Gov. Christie praises Obama’s response to ‘major disaster’ of Hurricane Sandy

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  • WTF
  • 11-01-2012, 06:27 AM
Hi, BigLoser! So did I find the source of your cut and paste, or is there more? You did a better job of plagiarizing than WPF did, but you've still been shown to be a fraud.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

And you are shown to be a cocksucker....
Last year when another big store did a lot of flooding Originally Posted by BigLouie
I stand corrected then, my bad.
Well aren't we touchy?

Musta struck a nerve in the middle of this massive Romney meltdown.

POTUSmwent to work, like was was supposed to do, and showed the initiative and leadership we expect from a POTUS. Romney, and you by the way, chose to whine about.

I support the President because he's taken a country in economic free fall and shown the courage to do what it takes to fix it. Not politically popular but fuck everybody who pisses on the founding fathers to make more money... Like Romney. like you.

Royally, eat shit, your highness!

Attack me all you want, dumbass. Fact is, your bitterness is what this election is all about.

Remember to floss after that big slice of shit pie you're gonna eat next week! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Well thats real noble of you to want to vote for Obama on that slight bit of reasoning. But your not going to get what you think. First of all he hasn't fixed anything at least not in the manner in which you think he has. A vote for Obama means one of two things or a combination of both. First you can't be an Obama supporter unless you believe in the transformation of our present Government to a Socialist form of Gov't. If you or anyone else wants to protest that fact and say you're not, then you're just plain stupid and don't truly understand the implications of an Obama re-election. There really isn't anything else inbetween.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
funny it took 3 years and 51 weeks for bho to look presidential
Yssup Rider's Avatar
apparently, that revelation was enough for the GOP to shit it's collective diapers!

and, Louisiana douchebag, I have been an Obama supporter since he beat Hillary for the 2008 nomination. I approve of the job he's doing a d believe that when The Congress realizes they can't remove him, those worthless teabagging assholes might actually get something done for the people of America.

Your logic is only exceeded by your lack of intelligence.

Of course if we become a socialist, communist anarchy, you guys would be fucked...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So you think you'd do well in a socialist, communist anarchy, eh, Assup? Well, that explains why you support Obama. At least know we know why you're supporting him. Thanks.
apparently, that revelation was enough for the GOP to shit it's collective diapers!

and, Louisiana douchebag, I have been an Obama supporter since he beat Hillary for the 2008 nomination. I approve of the job he's doing a d believe that when The Congress realizes they can't remove him, those worthless teabagging assholes might actually get something done for the people of America.

Your logic is only exceeded by your lack of intelligence.

Of course if we become a socialist, communist anarchy, you guys would be fucked... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Geesh, you are the epitome of stupidity. You're so dam stupid you don't even know it. You've supported Obama in 08, so now you're gonna make the same mistake twice, how dumb is that. If you approve of the job Obama is doing then you deserve to live in a Socialist form of Gov't. If you ever wake up and realize it's all been a big sham you'll probably even deny ever voting for him.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Naw, Im not gonna vote for him again, dummy. I already did.

I've visited a number of countries where there are socialized services. Had a great time.

Didn't spent my time tripping over beggars, er, filthy rich people...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You only voted for Obama once? You're not a very good Democrat.
vote early and often...
Naw, Im not gonna vote for him again, dummy. I already did.

I've visited a number of countries where there are socialized services. Had a great time.

Didn't spent my time tripping over beggars, er, filthy rich people... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So you had a good time in Socialist countries. Well you're ahead of the game then. Cause after Tuesday there is a real good chance you'll be living in one.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
and you will too, comrade!
and you will too, comrade! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
True that is. But don't go thinking you'll be living it up like you did in Amsterdam.
bojulay's Avatar
He finally got something right after four years.

Now all he needs is four more years and he might be two up.

Who am I kidding, miracles don't happen.