How about this? No name calling for two days.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Unfriendly Fred. Please do not post in any thread I start. You're not very smart, and you know that already Unfriendly Jew Fred. You are a clown.

To be honest, I could give a fuck who posts in this thread and who hates me... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

I got no dog in ya'lls spat.

But how can one say he can't be here, while saying anyone can be here?
I got no dog in ya'lls spat.

But how can one say he can't be here, while saying anyone can be here? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
In reality he did say he

could give a fuck who posts in this thread and who hates me
so, obviously as words matter, and I'd think especially to a 3 degree Ivy league degree carrier, that he "COULD" give a fuck. Hence the repeated replies.

HoeHummer's Avatar
Sounds like someone struck a nerve...

Obviously, yous aren’t interested in civility, even for two calendar days.
bambino's Avatar
Lol...Now you are getting hilarious LM. Such faux outrage and indignity that you got called out and exposed.

You won't read responses, but deign yourself god of all to continue posting about nothing, since you won't respond to criticism. You are inching up(with more rapidity than before) that list of who I would suggest counseling or help for during this period of uncertainty. The statistics are showing that many are having trouble coping with it and are going the path of alcohol or other substances. Your posts are reflecting a trend toward that. Please take care of yourself. Originally Posted by eccielover
He’s always been this way. Covid19 has nothing to do with it.
Budman's Avatar
you are full of yourself.. you remember my 2 weeks in the Spider Hole like it was yesterday (it was 4 years ago), you are convinced you ran me off from there. don't flatter yourself.. that Spider Hole was the most boring shit I ever experienced.. I know several guys who quit for the same reason, you and the 3-4 others who ever posted were BORING

you always break down and say the same shit.. every one is an "old man".. your attack posts are carbon copies, no matter who the receiver

Budman is far from my favorite person on ECCIE, but he is spot on here. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

I didn't make your favorites list? WTF. I'm hurt.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
He’s always been this way. Covid19 has nothing to do with it. Originally Posted by bambino

Don't be so sure. There are a couple symptoms that they are starting to notice in COVID-19 cases. On younger, healthier, people it is smallish sores on their feet that resemble a spider bite. In older people, it s a propensity towards anger or aggressive behavior. They sometimes call it 'zombie' behavior. And frankly, it sounds eerily similar to the typically rabid, lefty-loony, Demonicrat - on a good day.
Unfriendly Fred. Please do not post in any thread I start. You're not very smart, and you know that already Unfriendly Jew Fred. You are a clown.

To be honest, I could give a fuck who posts in this thread and who hates me. I kind of started it for a reason.

When I am stuck at home and bored, I apparently do silly shit just to bring out the idiots who hate me. This thread has more than served its purpose. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
With 3 supposed Ivy League degrees even the most cursory examination of your post would show the immediate contradiction in your first and second "paragraphs"!
HedonistForever's Avatar
It's looking like there will be fewer deaths from COVID-19 than the flu which topped 60,000 in recent years. So what will history say about our rush to shut down and YES, I'll say it again, "destroy" our economy?

Yes, we should have called for social distancing and YES we should have shut down any gathering of hundreds and thousands of persons but you can't buy paint and garden supplies in Michigan because of COVID-19? What kind of scientific evidence suggested that? You can't attend church services in your car?

You can take your boat out on the water if you live on the water with a boat tied up behind your mansion but you can't use a public ramp where social distancing could be used correctly? That's what is happening in Miami right now.

Yes, I think history will show that way more than half of the measures we took were unnecessary and it will take years if ever for us to improve the economy to 2019 standards.

We are being told that even when we start up the economy, we will have to wear masks and every single person entering any building in New York will have their temperature taken before they can enter. And how long will that last? And why couldn't we have had the foresight to do that first instead of closing the whole damn country?

History will not be kind to our leaders I think.
It's looking like there will be fewer deaths from COVID-19 than the flu which topped 60,000 in recent years. So what will history say about our rush to shut down and YES, I'll say it again, "destroy" our economy?

Yes, we should have called for social distancing and YES we should have shut down any gathering of hundreds and thousands of persons but you can't buy paint and garden supplies in Michigan because of COVID-19? What kind of scientific evidence suggested that? You can't attend church services in your car?

