Yea ok, lets keep letting illegals in so they kill our children

lustylad's Avatar
Where did I advocate protecting a street gang, Junior.

Quote it. Chapter and verse, you fucking liar! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You're the fucking liar. You took Trump's "animal" reference and tied it to all immigrants, knowing he was specifically referring to MS-13. When you knowingly distort Trump's comments to deflect the discussion away from the need to deport the animals, you are PROTECTING them!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Bullshit. I never said any such thing. Never said anything about Pelosi either, you worthless piece of shit.

Smart boy puts up or shuts the fuck up.

Are you a smart boy, Junior?
lustylad's Avatar
Bullshit. I never said any such thing. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Then explain this, pigfuck.

Amazingly, he equivocates “enters the country illegally” with “animals.” Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Amazingly, you can't remember what you just posted.

Never said anything about Pelosi either... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No? Here's your chance, oinkboy. Do you agree or disagree?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like oink voy stuffed pelosi up his ass. that's gotta hurt.
Bullshit. I never said any such thing. Never said anything about Pelosi either, you worthless piece of shit.

Smart boy puts up or shuts the fuck up.

Are you a smart boy, Junior? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
He just bitch slapped the fuck out of you Assup. You should go to a safe space and cry like the little pussy you are. Stupid old fucker.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Huh? You just admitted that the available crime statistics are seriously flawed - yet you want to "stick by" those same flawed statistics?

Umm... ok!

My point is the "under-reported crime" argument is touted by liberals when they advocate amnesty for illegal immigrants, but dismissed by liberals when they cite official crime data to argue that illegals are more law-abiding than legal citizens.

Evidently you still want to have it both ways. Originally Posted by lustylad
I said "maybe" as in "possibly" as in "we don't know if the statistics are flawed".

From a report I saw yesterday, the workers at the Mexican border are doing an excellent job of sorting out the people asking for amnesty. This is EXACTLY what I want. I realize that the U.S. can't accept all people who want to emigrate to this country. But the overwhelming majority of those seeking to enter this country over the Mexican border in this case are doing so legally and are not members of a gang. Any of the potential immigrants who are suspected in any way of being dangerous are being turned away.

But despite the administration’s claims to the contrary, the numbers of Central Americans arriving at the border are not near the all-time highs, and there is no infestation or invasion of MS-13. What the data shows instead is something far less dramatic: men, women, families, and children who are arriving to seek safety and the basic American dream of a better life.
I said "maybe" as in "possibly" as in "we don't know if the statistics are flawed".

From a report I saw yesterday, the workers at the Mexican border are doing an excellent job of sorting out the people asking for amnesty. This is EXACTLY what I want. I realize that the U.S. can't accept all people who want to emigrate to this country. But the overwhelming majority of those seeking to enter this country over the Mexican border in this case are doing so legally and are not members of a gang. Any of the potential immigrants who are suspected in any way of being dangerous are being turned away.

But despite the administration’s claims to the contrary, the numbers of Central Americans arriving at the border are not near the all-time highs, and there is no infestation or invasion of MS-13. What the data shows instead is something far less dramatic: men, women, families, and children who are arriving to seek safety and the basic American dream of a better life.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

TheDaliLama's Avatar
He just bitch slapped the fuck out of you Assup. You should go to a safe space and cry like the little pussy you are. Stupid old fucker. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Poor Assup. Originally Posted by Cherie

I keep feeling, EVERY TIME we catch scumbags like this, illegal invaders (often who've been repeatedly deported), there should be one and ONLY one punishment. A swift public execution, then their body gets draped across the border wall, with a sign around their necks "WARNING this is what happens to illegal invader murderous scumbags"!

Well yes, that's precisely the point. If your loved one is killed by a fellow citizen, that's bad enough. But if your loved one is murdered by someone who shouldn't even be in our country, then your grief is greatly compounded! You can't help but blame your own government for letting it happen by failing to secure our borders.

Why is that so hard for you to understand? Originally Posted by lustylad

And its compounded even WORSE, when you find out that some government buttheads shielded said illegal from being handed over to ICE for a PRIOR crime (or three), or had already been deported and came back in, JUST BECAUSE our border is so bloody porous..


Why is it the left doesn't understand that we have marginalized citizens that would work these jobs. For Example-- There are a lot of non violent prisoners being released that cannot find employment because of their record. They would be happy to take these jobs in order to get a new start on life. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Well said. Additionally, if we say, started telling those ABLED BODIED folk on welfare, 'get a job, or get off welfare after XYZ period of time, MAYBE WE WOULD actually start seeing some of those louts leeching off welfare, get work..

I said "maybe" as in "possibly" as in "we don't know if the statistics are flawed".

