveniently ignore the others I blamed much more.

these "Ladies" basically gave up on the US, to spread their polygamous sect in a violent Country, putting their own babies at risk. that is beyond stupid and reckless. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I'm no longer on your block chicken shit prick!!!
Sounds rather Liberation. I like it.

Treat it like can buy it from a large conglomerate or brew it yourself. You have small micro breweries....let the market decide.

LexusLover can even be legally given some while in Hospice....

Originally Posted by WTF
I didn't know you could're not wearing your ballerina shoes??
you ("the Right") sound gleeful every time you say it, about Chicago.. it is a fave talking point. am I supposed to think you are agonizing over it, like Schiff is the Impeachment inquiry that is just so sad? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Since when has the inconvenient TRUTH become a "talking point"...your ignorant prick