You can take your boat out on the water if you live on the water with a boat tied up behind your mansion but you can't use a public ramp where social distancing could be used correctly? That's what is happening in Miami right now.

Yes, I think history will show that way more than half of the measures we took were unnecessary and it will take years if ever for us to improve the economy to 2019 standards.

We are being told that even when we start up the economy, we will have to wear masks and every single person entering any building in New York will have their temperature taken before they can enter. And how long will that last? And why couldn't we have had the foresight to do that first instead of closing the whole damn country?

History will not be kind to our leaders I think. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
The response will be that if the Country had not taken draconian measure, hundreds of thousands would die.

I think what we will find in the end is yes, CV-19 is very contagious, easily transmitted from person to person.

What we will also find out is the actual mortality rate is no where near what was predicted.

As for a vaccine, a doctor on Fox made a good point this morning. We still have no vaccine for the common cold, whic in most cases is also caused by a virus in the Corona family.

I think Granny on the Beverly Hillbillies had it right with her elixir cure for the common cold. Old Banker Drysdale was going to make millions with it. Her cure.......take the elixir, go home, drink plenty of liquids, get plenty of rest, and in about 8 days you are cured.

With the CV-19, the exact regiment might work just the same way for the vast majority of people.....minus the elixir.
I went to Walmart to get some pots last weekend because I am cooking more. Those employees were not wearing shit. It was pretty weird because I was only thinking about their healthcare benefits, (or lack thereof). Because it was self checkout and I was buying alcohol as well, the lady just ran up to me and carded me and entered in her verification code. She had no mask or gloves on. I thought about telling her to just keep my license and burn it. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I've been saying this for a month and I've seen only a few grocery store workers reported ill. One of my wife's relatives is an asst manager at a large grocery store here in town and she's working many hours of overtime. Nonessential pay for essential workers. IMO, they are taking more risk than many of these "front line doctors" who aren't doing shit.
Chung Tran's Avatar
You even went down on a 75 plus year old cheap hooker. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
you didn't learn much obtaining your 3 degrees.. she was not 75, she was 73. details matter
Lucas McCain's Avatar
you didn't learn much obtaining your 3 degrees.. she was not 75, she was 73. details matter Originally Posted by Chung Tran
That made me laugh. I appreciate the humor. Have a good day and stay safe.

I've been saying this for a month and I've seen only a few grocery store workers reported ill. One of my wife's relatives is an asst manager at a large grocery store here in town and she's working many hours of overtime. Nonessential pay for essential workers. IMO, they are taking more risk than many of these "front line doctors" who aren't doing shit. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I have too many physicians in my family. Like most, they can't figure this shit out and are clueless. One will tell me not to worry because of my age, another will tell me that I am going to die if I go to stores without wearing a mask and gloves. Anyway, this shit is just going to get worse when doctors don't even know anything about it. I lost respect for both of them and the fucked up thing is that they are married. I asked my uncle whether he and his wife even talked about this shit because they were so much on opposite sides about it.
My issue is whenever you go to the doctor's office or ER or one those "minute clinics" you rarely see the doctor. A RN, PA, Nurse Practitioner or some type of tech sees you.

The doctors, like army generals, aren't on the front lines as much as advertised.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Yeah, I don't go see doctors much but the last time I went I had a PA. It kind of pissed me off because they charged me as if he was an actual doctor. It was something minor so I understand, but I went home and looked up PA's. I guess they make on average 6 figures for a reason. They're doing most of the work.

I felt like a fool because I kept calling him "doc". He never corrected me. When I googled him when I got home, I found out he was a PA. I thought about asking for my $50 insurance deductible back for theft of services.
Let's be honest. For most General Practitioner work it all boils down to the power of the prescription pad. These PAs have that or a least some version of it.

My kid broke his hand. Took him to a minute clinic that had a Xray machine. A tech who was a paramedic, assessed the hand, xrayed the hand and casted the hand. The PA was just window dressing.

Went to an orthopedist at the insistence of my wife. He ripped off the cast, looked at the xray the tech took, pronounced everything OK (which I already knew) and said get a new cast. Can't you do that here, I asked? We don't do it here. To shorten the story I looked two hours and couldn't find anyone they recommended to recast so a woman at the dr office did it anyway. Bastards.