Trayvon Martin's Gun and Pot photos

Now let me ask you how you would react if some black man followed you around some neighborhood you had walked through to buy some candy and then chased after you? Originally Posted by WTF
I don't care who follows me around, so long as they don't attack me first. I have no right to charge them and hand them a beatdown. Which is what Zimmerman says happened and what the 911 tape indicates. I don't know what you mean by "chased after" as opposed to following him.

And why do you make it a "black" man following me around? What makes you think I would react any differently than if a white or hispanic man followed me around? Don't project your OWN race phobias on to me.

Would you maybe beat his dumbass? Originally Posted by WTF
No, why would I beat somebody up for following me and watching me? I'd give them a nice boring show to watch.

Martin's mistake was not realising the wanna be cop was armed. Originally Posted by WTF
OK. So, beating up someone merely for following him was not a mistake in your opinion? That's OK with you? It was the "not realizing his target was armed" part that was the mistake - not the actual assault?

Again, thank you for clarifying.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-24-2013, 06:12 PM

No, why would I beat somebody up for following me and watching me? I'd give them a nice boring show to watch.

. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Why would Martin? Makes Zimmerman story kinda strange IMHO. I have a different take on the 911 conversation is all. I see no reason for Zimmerman getting out of his car to follow Martin, just as the 911 operator . It appears like there will be a trial, maybe more will come out and I will change my mind, who knows.
The truth will come out in the trial.

I just hope that when the Jury comes back with a Not Guilty verdict, Cities won't burn.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-24-2013, 07:18 PM
The truth will come out in the trial. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That is what we can all hope. Unfortunately in these kinds of things "truth" is ALWAYS colored by the lenses we see through.

I have never doubted that Zimmerman felt that he was being seriously threatened when he shot Martin. I accept that part.

I accept they were fighting.

The whole question is WHY the fight started. Was it:
--Martin attacked a guy who was just following him, in which case may well have been wrong and Zimmerman justified.
--or did Martin have every right to believe an armed man was stalking him with ill intent. I might point out that such things have indeed happened to Blacks over the years in Florida. In that case Martin may have been justifiably defending himself from a Zimmerman who caused the situation and should be held accountable for the result.

Sadly we will only hear one side of the story at a trial. But since most folks here have already decided which version they believe....

Personally I expect he will be found innocent, partially but not only because there will only be the one side heard. I think Zimmerman IS significantly to blaim because he seriously over reached his roll as a neighborhood watch member.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If you tied your lil dick and Uncle Han's pecker together you wouldn't be able to bitch slap a grasshopper with those toothpicks. Originally Posted by WTF
Your faggoty little brain likes the thought of two guy peckers tied together, doesn't it, you fucking faggot.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The "innocent child" was betrayed by his mother: she put him there!

In a series of text messages from November 2011 to February 2012, Mr. Martin wrote that he had been suspended from school for cutting classes. In the messages, he said his mother had “kicked” him out of the house and told him to move in with his father.

Is there anyone who actually believes Zimmerman premeditatedly planned to kill and then killed Martin that night? Zimmerman believed his life was in mortal danger, and he had injuries to his head that seem to justify that belief. Zimmerman believed his only alternative to dying was to kill his assailant: Martin.

How effective is a Neighborhood Watch team that summons the police only to tell the responding police that the team 'lost sight' of the suspicious character that concerned them? Maybe next time, after the next burglary, etc., etc.,? If such is the purpose, then the keyword “Watch” becomes a point of humorless irony, and such teams have no purpose.

The media's coverage of the trial will be a circus; hopefully, the verdict will be just.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-24-2013, 08:09 PM
Coverage of the trial will be a circus yes it will, sadly.

hopefully, the verdict will be just. Agree. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
That is what we can all hope. Unfortunately in these kinds of things "truth" is ALWAYS colored by the lenses we see through.

Personally I expect he will be found innocent, partially but not only because there will only be the one side heard. I think Zimmerman IS significantly to blaim because he seriously over reached his roll as a neighborhood watch member. Originally Posted by Old-T
With all respect, Jurys do not find people "innocent", they find them Not Guilty.

There is a big difference. I too think Zimmerman was culpable, just not to the extent that an overzealous Prosecutor should charge him with 2d degree murder. The charge should be something between Justifiable Homicide and Manslaughter.

