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today's Dilbert
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today's Dilbert Originally Posted by SR Only
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  • 06-03-2011, 07:04 AM
Disclaimer: The unposted comment that was about to appear on this space was only going to result in an infraction that was clearly worthy of disciplainary points. Therefore, I would like to apologize to Ansley, Chica, et al for what I am thinking so as to save for any possible infraction. However, if you could read my mind, you might want to issue me at least a warning. Originally Posted by Ed Highlight

Did you see the example of her new attitude?

Not sure why they don't just make her a Mod.
I think you had about as much to do with their banning as I had to do with LS disabling her account

Are you now trying to say that people are responsible for their own actions? If so we are in agreement, she and only she is responsible for disabling her account.
Originally Posted by WTF
I asked a simple question that had nothing to do Lauren.
On second thought, I don't need an answer to my question. I know that I didn't have anything to do with them being banned.

As for my posts that you provided a link to, I stand by those too. I was simply stating a few facts.

If you would like to keep bringing my name up in threads, titles to threads and links to my posts, go ahead. At this point I really don't care.
Someone that sticks there nose and opinions on EVERY thread, and has 20 something post a day, kinda deserves what they get!

Don't make ECCIE your life...
Someone that sticks there nose and opinions on EVERY thread, and has 20 something post a day, kinda deserves what they get!

Don't make ECCIE your life... Originally Posted by babydollsnow

That applies to numerous ladies and guys on the board.

Sometime's its not what is said, its how its said.

A little something to munch on while you're (people in general) typing out a most likely mean response to me.
Sometime's its not what is said, its how its said. Originally Posted by MsElena
Yep I agree. When I post, I am very guilty of coming off harsh. My posting style is short and to the point.
My posting style is short and to the point. Originally Posted by Ansley
How does that compare to your BJ style?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Ansley has expressed what a lot of us ladies have felt all along.
How does that compare to your BJ style? Originally Posted by pjorourke
How short is your dick?
EJunkie's Avatar
TFF! Originally Posted by pjorourke
More TFT(rue) than TFF(unny)
today's Dilbert Originally Posted by SR Only

I think Gary Larson of the Far Side also nailed it with his four personality types.

The four basic personality types:
1) The glass is half full
2) The glass is half empty
3) Half full... No! Wait! Half empty!... No, half... What was the question?
4) Hey! I ordered a cheeseburger!
-- The Far Side, Gary Larson

Too bad his comics are so copyright watched...or I would post it here or provide a link...
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  • WTF
  • 06-03-2011, 01:27 PM
I asked a simple question that had nothing to do Lauren. Originally Posted by Ansley
You just don't get it do ya?

You had about as much to do with those girls getting banned as I had in Lauren Summerhill disabling her account.

In other words if you feel that I had some responsiblity in Lauren stomping off then you had the same responsibility in those two being banned. If you do not think you had any responsibility in those two being banned, I do not think I had any responsibility in Summerhill leaving.

So if you would quit posting that Summerhill was run off by mean posters instead of what amounts to her own ''look at me I'm Sandra Dee" posts, I will quit pointing out how you have claimed to have a better attitude in this thread despite all the posts to the contrary in other threads.

To really simplify it, I do not agree with the premis of this thread. I have been willing to discuss it in a rational way but so far that has consisted of you wanting to act as if you have no responsibility in the whole thing. Which is fine... it just says to me that I have no damn responsibility in this whole mess.

What do you want done? Do you want Lauren to come back and have her post and the only reply's are, "Great post Lauren! Wow you are smart and sexy!"

Would you extend that courtesy to Naomi or London or Valarie or even nina? How about Leah Ireland?

Short of that I do not understand what it is you want. You want everyone to be nice and the other side wants you to be nice. You already think/feel you are nice. They do to. They think/feel they are just responding in kind to your nastiness.