Immigration for the Elite

This is total and utter bullshit! Insurance companies don't pay claims -- their policyholders do through the premiums they pay. That means that malpractice payments are made by the doctors that have to purchase the coverage -- and ultimately by the consumers buying the doctors services. Oh wait, that's all just other insurance companies and the government -- so it must be free too.

No wonder our medical system is so fucked up -- fuzzy headed economic thinking like this. Originally Posted by pjorourke
So, I guess insurance companies don't make any money. That's BS & you know it PJ. Insurance companies are extremely rich and powerful. Witness AIG, for one. They make a business out of denying valid claims...just so they can get richer.

Yes, policy holders pay premiums. But, heck, if it were much cheaper to pay claims than to purchase the policy, all doctors would be going bare.

BTW, it's not just healthcare, although you like to harp on that. Insurance riddles the auto industry, life, property, etc. Insurance is a bird's nest on the ground for insurance companies.
Fastcars1966's Avatar
Perfect example:

4) Cup holders -- every car produced in the last 20 years has them -- even high performance sports cars where they make no sense whatsoever. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Not exactly true P.J. Non of the exotic little sports cars that I have come with cup holders or many accessories for that matter. 3 of mine do not even have tops. But I do agree with your argument, when I drive these cars the last thing I want in my lap is hot cup of Coffee.
atlcomedy's Avatar
So, I guess insurance companies don't make any money. That's BS & you know it PJ. Insurance companies are extremely rich and powerful. Witness AIG, for one. They make a business out of denying valid claims...just so they can get richer.

Yes, policy holders pay premiums. But, heck, if it were much cheaper to pay claims than to purchase the policy, all doctors would be going bare.

BTW, it's not just healthcare, although you like to harp on that. Insurance riddles the auto industry, life, property, etc. Insurance is a bird's nest on the ground for insurance companies. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I don't really understand your last sentence

I really don't understand the venom against insurance companies. They provide a service that many of us find of value. Even those of us that don't see the value in them derive value from them. For that they deserve to earn a profit. The fact that they make a lot of money is a result of them in most cases being really big companies.

If we didn't have a way of effectively managing risk (insurance), our economy would come to an immediate halt. The fact that a group of private, for profit companies do it means it is done pretty efficiently.
So, I guess insurance companies don't make any money. That's BS & you know it PJ. Insurance companies are extremely rich and powerful. Witness AIG, for one. They make a business out of denying valid claims...just so they can get richer. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Did I say they don't make money? Of course they make money. By transferring risk, not fighting claims. Let me put it in small words for your simple mind. Everyone gives up a small number (the premium) in order to avoid a large claim (i.e., a lotto lawsuit). Thats there product. Just like GM's is building cars (or actually maybe lobbying Congress -- but I digress.) The point is Nimrod, claims are just a cost of doing business. You have enough business on the books and the numbers become VERY predictable -- more so for some coverages (e.g., collision) than others (e.g., hurricanes).

If they expected to pay more large claims from runaway jury awards (and with current IT systems they react real quick) they would just charge more. Actual claims from a block of business vary very little from expected, regardless of what juries do. To the insurance companies, it is just a pass through cost like fuel costs to an airline. (Although airlines don't have the pricing power that insurance companies do.) The cost is actually borne by consumers, whether we are talking medical malpractice, slip and fall or car insurance.

And BTW, what doctors are missing by going bare is the ability to spread/diffuse the cost of their claims. See ATL's comment.
If we didn't have a way of effectively managing risk (insurance), our economy would come to an immediate halt. The fact that a group of private, for profit companies do it means it is done pretty efficiently. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
3) What fool puts an open cup of hot liquid in their lap while driving? Probably the same ones that put on their makeup while driving and talking on their cell phones. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Reminds me of an old joke:
What's the first thing you do when you get in a car?
Put your beer firmly between your knees.

I said it was old. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I did want to run this on Snopes or some place. Thanks. I suppose I should vette that link, too.

AS I PUT IT THE LAST TIME THIS HAPPENED, “Yes, the dumb buggers stepped on the gas instead of the brake.” Originally Posted by pjorourke
Government investigators have rejected claims that electronic defects caused Toyota cars and trucks to accelerate out of control, a finding released Tuesday that offers a measure of long-awaited vindication for the world’s largest automaker and shifts blame to the drivers who reported the incidents. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I read that one issue is that a large percentage of the drivers were elderly or pressed the accelerator instead of the brake (alá Audi).
Nobody here is picking on Stella. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Does she provide? How is her screening? Are the pictures really her? The Internet is a neat tool. You can find out almost anything. Originally Posted by pjorourke
And if it's on the Internet, it's gotta be true.
@SR...when I saw your name as the last poster on the forum page, I assumed you be closing this thread. Maybe, despite your warnings re: civility, you're going to take a wait & see attitude after all.

[BTW, most on this board say attitude is the most important quality. lol]
atlcomedy's Avatar
Why would you want to close the thread Charles?
I don't.

It has strayed far afield from the OP, but I don't care.

I just figured SR would close it based on his warnings regarding civility.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I don't.

It has strayed far afield from the OP, but I don't care.

I just figured SR would close it based on his warnings regarding civility. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
A year ago "civility" was JB's favorite word, too.
Its a shame he didn't warn about stupidity and lame thinking.
Actually, I thought everyone has been civil. Yes some highs and lows expressing their points of view. I will admit to glossing over the detailed legal points (I'm not ready to go to sleep yet). To be honest there have been interesting points made by all. If you think ther was a section that warranted closure, lemme know here or PM. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, so maybe I missed something. There's only so much I can grasp in drive-by modding.

When I look it is the usual cast of characters. Most lurkers are going to say: "who cares."
All you guys trying to bait me to do something?
A year ago "civility" was JB's favorite word, too. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I think it's all Mods favorite word.

Its a shame he didn't warn about stupidity and lame thinking. Originally Posted by pjorourke
You can attempt to control the civility on the board. But look in a mirror and tell me it's possible to control stupidity and lame thinking.
All you guys trying to bait me to do something? Originally Posted by SR Only
I'll answer my own question: Yes.