This defense team is planning on playing hard ball, they will put Travon on trial. The Judge will have to quit playing politics, he knows Zimmerman has every right to a thorough defense. The pictures of Zimmerman's wounds, that were so cleverly edited by the major news outlets for the moments expediency, will be shown. The sweet little Travon that everybody thinks they know will be turned into a thug.

And in that defense, it will come out why Travon was really where he was, and you can bet it won't be to get Skittles.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-24-2013, 08:57 PM

And in that defense, it will come out why Travon was really where he was, and you can bet it won't be to get Skittles. Originally Posted by Jackie S
My guess is it was some where between getting skittles and getting shot!

The media's coverage of the trial will be a circus; hopefully, the verdict will be just. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

The verdict is always just....for one side!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
If you are correct Joe Biden, and there exists an inverse relationship between brains and cock size, then you definitely have the biggest cock in the sandbox.

Only problem is, we know how often you are correct. Originally Posted by Uncle Han
welcome to the SANDBOX and I do like your thinking

exit Dali Lama enter Uncle Han
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It is so funny. WPF STILL has no idea what a "strawman" is. What a dumbass!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The World according to WTF;
(a dark and stormy night)
Zimmerman: I can't believe what I see in my neighborhood. (pushing his white hood back) Look at that some bitch. Walkin around like he owns the place. Well, me and ole reliable (picks up his gun) will take care of him. Better cover my ass though.
(Zimmerman pulls over in front of a young Mr. Martin and gets out) Hey you! What do you think your kind is doing in this neighborhood. Who you tryin to rob tonight? Rape any white women around here?
Martin: Sir, I don't know what you're talking about. I was just walking along, minding my own business, and making my way home. I want no trouble with you or anyone else.
Zimmerman: Don't you sass me boy! Show me your hands! I said, show me your hands! (dials his cell phone) (sounding suddenly calm) Police! Yes, I see someone suspicious in my neighborhood.
(Martin tries to walk away. Zimmerman pulls out his gun and places the muzzle against Martin's forehead. Zimmerman makes the sign to keep quiet)
Zimmerman: I guess you could say he's black, We've had some break ins around here. Yes, I'm following him. No, I won't get in his way. Hurry, Thank you.
Martin: Sir, I didn't do anything to you or anyone else. Please let me go home (starts to sob) Please Sir. All I have is my drink and some Skiddles. Would you like one?
Zimmerman: What! Freeze! Shoots Martin the chest. (martin falls to the ground)
Zimmerman: Shit! (looks around for witnesses and seeing none) Let me see...he was attacking me and I fired in self defense. I would be hurt (starts tearing at his clothing), more hurt than that. My life was in danger, life was in danger.... (zimmerman lies on the ground and starts banging his own head onto the payment) Wow! I almost knocked myself out. This is good. I hear the police. Okay act confused and scared.
LexusLover's Avatar
The verdict is always just....for one side! Originally Posted by WTF
The "innocent child" was betrayed by his mother: she put him there!

In a series of text messages from November 2011 to February 2012, Mr. Martin wrote that he had been suspended from school for cutting classes. In the messages, he said his mother had “kicked” him out of the house and told him to move in with his father.

Is there anyone who actually believes Zimmerman premeditatedly planned to kill and then killed Martin that night? Zimmerman believed his life was in mortal danger, and he had injuries to his head that seem to justify that belief. Zimmerman believed his only alternative to dying was to kill his assailant: Martin.

How effective is a Neighborhood Watch team that summons the police only to tell the responding police that the team 'lost sight' of the suspicious character that concerned them? Maybe next time, after the next burglary, etc., etc.,? If such is the purpose, then the keyword “Watch” becomes a point of humorless irony, and such teams have no purpose.

The media's coverage of the trial will be a circus; hopefully, the verdict will be just.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

You would think that nimrod was your son the way you defend him. Come to think of it you two idiots are a lot alike.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You would think that nimrod was your son the way you defend him. Come to think of it you two idiots are a lot alike. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Meanwhile, it's moronic idiots like you and Odumbo that want to defend a w**d smoking, burglarious, vandalizing 'gangsta' whose own mother kicked him out of her home -- and you sop up and regurgitate the bald-face lies fed to you by the Kool Aid dispensing MSM to justify your delusional vision of Martin as the "fourteen year-old child" he wasn't.

Obama on Trayvon Martin: ‘If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.’