Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
JLIdiot has the audacity to question a Mod's moral character. That's a laugh! Especially since JLIdiot has no character, moral or otherwise!


Why is "moral character" an essential ingredient on a friggin' hooker board? Duh!

Setting moral's aside: As it relates to dearhunter's character, he does have Mod status on this Board. That should be good for something!

Hmmm, both dearhunter and boardman have a certain degree of Mod status. They are also occasional posters in this forum, with no dog in this fight.

Why not let the two of them jointly hold the $1,000 and hopefully helping resolve the dispute, fairly and equitably? Originally Posted by bigtex
You are a truly ignorant moron. I never questioned his morality, dickbreath!! I don't know him, and I'm unaware of his fitness for this stupid shit we are talking about here. He could be as moral as George Washington or David Ben-Gurion. I don't know, you stupid faggot!!
I never questioned his morality Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
JLIdiot claims that he didn't question the "moral character of the mod in question."

Let's do a little research, shall we?

I am unaware of the moral character of the mod in question Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

Perhaps a "moral character" analysis between the Pope and dearhunter might be in order. I bet the Pope would get an earful in that meeting!

BTW, why didn't you respond to the suggestion of both dearhunter and boardman sharing the duties? It seems like a logical solution to me.

Are you afraid? <----- JLIdiot

Friggin' Cowardly Idiot
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
JLIdiot claims that he didn't question the "moral character of the mod in question."

Let's do a little research, shall we?


Perhaps a "moral character" analysis between the Pope and dearhunter might be in order. I bet the Pope would get an earful in that meeting!

BTW, why didn't you respond to the suggestion of both dearhunter and boardman sharing the duties? It seems like a logical solution to me.

Are you afraid? <----- JLIdiot

Friggin' Cowardly Idiot Originally Posted by bigtex
You are truly an ignorant fuckhead.
You are truly an ignorant fuckhead. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You are truly a fuk'n coward.

JLIdiot's talks a good game but when it comes down to putting his $$$$$$ where his mouth is, he's all talk and no action!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You know Tampon, you're getting mightly boring. You make wild claims, demand things that you yourself won't provide, and we all watch you wiggle out of bets that your big mouth made. Like your friends you make charges against people that you yourself are guilty of.

PS, I read what JL wrote and there was nothing there to suggest that he questioned anyone...but you knew that didn't you Tampon?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You know Tampon, you're getting mightly boring. You make wild claims, demand things that you yourself won't provide, and we all watch you wiggle out of bets that your big mouth made. Like your friends you make charges against people that you yourself are guilty of.

PS, I read what JL wrote and there was nothing there to suggest that he questioned anyone...but you knew that didn't you Tampon? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Actually, JDIdiot, you are one of the largest liars and spin "interns" on this board.

From your tenure as a "professor" to your penchant for pictures of other guy's JUNK, you have yet to stand up and prove anything you say is true. Additionally, this thread fits into one of two general categories of posts for you: 1) I Hate Obama and 2) Don't You Hate Black People, you racist?

I'd tread lightly in your little glass box, dipshit. Your lack of credibility grows with each of your posts.

And NO, I won't send you a picture of my JUNK!
dearhunter's Avatar
All of the grandstanding aside, I have a way to demonstrate how many infractions BigTex has. He will not be able to edit out anything on his record.
All of the grandstanding aside, I have a way to demonstrate how many infractions BigTex has. He will not be able to edit out anything on his record. Originally Posted by dearhunter
I assume your way would demonstrate the exact date of any (and all) infractions that I have during my entire time on Eccie.

Is that correct?

Assuming that is the case, consider me all in! I stand ready to turn over my $500 to dearhunter, once it has been determined that JL has agreed to the timing of any points (that I may have) received between January 1-31 of this year. (Ok, I conceded a couple of extra weeks, just to show my willingness to get this issue behind us once and for all.)

Are you in, JL?
Hellllllo JL!

Can you hear me now?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Give it up Tampon! We know you're not serious. Quit trying to convince us otherwise.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I told you'd he'd stand you up, BT.

Maybe he's in training to, as JLIdiot puts it, "kick your ass with his bare fists!"

Don't hold your breath!
We know you're not serious. Quit trying to convince us otherwise. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Wanna bet, JDIdiot?

Fuel for thought: It is easy to make bold, ridiculous, outlandish remarks in this forum. You guys are quite proficient at it and have been doing it for several years.

It is quite another to back those remarks up. That is exactly the reason I have repeatedly challenged y'all when such remarks are made.

Let's quit beating around The Shrub, shall we?

It just so happens that I've got another $500 that says I am very, very, very serious.That $500 specifically has JD's name on it.

Just as the other $500 has JL's. How does that grab ya?

In laymens terms, put your fuk'n money where your mouth is. The facts are relatively simple. JL made a bold statement and I challenged it. Just as I am challenging yours now.

Yes, I am quite willing to make the same kind and generous offer to you, JDIdiot. To take it a step further, I will offer the same opportunity to any (and all) of your fellow Idiot Klan, errrr Clan members.

If y'all win, you will have enough money to hold a festive Klan, errr Clan rally. Right here in the ECCIE Political Forum.

Put up or STFU!

My pockets are deep! Why not give it a shot? It will only cost you $500 to find out for sure.

You guys can even pool your money. It doesn't matter to me. If you win, you not only will have the $500. You will also have the all important bragging rights.

Perhaps I'm bluffing! Perhaps not! There is only one way to find out with any degree of certainty.

But you're first going to need to match my $500!
Helllllllo JL!

Can you hear me now?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Watch out there BT. There's a bare knuckle ass kicking waiting for you at Love Field.

Now, I know how tall you are. And I understand JLIdiot is not tall enough to reach your ass with his foot. So maybe using his bare fists is the only way for him.

But I continue to hear those crickets chirping.
Hellllo JL & JD!

Can you hear me now?