The reality of the Recounts

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
No. The first "witnesses" to "vote count fraud" presented by the "President's lawyer" at the "four seasons" across from a "dildo shop" is a "convicted sex offender.".... Originally Posted by tannana
O I C. Ye olde "politics of personal destruction" and wrap up smear, as so eloquently explained by SanFranNan?

So you are saying felons should not be able to vote or that serving the time for the crime is just the preliminary part of the punishment that should invalidate, i.e. cancel them, for previous sex crime - notwithstanding your doing so on a provider board?

1 min
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Get over it, dude. Trump is gone. You may care about his departure, but most people don't which is why he is gone.

I'll let you in on a secret, most people just do not like that orange clown and what he stands for. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Let you on a not so secret; most people think that Joe Biden is incapable of being the president. Some are hoping that is not the case, others are afraid that it is the case, and some don't care as long as he has a D behind his name.

By the way, over 70 million people apparently like Trump enough to trust him with the job.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-12-2020, 09:46 AM
Let you on a not so secret; most people think that Joe Biden is incapable of being the president. Some are hoping that is not the case, others are afraid that it is the case, and some don't care as long as he has a D behind his name.

By the way, over 70 million people apparently like Trump enough to trust him with the job. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
But Biden won the majority of votes and the EC count.

wtf are you still crying about?

If you ain't first, You're last!
You silly girl. Trump will NEVER be out of power.

Actually Grace, he will be out something.

He’ll be out of power. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
8 days before leaving office Obama and Biden launched a campaign to destroy the President The election is over and everything now is for Biden impeachment in 2022. GOP took seats in house and will easily flip in 2 years The FBI has 2 Hunter laptops linked to money laundering and Trump will have hundreds of people arrested and convicted of voter fraud.