Uncle Han bites the dust

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Holy shit! This is worse than celebrating Dubya's approval ratings!

LMAO @ Whirlytard!

Question: How Do you have a circle jerk if there aren't enough jerkoffs to form a circle?
You claimed UH posted from "propaganda sites"..............I posted the sources from some of his most recent threads; which are legitimate sites, now you claim you never said he posted from propaganda sites...that is backtracking !

It brings you right back to agreement with my original statement: Uncle Han posted commentary backed up with facts and analysis from reliable sources that are widely read.
You claimed UH posted from "propaganda sites"..............I posted the sources from some of his most recent threads; now you claim you never said he posted from propaganda sites...that is backtracking ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I just love to come home from the office to catch up on the latest Trendaway gets his Dumb Ass handed to him once again saga!
You claimed UH posted from "propaganda sites"..............I posted the sources from some of his most recent threads; which are legitimate sites, now you claim you never said he posted from propaganda sites...that is backtracking ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Misquoting again.

I claimed TWO things: One - he posted from propaganda sites. Two - Or he took legitimate articles out of context"

You continually ignore that second part. I did NOT say that he posted ONLY from propaganda sites. The legitimate articles clearly are not from propaganda sites. he just took them out of context or distorted them.

Then YOU posted the names of some news sites that I had NEVER mentioned and accused me of calling them propaganda sites. In other words, trying to put words in my mouth.

I responded that I never said THOSE sites (i.e, Reuters, ZeroHedge, etc.), which you identified, were propaganda sites. Again, that is an accurate statement. Go back and re-read.

So, no backtracking. no matter how much you try to put words in my mouth.

In fact, let me restate it:

"Your hero, Marshall/Choom/UH, never won any argument. All he did was post crap from widely read propaganda sites. Or he took legitimate articles out of context."

There. Got it now? Or are you going to misquote that, too?
There. Got it now? Or are you going to misquote that, too? Originally Posted by ExNYer
It is becoming increasingly apparent that Trendaway is leading Hanoi Cog by two lengths going into the final turn at the Dullest Knife in the Drawer Derby.

My money is on Trendy by a nose at the finish line!
Hey Trendy, there is a new show in town named:

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Han gets more publicity being gone than he did being here
Han gets more publicity being gone than he did being here Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
May ol' Unc Han defecate in peace!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-14-2013, 02:15 AM
poor uncle hanaway
poor uncle hanaway Originally Posted by CJ7
Or should we refer to him as Trendy's infamous Uncle Banaway?
Han gets more publicity being gone than he did being here Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

Seems to be so many Han want bees
Uncle Han will return........................ .. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yes he will, Yes he will.
Yes he will, Yes he will. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
So you're self-identifying as a member of Marshall's Hallelujah Chorus?

And you're not the least bit embarrassed by that?
So you're self-identifying as a member of Marshall's Hallelujah Chorus?

And you're not the least bit embarrassed by that? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Not at all. He is fun and right.

I used to respect you alot. What happened?

Did this start on Nov 7th? When you agreed with NYer about his protest/Obooboo vote?
Not at all. He is fun and right. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Well, then I suppose I just have quite a different notion from you regarding what is "fun!"

Despite Whirlaway's claims to the contrary, the guy offered nothing in the way of analysis. All he did was copy-and-paste a bunch of articles and blogs every day, starting a new thread for each one, and accompanying them with a lot of name-calling and cap-locked giggling. Presumably, most of us can figure out what we ought to be reading without a couple of attention-seeking trolls posting it for us on an SHMB.

How about this? What if some guy on the far left came in here every day and started a bunch of threads with stuff copied and pasted from, for instance, The Nation, and yelled and screamed constantly that conservatives are "immoral scum" and stupid, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals. I doubt that you would be happy with that, yet it's just the other side of the same coin. Whether from the left or right, assholes are just assholes! (And for the record, I think I'm probably a bit to the right of center on the ideological spectrum.)

I used to respect you alot. What happened?

Did this start on Nov 7th? When you agreed with NYer about his protest/Obooboo vote? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Not exactly sure what you're referring to here. I do recall a couple of threads in which some of us lamented the poor choices we had in the last presidential election. It seemed clear to many of us that neither one of those guys was likely to fix much of anything. I voted for neither Obama nor Romney, but then I'm a Texas resident, so it really didn't matter. Carter-Ford (1976) was the last time the presidential tally was even remotely close in Texas.