Get over it Conservatives, Obama was "elected by a majority of the popular vote twice!"

Fast Gunn's Avatar
I knew it would not take you long to yammer in despite your well-known lack of knowledge, old geezer.

The Supreme Court gave the election to Bush over Gore even though Gore had won the popular vote.

As a consequence of that, Bush was in better position to frighten the people and take the election from Kerry in the next election.

My point is that John Kerry would have not dragged this country into Iraq.

. . .Can you understand that basic concept or do I need to draw you a diagram?

Fast Gunn, which election did the Supreme Court give to Bush over Kerry? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
My point is that John Kerry would have not dragged this country into Iraq.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
And neither would have Al Gore!

But Dub and Cheney did!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Didn't Kerry vote in favor of going to war with Iraq? Serious question I don't recall.
Didn't Kerry vote in favor of going to war with Iraq? Serious question I don't recall. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That is an excellent question. Every once in awhile, even a blind hog will find an acorn!

Yes Kerry, along with numerous other Democrats voted in favor of going to war with Iraq. That wasn't the point of Fast Gunn's remark. The insinuation was that Kerry was following the lead of the Commander in Chief that specifically requested a bi-partisan national security vote. Kerry gave them the vote they requested.

He was later proven to be wrong in giving the Bush Administration the vote. He later acknowledged as such. The fact that Kerry voted for the spring 2003 invasion does not necessarily mean that he would have initiated the action were he the CIC. It merely means that he gave the Administration the vote they asked for!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I am still amazed that the democrats are still crowing about the election. You would think that one candidate was tying up the election results with recount after recount. It is not happening and it did not happen. You won but we are still right. That is what you can't seem to accept. You won but you want us to drop to our knees and acknowledge Obama as our own personal savior. That is not going to happen so why don't you move on. In 2008 we said that Obama had no experience, that his administration would be filled with cronies, and he was very far to the left. We were proven correct. During Obama's term we said that Obama was too rigid to compromise, and by extension govern, we also said that Obama wanted to raise taxes and had no respect for our country. Events proved us correct again. Now we say that Obama wants to hurt the economy with higher taxes, higher energy costs, and cut the military. We also say that he has learned very little his first four years. Nothing has proven that to be wrong.

To conclude, Obama won but that does not make him right (see Jimmy Carter). Evidence demonstrates that Obama supporters were fooled again.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Just wanted to point out that Hahn's logic on this issue is completely off the mark.
Obama's re-election proves nothing about his status as a US born citizen. If that was the case you'd have to admit that, had he lost the election, it would've proved he was born in Kenya. Which it wouldn't.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Logic lesson to follow: The reelection of Obama is supposed to show that he was right and Romney was wrong. If this is the case then the name Gore and Kerry can never be uttered on this site. They lost, therefore they were wrong not that we believe in that but the lefties here do believe that.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
True, true, JDB, but Gore got more votes than Dubya and the difference between Kerry and Dubya was less than Obama and Romney. You know that's the point of of the thread don't you? Obama won by more votes and a higher percentage of the vote than Dubya did either time yet in 2008 he had all of this "political capital" to! And, I'm sure you were right there urging him to do it. Since you are such a "strict constructionist" why don't you strictly construct your arguments to stay on topic instead of trying to drive most threads you post in towards some other topic than the thread and obfuscate?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Logic lesson to follow: The reelection of Obama is supposed to show that he was right and Romney was wrong. If this is the case then the name Gore and Kerry can never be uttered on this site. They lost, therefore they were wrong not that we believe in that but the lefties here do believe that. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Fucking loony!