Slave G come out where ever you are?

HedonisticFool's Avatar
Again we are missing the point. I commented on the pics that SL posted. Her legitamicy as a provider is not in question. My comments were soly that I prefer a pretty face and younger. And that because she works out all the time does not change her face. I also commented that she also agreed that her face is not that appealing hence why she works out all the time. Why is this becoming an issue on her sessions?. Originally Posted by Mata Leon
ML, you have stated your opinion, of which you are entitled. So I'll quote my opinion miranda rights...opinions are like assholes...everyone has one. Spread it wide and share it with the public, be prepared for some who will turn away, and others that want to criticize it, or poke at it, or fuck it over.

I don't believe that SG or any of her followers are misunderstanding your opinion or trying to change it. You have to understand that this provider obviously has many admirers that want to come to her defense. I believe she's doing well enough on her own.

So she's not pretty enough for your liking? Point taken, sir. So plz let her fan club have their fun...
Still Looking's Avatar
Mata Trying To Fit In SA....

Like Mokoa Said... Lets Stay On Topic... Slave Pics and any other hotties you feel like! Maybe lets see who posts the most pics of their favorite Hottie?


I guess I just prefer my girls less manly, petite with smaller hands just my preference. I think I am actually helping SL finish his post. And yes my comprehension is just fine. I am sorry what I said stings but there is nothing wrong with stating facts. These were not meant to hurt you but to open your eyes.good luck in back to the pics. That is Brittany wow now that is a hottie.
Dr Grey's Avatar
When you need a great Head Nurse, you ask for Slave G...

Dr Grey's Avatar
And who doesn't like pink socks?

Dr Grey's Avatar
I'm a sucker for sexy stockings and heels...

Dr Grey's Avatar
I could totally get behind this Spring Time Fashion...

Oh, and I did!


Originally Posted by Still Looking
Ummm who is that? Are they somewhere nearby and still active? IJS that look in her eyes makes me think she would be a good time....

Slave, you as always are hot. I will be experiencing you again soon and am looking forward to it. I'm glad you aren't lashing out at the naysayers like the classy and sweet lady you are.
MANLY? Bwhahahaha NOW I have heard it all. Slave is as dainty as they come, a cute little pixie nymph that could easily pass for Tinkerbell. You're REALLY reaching with that statement bro. Get real!

Seriously though, you've said your piece, made more than a few of us have a helluva laugh at your expense and spread hate and discontent into an otherwise fun and visually stimulating thread. Please head on back to stirring the pot in Austin with your vile, antagonistic drivel and leave the peaceful San Antonio community alone.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Hi! Bull ��
I don't think bull means no harm people hehe
Awesomes pictures !
Don't take it personal straw, I just call it as it is. It's my opinion and saying I am spreading hate and vile is pretty low. What I am is no kiss ass most are, if the truth hurts don't read it. I have a very large following in Austin and SA because I tell the truth. I feel that hobbyist should just know the truth. Maybe people should be more non-conforming and maybe those that should retire do. I have kept to the op original post but all of you just seem to want to bash me and again ignore the ELEPHANT. . So straw just stick to the facts and be polite, NO one needs YOUR HATE HERE.and I will say that I have seen pics of her face so Iam not just talking out of my ass. Now let's put this to rest and if slave would like to post a face pic to prove me wrong I welcome it. If not ... Well I guess we know.
Don't take it personal straw, I just call it as it is. It's my opinion and saying I am spreading hate and vile is pretty low. What I am is no kiss ass most are, if the truth hurts don't read it. I have a very large following in Austin and SA because I tell the truth. I feel that hobbyist should just know the truth. Maybe people should be more non-conforming and maybe those that should retire do. I have kept to the op original post but all of you just seem to want to bash me and again ignore the ELEPHANT. . So straw just stick to the facts and be polite, NO one needs YOUR HATE HERE.and I will say that I have seen pics of her face so Iam not just talking out of my ass. Now let's put this to rest and if slave would like to post a face pic to prove me wrong I welcome it. If not ... Well I guess we know. Originally Posted by Mata Leon
Grow up or Get Out!
No more piss and vinegar from me!!! Just HAWT SEXY PICS OF DAINTY SLAAAAAVE!!!
Now let's put this to rest and if slave would like to post a face pic to prove me wrong I welcome it. If not ... Well I guess we know. Originally Posted by Mata Leon
Everybody knows I'm Switzerland.

Unless you like chemistry or are a provider just attacking other providers in public constantly I have nothing to bad to say about you. (Even in the second case my main thought is "Keep that stuff private. It's no one's business.")

Requiring a girl to out herself to prove her face isn't ugly automatically puts her in a lose/lose situation. You aren't playing fair sir and you are smart enough to know that. If I thought you were completely stupid I wouldn't have posted this. You already said you've seen her face and weren't a fan which is all well and good. It's the damn internet; everyone can say what they please...including this uppity hooker.

And just so we are clear, I would have posted this comment if the provider we were discussing were different. The right for a lady to keep her identity and face private is something I believe in. Obviously. I mean, look at my showcase.
I particularly liked the "Red Riding Hood" shoot from a few years ago.
