Wendy Davis

You can't find a quote of him saying "abortions, no way, no how", can you ?


chefnerd's Avatar
Most Americans would favor sweeping new national restrictions on abortion after the 20th week of pregnancy, according to a new HuffPost/YouGov poll. By a margin of 59 percent to 30 percent, respondents to the new poll said they would favor a federal law banning abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

A margin of almost 2:1 according to Huffington Post polling.

Wendy Davis is an extremist on the issue.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/0...n_3575551.html Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yes, and in the same poll, which you can also link to within the article, 63% of those polled feel that abortion decisions should be made between the woman and her doctor vs. 26% saying the government has a right to pass laws restricting it.

bojulay's Avatar
Shake hands with Governor Davis biytaches! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yes, she will be Governor Davis.

As soon as she has her first name legally changed to Governor.

ha ha ha ha
bojulay's Avatar

BTW, I have already given Ms Davis a donation for her campaign and will do so again! Originally Posted by bigtex
That roll of pennies should put her way out in the lead.

ha ha ha ha
That roll of pennies should put her way out in the lead.

ha ha ha ha Originally Posted by bojulay
Every little bit helps.
Yes, she will be Governor Davis.

As soon as she has her first name legally changed to Governor.

ha ha ha ha Originally Posted by bojulay
Oh, I dunno. I tend to agree with you but Perry is out, Abbott is largely unknown and will have to shell out a lot of money in the GOP primary whereas Davis will be unopposed. She's attractive, she's smart, she is well-spoken and she is female. Dismissing her would be a mistake.

She raised almost a million bucks in 2 weeks.

Her next move needs to be something unrelated to the abortion bullshit that the idiots like Whirlytard use to define a candidate with the moderates. We'll see how she handles it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You can't find a quote of him saying "abortions, no way, no how", can you ?


Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Never claimed there was a verbatim statement, pus-nuts.

But his interviews absolutely support that assertion.

Show anything wherein Greg Abbot has supported abortion.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yourself, idiot.
No it doesn't; only in your warped view............

Btw, Abbott's stated position is that he supports the new law; which permits abortions up to 20 weeks;

So Abbott is saying he supports abortions up to 20 weeks; a far cry from your crazy statement that Abbott says "no way, no how, never" on abortions.

But his interviews absolutely support that assertion.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No it doesn't; only in your warped view............

Btw, Abbott's stated position is that he supports the new law; which permits abortions up to 20 weeks;

So Abbott is saying he supports abortions up to 20 weeks; a far cry from your crazy statement that Abbott says "no way, no how, never" on abortions. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Support of the new law means support for eliminating accessibility to abortion services for a significant number of women in Texas. The new law will have the effect of shutting down most of the clinics.....which is exactly what it was intended to do, notwithstanding the lying shitbag republicans like you who insist it's about 20 weeks and women's health. The legislation is designed to circumvent the Constitution and it will be struck down on those grounds by the federal courts.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Pity you don't pay attention to jack shit, Whirlyturd. By supporting the new law, he's doi his job. He continues to state that he is opposed to ALL abortions, including rape and invest. READ THE FUCKING STORY!

I suppose nothing he's said or done in the past matters.
Abbott has NEVER said he is opposed to all abortions; no way no how.

He did say he supports the new law; which means he supports abortions up to 20 weeks !

FACT JACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Texas passes new abortion law coat hanger sales up %48...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Abbott has NEVER said he is opposed to all abortions; no way no how.

He did say he supports the new law; which means he supports abortions up to 20 weeks !

FACT JACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
"No way no how." I guess that's your qualifier, numbnuts.

He'll support the next law that's passed by the legislature, too. That's his job.

Abbott has NEVER said he supports abortions up to 20 weeks. Please show him using those words. Anywhere. Anytime. Anyhow.

My statement of Abbott's position is accurate and factual; your statement that Abbott doesn't support a woman's right to have an abortion "no way, no how, never" is a complete fabrication.

You are the one making the claim, the burden is on you to get it right and back it up.

You can't, you won't , you failed .

Like I said; Abbott has never said such a thing; no way, no how, NEVER !
chefnerd's Avatar
BTW Whirlaway, what do you think about the poll question where 63% vs 26% believe the abortion decision should be between a woman and her doctor? Link is in my previous post or through link you supplied.