From a report I saw yesterday, the workers at the Mexican border are doing an excellent job of sorting out the people asking for amnesty. This is EXACTLY what I want. I realize that the U.S. can't accept all people who want to emigrate to this country.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

And what i would love to see is us telling folk "OK So you wish to claim asylum in the US. FINE GET YOUR BUTT to a US Embassy in your home country.
DO NOT cross 200+ miles, enter our country illegally, THEN TRY To claim Asylum once you get caught, because as of now, NO CLAIMS made that way will ever again, be granted.
Additionally, if you have a safe country say to your south, that is CLOSER TO YOUR HOME country, than the US is (such as Costa rica being a LOT closer to Honduras/guatemala than the US IS), your claims will be denied.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
And what i would love to see is us telling folk "OK So you wish to claim asylum in the US. FINE GET YOUR BUTT to a US Embassy in your home country.
DO NOT cross 200+ miles, enter our country illegally, THEN TRY To claim Asylum once you get caught, because as of now, NO CLAIMS made that way will ever again, be granted.
Additionally, if you have a safe country say to your south, that is CLOSER TO YOUR HOME country, than the US is (such as Costa rica being a LOT closer to Honduras/guatemala than the US IS), your claims will be denied. Originally Posted by garhkal

First, the people at the border seeking asylum have NOT entered the country illegally. They were not caught attempting to enter the U.S. illegally. They have walked up to the border and are asking border agents for asylum. Everything being done legally.

You pose a reasonably good question as to why a family would risk their lives traveling by foot 200 miles instead of walking into the U.S. embassy in their country and applying for legal entry into the U.S. We are talking about people coming from Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and probably Nicaragua very soon. These are countries with ridiculously high homicide rates and overall violent crime rates. It could take years for an application for entry into the U.S. to get through all the red tape. So since the danger to their lives is TODAY, they decide to try to get out of town immediately.

And FYI, an increasing number of people are seeking asylum in Costa Rica.
rexdutchman's Avatar
We don't stop illegal immigration the outcome will be to destabilize this county even more , just look to the EU .
First, the people at the border seeking asylum have NOT entered the country illegally. They were not caught attempting to enter the U.S. illegally. They have walked up to the border and are asking border agents for asylum. Everything being done legally. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Those who were on that most recent migrant train, sure they've been doing it right. BUT many thousands of others don't. They sneak in, and if/when they get nabbed THEN they cry and try to claim asylum.

You pose a reasonably good question as to why a family would risk their lives traveling by foot 200 miles instead of walking into the U.S. embassy in their country and applying for legal entry into the U.S. We are talking about people coming from Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and probably Nicaragua very soon. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

But if an American family can have mom/dad charged with child endangerment, just because they left them at home alone, or left them in a car in the heat/cold, WHY THE HELL are these ilegal invaders who cross hundreds upon hundreds of miles, some times through cartel territory, putting not just them BUT their kids lives at risk, not also endangering their kids??

Additionally, we are hearing this and last year, liberals cry like crazy at the "separation of the kids from their parent's", even though
A) THAT's BEEN DONE for years,
B) you never ONCE see them 'shed a tear', when its a US family who has just been separated from THEIR KID, when that kid got killed by an illegal invader.

AND since they are the party of abortions on demand, how can they whine about 'separating kids from parents'?
lustylad's Avatar
Those who were on that most recent migrant train, sure they've been doing it right. BUT many thousands of others don't. They sneak in, and if/when they get nabbed THEN they cry and try to claim asylum. Originally Posted by garhkal
That's exactly right. The ones we are trying to stop are those who enter illegally in between our official border crossing points such as San Diego or El Paso or Laredo. Perhaps they try to sneak in because they know their asylum claims are weak or frivolous - roughly half of all asylum claims are rejected.

...WHY THE HELL are these illegal invaders who cross hundreds upon hundreds of miles, some times through cartel territory, putting not just them BUT their kids lives at risk, not also endangering their kids?? Originally Posted by garhkal
They are endangering their kids. Did you read the link speedy provided in post #81? Here is a quote from it:

"Migrants are extorted, robbed, assaulted, raped, kidnapped, and murdered at alarmingly high levels and with almost complete impunity. The perpetrators vary by geographic area, including MS-13 and Barrio 18 in the southern part of Mexico (the very gangs that many are escaping); larger criminal groups such as the Zetas and Gulf Cartel in the northern parts of the country such as Tamaulipas; local kidnapping rings and bandits throughout the territory; and even municipal, state, and federal migratory and public security authorities. A 2017 Doctors Without Borders report noted that 68 percent of the migrants that it provided services to in shelters across Mexico had been the victim of a crime during the journey. Women and children are also at particular risk, with nearly one-third of the women reporting that they were sexually assaulted during their trip through Mexico."
MT Pockets's Avatar


speedy is too stupid to realize that families who have had loved ones killed by illegals have made their feelings public, M T Brain Socket. That you worship his stupidity as "intelligent" can only mean you are more stupid than speedy, M T Brain Socket.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
First of all I do not worship any human. Secondly, I do know what it feels like to have your family killed by immigrants bring over Leptospirosis and guns.
lustylad's Avatar
...I do know what it feels like to have your family killed by immigrants (who) bring over Leptospirosis and guns. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Did you hear that, assup? Empty cranium is equivocating "immigrants" with "animals". Say something!

Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease, which means it can be spread from animals to people.