Ward and June Cleaver

DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I didn't say that.
[/i] Originally Posted by pjorourke
I fixed it, thanks for pointing it out.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Ron Paul....Is that you? Originally Posted by tramp76137
LOL!!! No, but I do subscribe to his economic ideology.
wackatronic's Avatar
I really think that Gloria Steinem threw a monkey wrench into things. I enjoy being a woman. I have no desire to be equal to a man. Yes, I like doors being opened for me. In yesteryear it was the responsibility of the man to take care and look after the woman in his life. In turn she supported him and his career, and of course stroked that ego of his. Originally Posted by Ansley
There is a difference between a 'man' and a gentleman. A man can still be a gentleman, but most just act like 'men'. It's all how the person was raised. i learned from a young age that 'm'am' does not mean anything but respect and opening a door was the polite thing to do regardless if it's a woman or an older person.

It's all how you were raised and there is nothing better than a woman who supports her man!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
But I never said that.
BTW, how do you like my leprechaun mutton chops? Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
This is why Photoshop should be licensed like a car as a way to keep the public safe from disasters.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Now that's funny. I don't care who you are.
PJ says an under employed comedian (isn't that redundant?).
I would rather be a woman than a man any day. Women get to wear pants or skirts. They can do anything a man can do, but they don't - they get the man to do it for them. Yard work, heavy lifting, killing spiders, opening doors, etc. are all things a woman can do, but we are lucky to have such gentlemen around to take care of those things for us.
Oh, and I get to enjoy showing my appreciation for all those little things he takes care of for me by taking care of him.
"How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being." ~ Oscar Wilde
I would rather be a woman than a man any day. Women get to wear pants or skirts. They can do anything a man can do, but they don't - they get the man to do it for them. Yard work, heavy lifting, killing spiders, opening doors, etc. are all things a woman can do, but we are lucky to have such gentlemen around to take care of those things for us.
Oh, and I get to enjoy showing my appreciation for all those little things he takes care of for me by taking care of him. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
Overall, I agree with what you posted Colette however a woman cannot do anything a man can do just like a man cannot do anything a woman can do. That is the fallacy perpetuated by people like Gloria Steinem. Men and Women were never meant to be equal just as in the Asian thought of Ying and Yang. They will never be equal because they are on different sides - each is meant to compliment the other, not compete with the other. The two sides bring their own strengths and weaknesses to the table just as the two working together provide balance. That is what has been lost and is what we don't have presently -- balance.

What you wrote about showing appreciation and having the guy do those things is good just as guys are supposed to treat the women in a similar fashion. However, in my not too humble opinion that is why things are the way they are today since the men have not done what they are supposed to do and the women incorrectly think that they can do everything the men are supposed to be doing when they were never meant to do so.

That is why we, as a society, are seeing the feminization of men and the masculinization of women. Something that anyone here can see in this thread if they read closely enough.

Keep the following in mind folks --
"Men are not the enemy, but the fellow victims. The real enemy is women's denigration of themselves." – Betty Friedan
Some of us are becoming the men we wanted to marry. - Gloria Steinem
And this last quote is my point exactly boys and girls because rearing a boy is very different than rearing a girl. Each sex requires different ways of being dealt with because of what their gender will have them doing in the course of their lives. However some like Miss Steinem have never gotten that through their minds which has lead a couple of generations to think in a very skewed fashion.
We've begun to raise daughters more like sons... but few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters. - Gloria Steinem
LD, I agree with you so much. My favorite saying is "Men and women were never meant to compete with each other; but to complement each other."

I believe women that don't realize their true worth and possibly feel they are beneath men, try to compete to show they are equal. If women understood their value as women, they wouldn't try to compete.
John Bull's Avatar
quoted from dfw5traveler: Jackson, "killed the bank" as he stated on his death bed. Nathan Rothschild, of the Bank of England, then threatened, "Either the application for the renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war.

I find it difficult to reconcile the above statement attributed to Andrew Jackson. He could have said it but not from a position of power, methinks, since his term as president didn't begin until 1829.
Now John! Why would you let facts get in the way of a spirited argument?
John Bull's Avatar
I'm Bad!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Jackson v. The Bank of the United States
1832 “The Bank... is trying to kill me, but I will kill it.” President Jackson, while ill, on his opposition to the Bank of the United States.