Do you think Colonel Peters is correct?

I don't think the Afghan populace is wholly or necessarily aligned against us. Many of them don't know what is going on. When we tried to explain 9/11 to illiterate Afghan villagers a decade ago, most of them had no idea what we were talking about. They don't like the Taliban but there is little security outside the local village and tribe so they go along to get along.

The whole picture is different depending on whether you are trying to win over a population that is concentrated or dispersed, urban or rural, located in mountains, desert towns, or jungles. That's a quick & dirty explanation of why our successful counter-insurgency campaign in Iraq's Anbar Province back in 2006 could not be easily duplicated in Afghanistan.

ISIS makes the Afghan Taliban look like choir boys. They aren't subtly trying to win hearts and minds in Syria and Iraq. They are slaughtering thousands of non-Sunni Muslims, forcing adults to cower in fear while they brainwash the young. In doing so, ISIS is sowing the seeds of its own demise, but it won't happen if the world does nothing.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
And? We solve this problem how?

You haven't figured out yet that American boots on the ground in a middle-eastern country breaking shit and killing people creates more problems that it solves?

The last time you dumbasses advocated the invasion of a middle eastern country resulted in exactly the situation you are claiming requires another invasion now. ISIS wouldn't exist but for the invasion of Iraq and ouster of Saddam. He would have squashed them like the bugs they are without the shedding of a single drop of American blood.

So, the OP calls for military action against Islam. What do we do? Be specific and tell me how we effectively address shit like what happened in Paris the other day in utilizing our military.
Back to Col Peters.

I'm sorry. I can't take Him seriously. He spent over 18 years in the Army and managed to get to O-5.

There is a whole line of retired Generals and Admirals waiting in line to give expert commentary. Col Peters just comes across as shrill, and rather unrealistic in his assessments.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
85% liberals ???
I hope not. I believe a good number of that 85% are ignorant and vote with their emotions and not their intellect. Originally Posted by rioseco
Holy shit.

Back to Col Peters.

I'm sorry. I can't take Him seriously. He spent over 18 years in the Army and managed to get to O-5.

There is a whole line of retired Generals and Admirals waiting in line to give expert commentary. Col Peters just comes across as shrill, and rather unrealistic in his assessments. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Right, I forgot...the point was to evaluate the propriety and delivery of the good colonel's delivery rather than the substance of the statements he made which was the point of the whole OP. you just not want to deal with the issues raised?
Back to Col Peters.

I'm sorry. I can't take Him seriously. He spent over 18 years in the Army and managed to get to O-5.

There is a whole line of retired Generals and Admirals waiting in line to give expert commentary. Col Peters just comes across as shrill, and rather unrealistic in his assessments. Originally Posted by Jackie S
In other words, a perfect Fox News and RWW talking head?
rioseco's Avatar
And? We solve this problem how?

You haven't figured out yet that American boots on the ground in a middle-eastern country breaking shit and killing people creates more problems that it solves?

The last time you dumbasses advocated the invasion of a middle eastern country resulted in exactly the situation you are claiming requires another invasion now. ISIS wouldn't exist but for the invasion of Iraq and ouster of Saddam. He would have squashed them like the bugs they are without the shedding of a single drop of American blood.

So, the OP calls for military action against Islam. What do we do? Be specific and tell me how we effectively address shit like what happened in Paris the other day in utilizing our military. Originally Posted by timpage
Take note: The term "you dumbasses" would include almost every liberal in congress after 911 as well as the republicans.
Right, I forgot...the point was to evaluate the propriety and delivery of the good colonel's delivery rather than the substance of the statements he made which was the point of the whole OP. you just not want to deal with the issues raised? Originally Posted by timpage
Read the last words. "And rather unrealistic in his assessments"

He could speak them with the ease and grace of Ronald Reagan and his assessments would still be unrealistic
gfejunkie's Avatar
You're an idiot and this post exemplifies it.

Do you really think that anybody but the brain-damaged posters on here take bizarre sweeping utterly untrue generalizations like these seriously?

Fuck off back to the shallow end of the pool moron. Originally Posted by timpage
Not a generalization. WTF already proved that, MORON!
In other words, a perfect Fox News and RWW talking head? Originally Posted by timpage
Put your tampon earrings on Timmy.
IFFY, sorry man.....I just can't take you seriously. Even the Admiral surpasses you in his completely limited ability to present an idea or an argument.

You're just...a buffoon.....
Buffoon or baboon?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
And? We solve this problem how?

You haven't figured out yet that American boots on the ground in a middle-eastern country breaking shit and killing people creates more problems that it solves?

The last time you dumbasses advocated the invasion of a middle eastern country resulted in exactly the situation you are claiming requires another invasion now. ISIS wouldn't exist but for the invasion of Iraq and ouster of Saddam. He would have squashed them like the bugs they are without the shedding of a single drop of American blood.

So, the OP calls for military action against Islam. What do we do? Be specific and tell me how we effectively address shit like what happened in Paris the other day in utilizing our military. Originally Posted by timpage
Yes, Timmy, you are probably right - but you are a rather rude asshole!
So fuck off!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah. I think Timmy is right on this one.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think it is pretty obvious that Timmie didn't even read what the Colonel said. He said nothing about nation building, he said nothing about nukes, he DID to bomb them, kill them, and move on to the next target (we never target civilians (since World War II anyway) so that means military targets). He also said to accept that we were at war and to vocalize that the enemy is Islamic terrorism.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yeah. I think Timmy is right on this one. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Right that Bush caused ISIS AKA ISIL or Muslim terrorists in general?