Not at the feet of the staff ..
... at the feet of the hobbyists who post the review of an LMT.
With all due respect JaD .. where's the responsibility of the hobbyists?
"Of course, if some of you assholes would shut-up and not tell every gal who has a review(especially massage gals), that they have a review, we could all enjoy their services without getting lumped into the category of one of those "review board guys". I particularly like the bullshit dance that massage gals and their clients do: They pretend that we are the only ones they do this with, and we pretend like we are all appreciative and not gonna tell our buddies the details. The are massage therapists, not sex workers. Right?
Remarkable, absolutely remarkable. Call me an asshole! Please.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
The gentlemen that do this are repremanded, and they do NOT do it again. (most cases it is simply a warning as MOST guys do not know she is an LMT/RMT) When they are repeat offenders and they KNOW what they are doing, and who exactly they are doing it to, punishment is much more sever.
So your implication there is that EVERY "massage girl" is a LMT/RMT? And each should be treated as such!?! Where do you draw the line of protecting the ladies, and maintaining the flow of information? Are we next to be forced to protect every lady that isn't strickly self labeled an "escort" or the like? While I agree the "don't tell the ladies they have a review so we all can enjoy it" part is a bit much, and these ladies have the right to know that information is out there on them.... But it is on them to help protect themselves..... I don't know what more you can ask? So each time a new guys comes in and gets a FBSM from a gal who he has no idea if she is an LMT/RMT or if she is advertising under her real name, and there are extras so he reviews her..... Are we to drop the auto Ban on them for "Outing"? That is just silly IMO......
Give us a better option here. There is a Members Suggestion & Feeback forum on the main page, as previously mentioned. State your case to the owners/admins there. We (Mods) only manage the board and enforce the rules as they are handed down. We do not make nor impliment them.
And since you asked..... LL.... You're an asshole! Lol